WANG, Qingjie

2021 –        Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau

2019 —     Distinguished Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, FAH,UM

2019 —    UMDF Distinguished Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies

2020-21    Head, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, FAH, UM

  1. Academic Committee Member (China), The 24th World Congress of Philosophy.
  2. Academic Board Member, China Confucius Foundation 中國孔子基金會
  3. Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Phenomenology 中國現象學專業委員會
  4. Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Contemporary Western Philosophy. 中國現代外國哲學學會
  5. Executive Board Member, The Chinese Association of Hermeneutics. 中國詮釋學專業委員會
  6. Executive Board Member, The Chinese Kant Society 中國康德學會
  1. Dean’s Excellent Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, CUHK, 2018.
  2. Dean’s Excellent Teaching Award, Faculty of Arts, CUHK, 2012.


 Books authorededited or co-edited

  1. Wang, Qingjie, 2020. From Dasein to Ereignis – Heidegger’s Denkweg. Shanghai: The China Publisher Group. 《從“親臨存在”到“自在起來”—海德格爾的思想道路》,王慶節著,上海:中國出版集團,2020。
  2. Huang, Yong & Wang, Qingjie (co-ed.) 2020. Philosophical Book Series in Hong Kong and Macau (Phase One, 6 Volums), The Eastern Publisher; 《香江哲學叢書》(第一輯共6卷)黃勇王慶節 合主編,上海:中國出版集團,2020。
  3. Wang, Qingjie, 2019. ed. with introduction, Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China – Ethics and Jurisprudence from a Comparative Perspective. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press. 《德性、法律與中國傳統 – 比較視域下的倫理與法理》,王慶節主編並導言,浙江:浙江大學出版社,2019。
  4. Sun, Zhouxin, Wang, Qingjie, eds. 2018. Major Works of Martin Heidegger (30 vols.). Beijing: Shangwu Press.《海德格爾文集》(總30卷),孫周興、王慶節主編,馬丁海德格爾 (德)著,北京:商務印書館。(2018年6月已全部出齊30卷,其中王慶節主譯兩卷,合譯一卷)
  5. Wang, Qingjie, Zhang Wei, eds. 2017. Heidegger: Translation, Interpretation and Understanding. (Beijing: San Lian Publisher, 2017).《海德格爾: 翻譯、解釋與理解》,王慶節、張任之主編,北京:三聯書店,2017年。
  6. Wang, Qingjie, 2016. Moral Affection and Confucian Exemplary Ethics. Beijing: Peking University Press.《道德感動與儒家示範倫理學》,王慶節著,北京:北京大學出版社 ,2016年。
  7. Wang, Qingjie, 2015. Heidegger and Beginning of Philosophy. Beijing: Sanlian Publisher.《海德格爾與哲學的開端》,王慶節著,北京:三聯出版社,2015年。

Books translated and co-translated

  1. Wang, Qingjie, trans. Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik, (GA3). Beijing: Shangwu Press. Being selected by Chinese Translation of World Academic Masterpieces Series; 《康德與形而上學疑難》(全集版第3卷),王慶節譯,馬丁·海德格爾(德)著,北京:商務印書館, 被選入 “漢譯世界學術名著叢書”,2021年。
  2. Chen Jiaying & Wang Qingjie, co-trans. 2018,Martin Heidegger,Sein und Zeit, revised second edition, Beijing: Shangwu Press, Being selected by Chinese Translation of World Academic Masterpieces Series;《存在與時間》, 修正第2版,陳嘉映,王慶節譯,陳嘉映修訂,馬丁海德格爾(德)著, 北京:商務印書館,被選入 “漢譯世界學術名著叢書”,2018年。
  3. Wang, Qingjie, trans. 2017. A New Translation of Einfuehrung in die Metaphysik, (GA40). Beijing: Shangwu Press.《形而上學導論》(全集版第40卷),王慶節譯,馬丁海德格爾(德)著,北京:商務印書館,2017年。
  4. Wang, Qingjie, trans. A New Translation of Einfuehrung in die Metaphysik, Beijing: Shangwu Press.《形而上學導論》(新譯本),王慶節譯,馬丁·海德格爾(德)著,北京: 商務印書館,2015年。

