CHEN Lisheng

  1. 《中國大百科全書》(第三版)中國哲學卷宋明理學部分編撰負責人the executive editor of the compilation of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, Chinese philosophy volume of the Encyclopedia of China (the third edition)
  2. 《儒學百科全書》明代儒學部分負責人the executive editor of the compilation of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, Encyclopedia of Confucianism
  3. 第24屆世界哲學大會(2018,北京)學術委員會中國組委會學術委員Member of academic Committee of 24th World Congress of Philosophy(Beijing, 2018)
  4. 中國哲學史學會常務理事Executive member of China Philosophy History Association
  5. 中華孔子學會陽明學研究會副會長Vice president of Chinese Confucian Academy in Wang Yangming studies
  6. 中華孔子學會陸象山研究會副會長Vice president of Chinese Confucian Academy in Lu Xiangshan studies
  7. 韓國忠南大學儒學研究院特聘研究員Distinguished researcher of Confucianism Research Institute in Chungnam National University, South Korea.



1.《從宗教現象學到儒學宗教性》,商務印書館,即出。From Phenomenology to Confucian Religiosity, The Commercial Press, forthcoming).

2.《陽明學與中國現代性問題》,商務印書館,2024年。Wang Yangming School and the Modernity of China, The Commercial Press, 2024

3.《從修身到工夫:儒家內聖學的開顯與轉折》,臺灣大學出版中心,2021年,3月初刷,9月二刷。From Self-Cultivation to Gongfu: The Development and Transformation of the Learning of Inner Sagehood in Confucianism, National Taiwan University Press, 2021(first printed in March and second in September);

4.《入聖之機:王陽明致良知工夫論研究》,三聯書店,2019年。The Key to Becoming a Saint: On Wang Yangming’s Realizing Intuitive Knowledge, Sanlian Bookstore, 2019.

5.《宋明理學中的身體與詮釋之維》,商務印書館,2019年。此書為《身體與詮釋》修訂版。Dimensions of Body and Interpretation of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, The Commercial Press, 2019(it is the revised edition of Body and Interpretation ).

6.《身體與詮釋:宋明理學論集》,臺灣大學出版中心,2012年二刷、2011年初刷。Body and Interpretation: Collected Papers on Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, National Taiwan University Press, 2011(second printed in 2012).

7.《王陽明萬物一體論:從身-體的立場看》,北京燕山出版社,2018年;上海華東師範大學出版社,2008年;臺灣大學出版中心,2005年。該書被列入中華學術外譯項(2022年)。Wang Yangming’ Doctrine of Forming One body with Myriad Things, Yanshan Publishing House, Beijing, 2018; East China Normal University Press, Shanghai, 2008; National Taiwan University Press, 2005; English version is forthcoming.

8.《自我與世界:以問題為中心的現象學運動研究》,北京燕山出版社,2017年;廣東人民出版社1999年。Self and World: On Problem-centered Phenomenological Movement, Yanshan Publishing House, Beijing, 2017; Guangdong People’s Publishing House, 1999;

9.《西方哲學初步》(與彭越合著),1999年增訂再版,1996年第一版,廣東人民出版社。Preliminary Western Philosophy (Co-author: Yue Peng), Guangdong People’s Publishing House, 1996(revised edition, 1999)

(二)編著(與賴區平合作)Edited Books(Co-Editor: Quping Lai)

1.《惻隱之心—— 多維視野中的儒家古典觀念研究》,巴蜀書社,2018年。The Feeling of Compassion: A Study of Confucian Classical Ideas from a Multi-dimensional Perspective, Bashu Publishing House, 2018;

2.《羞惡之心—— 多維視野中的儒家古典觀念研究》,商務印書館,2022年。The Feeling of Shame: A Study of Confucian Classical Ideas from a Multi-dimensional Perspective, The Commercial Press, 2022.


1.《亞洲價值與人權》,正中書局,2003年。Asian Values and Human Rights, Zhengzhong book Company, 2003.

(四)單篇論文(未收入以上專書者,2005年以後發表)Articles(published after 2005 and not included in the books above)

1.儒家思想中的“內”與“外”:“內聖外王”何以成為儒學的關鍵字?《現代哲學》,2023年第2期。The “Inner” and “Outer” Aspects of Confucianism: What Makes “Inner Sage and Outer King” a “Key word” in the Confucian School, Modern Philosophy, 2003.02.

