(853) 8822 8203
Consultation Hours
Mon 11:30~13:00
Thur 11:30~13:00
LI, Yuzhe
- PhD. in Japanese Applied Linguistics, Waseda University, Japan
- MA. in Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan
- B.A. in Japanese Studies, Huaqiao University, China
Research Interests
- Japanese Applied Linguistics
- Technology-assisted Language Learning
- Foreign Language Education (FLE)
- L2/FL Vocabulary Learning and Teaching
Courses Regularly Taught
JAPN1004 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN1005 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN2008 Elementary Japanese III
JAPN3002 Japanese Research Method I
JAPN3005 Japanese Research Method Ⅱ
- Li, Y. (2022). “Understanding the Japanese Learner’s Vocabulary Learning Struggles from the Perspective of Vocabulary Acquisition Theories: Focus on 4 Types of Difficulties in the Learning Process.” Nihon Gakkan, 25, 80-93. (語彙習得理論からみた日本語学習者の語彙学習の内実-4つのつまずきの分析を中心に-,『日本学刊』)
- Li, Y. (2019). “A Survey of Vocabulary Learning among Chinese Undergraduate Students Majoring in Japanese Language: From the Perspective of Vocabulary Learning Strategies.” Journal of technical Japanese education, 20, 35-42. (中国の日本語専攻大学生における語彙学習の実態調査-語彙学習方略の視点から-, 『専門日本語教育研究』)
- Li, Y. & Kashiwazaki, H. (2016). “A Prospective Study of the Development of Kanji Vocabulary Learning Strategies Scale (KVLSS) for Kanji Background Japanese Learners.” Journal of International Student Education, 21, 17-26. (漢字圏日本語学習者を対象にした漢字語彙学習ストラテジー測定スケールの開発と試案, 『留学生教育』)
- Li, Y. (2013). “Exploratory Methods to Support Autonomous Kanji Learning by Personalized Dictionary Tools.” Journal of JSL Kanji Study, 5, 112-119. (「個人化辞書シート」による自律的漢字学習支援の試み, 『JSL 漢字学習研究会誌』 )
- Li, Y. (2013). “Needs Analysis of Kanji Vocabulary Instruction for Chinese-speaking Learners of Japanese: Based on the Results of Interviews with University Students and Teachers in China.” Nihongogaku KenkyutoShiryo, 36, 11-23. (中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢字語彙指導へのニーズ-中国の大学生と教師への聞き取り調査の結果から-,『日本語学 研究と資料』)
- Kuroda, F., & Li, Y. (2013). “A Prospective Study of Supporting Methods for Autonomous Japanese Kanji Learning by International Students in Japan.” Kanji・Japanese Education Research, 2, 40-60. (留学生による自律的な漢字学習を実現するための支援方法の開発と実践, 『漢字・日本語教育研究』)
- Li, Y. (2009). “An Investigation of Chinese-speaking Learners’ Confidence Level in Understanding Japanese Kanji Vocabulary.” JALT Journal of Japanese Language Education, 10(1), 37-55. (中国語を母語とする日本語学者の漢語理解における自信度の一考察, 『JALT日本語教育論集』)
Book Chapters
- Li, Y. (forthcoming). “Rethinking Vocabulary Pedagogy in Foreign Language Contexts: Targeting Self-Expression and Communication Competence in JFL.” (外国語環境における語彙教育の再考-自己表現力をめざして-『中国における日本語教育の新しい風』), ココ出版.
- Li, Y. (2024). “Exploring Search Approaches for Enhancing Vocabulary Proficiency: A Study on Beginner Japanese Learners in Macau.” 117-134. (語彙知識を深めるにはどのように検索すればよいか-マカオの初級日本語学習者を対象に-『スマホは辞書になりうるか-日本語学習者の辞書引きの困難点と指導法』), 明治書院.
- Li, Y. (2017). “An Educational Practice on Self-Centered Approach to Learn Vocabulary.” In Innovation and social impact in Japanese language teaching and Japanese studies, 114-128. (「私」を起点とした語彙力の育成を目指した教育実践, 『日本語教育と日本研究におけるイノベーション及び社会的インパクト』, 香港日本語教育研究会出版.
Conference Papers and Presentations
- “The Depth of Vocabulary Search on Smartphones Among Japanese Language Learners in China”, at XXIInd International CALL Research Conference, organized by Waseda University, on 2024/9/13-15.
- “How to Enhance the Logical Thinking Skills of Japanese Language Learners: Problems and Solutions in Academic Japanese Instruction Through Poster Presentation”, (日本語学習者の論理的な思考をいかに促進させるか-成果発表のポスターに見る学術日本語授業の問題点と改善策-), at 26th Symposium of the Society of Technical Japanese Education, organized by Ritsumeikan University, on 2024/3/2.
- “An Analysis of the Real-World Use and Complexities of Vocabulary Searches via Smartphone ‘Dictionaries’: A Case Study of Elementary Japanese Language Learners in Macau”, (「スマホ「辞書」による語彙検索行動の実態と問題点-マカオの初級日本語学習者を事例に-), at 13th International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, Proceedings 90-91,organized by University of Hong Kong, on 2023/11/19.
- “Understanding Production-Oriented Vocabulary Learning and Its Importance: insights from Learner Struggles”, (「産出のための語彙学習とは何か、なぜ必要か-学習者のつまずきから考える-), at 13th Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, organized by Tongji University, on 2022/11/13.
- “Vocabulary Progress during Writing: Findings from Studies on Beginner Japanese Learners”, (「書く」過程に見られる語彙能力の伸び-初級日本語学習者を対象とした調査結果から-), at 12th International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on 2018/12/8.
- “Implications from Self-assessment of Japanese Language Output Ability: Focusing on the ‘Cannot Do’ Evaluation”, (日本語の産出能力に対する自己評価から実践に何を示せるか-「できない」という評価に焦点を当てて-), at 2nd International Symposium on “Theory and Practice of Japanese Language Pedagogy”, organized by The Japan Foundation Beijing & Higher Education Press China, on 2017/3/8.
- “Designing a Classroom Environment for University-Level Japanese Language Instruction: Through the Lens of Learners”, (大学日本語教育における教室環境の構築に向けて-学習者の視点から-), at International Symposium on Innovation and Development of Japanese language teaching in China, organized by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, on 2016/12/10.
- “Classroom Activities for Vocabulary Learning based on Self-Centered Approach”, (「私」を起点とした語彙学習を目指した教室活動), at 1st International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, organized by Hong Kong Metropolitan University, on 2016/11/20.
- “Understanding the Value of the Classroom in Foreign Language Environments: Analyzing Vocabulary Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom”, (外国語環境における教室の価値-教室内外の語彙学習の取り組みの分析から-), at The Symposium on Commodification and Consumption of Language Education, organized by University of Hong Kong, on 2016/7/16.
- “A Study of Autonomous Vocabulary Learning from Learner’s Choice: Practical Activities of the Personalized Dictionary in Elementary Level”, (学習者の選択から主体的語彙学習を考える-「私の辞書」を用いた初級クラスでの試み-), at The International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese, organized by Jinan University, on 2015/12/26.
- “How Chinese Learners Acquire Japanese Kanji Vocabulary: A Strategy Analysis from Cognitive Information Theory”, (中国人日本語学習者はいかに漢字語彙を学習するか-認知情報理論からのストラテジー調査-), at The 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, organized by Bunkyo University, on 2014/6/29.
- “A Prospective Study of the Development of Kanji Vocabulary Learning Strategies Scale (KVLSS) for Kanji-background Japanese Learners”, (漢字系日本語学習者の漢字語彙学習ストラテジー測定スケールの開発と試案), at The 14th annual conference of the Japan Second Language Association, organized by Kansei Gakuin University, on 2014/5/31.
- “Lexical Choice Awareness in Contextual Understanding: Comparing Perspectives of Chinese Learners and Native Japanese Speakers”, (文脈理解における語彙選択意識の検討-中国人日本語学習者と日本語母語話者の視点の比較に基づいて-), at The Symposium on Perspectives Research in Multilingualism, organized by Beijing University, on 2013/10/19.
- “An Overview of Workshops Promoting Autonomous Kanji Learning for International Students”, (留学生の自律的漢字学習を支援するためのワークショップの試み), at 40th Symposium of Japanese Language Education Methods, 20(1), 40-41. organized by Tokyo University, on 2013/3/10.
- “Encouraging Independent Kanji Learning Through Personalized Dictionary Tools”, (「個人化辞書シート」による自律的漢字学習支援の試み), at 40th Symposium of Second Language Kanji Research, organized by the Japan Foundation, Japanese-Language Institute, on 2012/12/18.
- “Needs Assessment for Kanji Vocabulary Instruction among Native Chinese Speakers: Interview Results from Students and Teachers in China”, (中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢字語彙指導へのニーズ中国の大学生と教師への聞き取り調査の結果から), at 2012 Japanese Linguistics Research and Resource Group, organized by Waseda University, on 2012/7/28.
- “The Correlation Between Confidence and Comprehension in Japanese Kanji Vocabulary Learning among Chinese University Students”, (中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の漢語学習における自信度と理解度の関連性について), at International Conference on Japanese Language Education/ ICJLE2012, organized by Nagoya University, on 2012/8/19.
- “Confidence vs. Understanding in Kanji Vocabulary Learning among Chinese Learners: Survey Findings”, (中国人日本語学習者の漢語学習における自信度と理解度について-中国人大学生を対象とした調査結果から-), at International Research Conference 2009 on Contextualization of Foreign Language Education and Autonomous Learning: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Bilingualism and multiculturalism, ICT and Portfolio, organized by Kyoto University, on 2009/4/5.
- Project Researcher in NINJAL (2022~) “ A Survey on the Use of Online Dictionary Resources by Japanese Language Learners” (学習者の辞書資源使用の実態調査) National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) Institutional Core Research Project, Japan, ISHIGURO Kei 石黒圭 (PI)
- Co-Investigator (2022~2025) “A Study on the Development of Multilingual Argumentation Skills among Japanese Language Majors in China” (中国における日本語専攻生の多言語論証能力の発展に関する研究) (Project No. 22BYY191), 2022年度國家社會科學基金一般項目, China, YANG Xiue楊秀娥 (PI)
- Project Researcher in NINJAL (2020~2023) “Investigating the Vocabulary Search Behavior of Japanese Learners by Using Smartphone Screen Recording Function” (スマホ画面録画機能を用いた日本語学習者の語彙検索行動の解明), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant, Japan, ISHIGURO Kei 石黒圭 (PI)
- Project Researcher (2023~2028) “Development of criteria for matching learners to the lexical level of texts: An application to the teaching of Japanese as a first and a second language” (文章の語彙レベルの学習者適合度の判定方法の開発-日本語教育・国語教育への応用-) (Project No. 23H00072), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Japan,MATSUSHITA Tatsuhiko 松下 達彦 (PI)
- Association for Japanese Language Education (2008~)
- Waseda Studies in Japanese Language Education (WNKG) (2011~)
- Japanese Language Education Methods (JLEM) (2014~)
- Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong (2017~)
- The Society of Technical Japanese Education (STJE) (2018~)
- The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan (2020~)
- The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (2023~)
- The Society for Japanese Linguistics (2023~)