  1. 通向世界的中國哲學:路徑與反思,《哲學動態》,2022年第10期。“Chinese Philosophy” Leading to the “World”: Paths and Reflections, Philosophical Trends, 2022.10.
  2. 湛甘泉“獨體”意識的形成及其歷史效應,《貴州大學學報》,2022年第1期。The Formulation of Zhan Ganquan’s Idea of “Solitude as Substance” and its Historical Impacts, Journal of Guizhou University, 2022.01.
  3. 論修身工夫與技藝工夫之異同,《廣西大學學報》,2022年第2期。On the Difference between Gongfu of Self-cultivation(修身)and Gongfu of Arts(技艺), Journal of Guangxi University, 2022.02.
  4. 5. The Feeling of Commiseration: Empathy, Sympathy and Grundstimmung, in Phenomenology of Xin-Xing, Zhang, W., Cai, W., (eds.), Könighausen & Neumann, 2021, pp.114-132.
  5. 人文主義的精神與有精神的人文主義,《儒學第三期的人文精神》,人民出版社,2019年。The Spirit of Humanism and Spiritual Humanism, The Humanistic Spirit of the Third Period of Confucianism, People’s Publishing House, 2019.
  6. 以心觀心、自身意識與逆覺體證:宋明理學通向真己之路的哲學反思,《哲學研究》,2019年第1期。Some Philosophical Reflections upon the Neo-Confucian Way in Seeking “the True Self”, Philosophical Research, 2019.01
  7. 8. “道”—“心” —“聖人” —“聖經”:中國文化之中的宗教寬容精神四個結構性因素,《世界宗教研究》2017年第2期。中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所編《中國宗教研究年鑒》(2019)全文收錄。“Dao” “Mind” “Sage” “Sacred Scriptures”: Four Structural Factors of the Spirit of Religious Tolerance in Chinese Culture, Studies in World Religions, 2017.02(included in the Yearbook of Chinese Religious Studies 2019 compiled by institute of world religions of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
  8. 9. 惻隱之心、他者之痛與疼痛鏡像神經元——對儒家以識痛癢論仁一系的現代解釋,《社會科學》,2016年第12期。人大複印資料《中國哲學》2017年第3期全文轉載。“Compassion” “Pain of Others” and “the Mirror Neuron”: A Modern Explanation of Sensation of Pain in Confucian Doctrine of Humanity, Social Science, 2016.12 (reprinted by Chinese Philosophy of Renmin University of China, 2017.03)
  9. 10. 誰之思?何種位?儒學思不出其位中的心性與政治向度,《宗教與哲學》第5輯,中國社科文獻出版社,2016年。Whose Thought, Which Position: The Dimensions of Mind-nature and Politics of Confucian “Thought never exceeds its position(思不出其位)”, Religions and Philosophy(Series 5), China Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016.
  10. 劉蕺山喜怒哀樂與春夏秋冬比配說申辯,《中國現象學與哲學評論》,2015年第16輯。Liu Jishan’s Argument on the Combination of Pleasure, Anger, Sorrow and Happiness with Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Chinese Phenomenology and Philosophical Review, Series 16, 2015.
  11. 子在川上:比德? 傷逝? 見道?——《論語》“逝者如斯夫”章的詮釋歷程與中國思想的“基調”,《中山大學學報》(社科版),2011年第2期;人大複印資料《中國哲學》2011年第6期。Interpretation Course of the “That which goes by is like this(逝者如斯夫)” in The Analects and the “Keynote” of Chinese Thought, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition), 2011.02(reprinted by Chinese Philosophy of Renmin University of China, 2011.06).
  12. 仁·識痛癢·鏡像神經元,《哲學動態》,2010年第11期。“Ren” “Knowing Pain” “Mirror neuron”, Philosophical Trends, 2010.11.

14.《論語》中的勇:歷史建構與現代啟示,《中山大學學報》(社科版),2008年第4期;Courage in The Analects: A genealogical survey of the confucian virtue of courage, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Brill, 2010.1, also included in Reconceptualizing Confucian Philosophy in the 21st Century, Edited by Xinzhong Yao. Singapore: Springer and Higher Education Press, 2017, pp.391-412.

  1. 15. “聖人有過”:王陽明聖人論的一個面向,《學術研究》,2007年第4期。“Sage has fault”: One Aspect of Wang Yangming’s Sage Theory, Academic Research, 2007.04.
  2. 16. “視”、“見”、“知”——王陽明一體觀中的體知因素之分析,《孔子研究》,2006年第4期;人大複印資料《中國哲學》,2006年第10期。Analysis on the Element of the Embodiment knowing in Wang Yangming’s Notion of Forming One Body with all Things, Confucius Studies, 2006.04(reprinted by Chinese Philosophy of Renmin University of China, 2006.10.
  3. 17. 王陽明思想中“惡”之問題研究,《中山大學學報》(社科版),2005年第1期;人大複印資料《中國哲學》,2005年第3期。“Evil” in Wang Yangming’s Thoughts, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition), 2005.01 (reprinted by Chinese Philosophy of Renmin University of China, 2005.03). also included in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Brill, 2007.2.
  4. 宋明儒學動物倫理四項基本原則之研究,《開放時代》,2005年第5期。The Four Fundamental Principles in the Animal Ethics of Song and Ming Confucianism, Open Times, 2005.05.