 Referred journal articles and book chapters since 2015

 In English

  1. Wang, Qingjie, 2020. “On Chinese Receptions and Translations of Heidegger’s Dasein,” in Continental Philosophy Review, 53(4), pp.449-463.
  2. Wang, Qingjie, 2020. “Heidegger, Communal Being and Politics,” in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 15(3), pp.395-408.
  3. Wang, Qingjie, 2020. “Virtue Ethics, Symmetry and Confucian Harmonious Appropriation of Self with Others,” in Huang Yong (ed.) Michael Slote Encountering Chinese Philosophy. Bloomsbury Publishing Co, pp.199-211.
  4. Wang, Qingjie, 2020. “Heidegger’s Who’s Analysis in Being and Time and the Communal Being,” in Walter Schweidler and Joachim Klose (eds.) The Gift and the Common Good, Academia, pp.127-150.
  5. Wang, Qingjie, 2018. “Body, Intimateness and the Ground of Confucian Ethics,” in Gregory S. Moss and Robert H. Scott (eds.) The Significance of Indeterminacy: Asian and Continental Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 330-341
  6. Wang Qingjie, 2018. “The ‘Gongfu Finger’ and Learning in the Analectsof Confucius,” in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 13(2): pp. 232-239.
  7. Wang, Qingjie, 2018. “Two Starting Points in Heidegger’s Critical Interpretation of Kant’s Transcendental Imagination,” in Geniusas (ed.), Stretching the Limits of Productive Imagination: Studies in Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 77-90.
  8. Wang, Qingjie. 2016. “Thing-ing and No-thing in Heidegger, Kant and Laozi”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, 2(2016). pp. 159-174.

 In Chinese

  1. Wang, Qingjie, Yao Xinzhong and Wu Genyou,2021,“Dialogue on Compatrative Philosophy and Civilizations” 王慶節,姚新忠,吳根友, 2021, 「比較哲學與文明對話」,文明對話論叢,1(2021),43-95頁。
  2. Wang, Qingjie, 2020, “ On Cassirer’s Criticism Against the Solipsistic Idea of Truth,” Philosophical Analysis, 11(3),66-73. 王慶節, 2020,「‘別子為宗’:本我論還是唯我論?– 論凱西爾對海德格爾‘唯我論’真理觀的責難」, 《哲學分析》 11(3)66-73頁
  3. Wang Qingjie, 2020. “Heidegger’s ‘Earth’ and Kant‘s ‘Thing-in-itself’,” Philosophy, 39(1), Beijing: Peking University Press, pp.225-240. 王慶節,2020, 「海德格爾的‘大地’與康德的‘物自身’」, 《哲學門》,39(1),2020年,北京:北京大學出版社,225-240頁。
  4. Wang, Qingjie, 2020, “Three Conceptions of Community and Their Philosophical Grounding and Significance,” in Law and Ethics, 1(6), 3-12; 王慶節,2020, 「 ‘共同體‘的三個概念之哲學根基和意義芻議」, 《法律與倫理》,1(6),3-12頁。
  5. Wang Qingjie, 2019. “Is Heidegger’s fundamental ontology a philosophical anthropology? – on a Cassirer’s criticism against Heidegger’s Kant interpretation in Davos debate,” in Academic Monthly, 8(2019), 5-12. 王慶節,「海德格爾的 ‘基礎存在論’是 ‘哲學人類學’嗎?—論達沃斯論辯中凱西爾對海德格爾 ‘康德解釋’ 的一個責難」,載於《學術月刊》, 51(603), 5-12頁。
  6. Wang Qingjie & Cao Qingchun, 2019. “Let philosophy speak in Chinese and the possibility of ‘ a philosophy from China’ – Interview of Professor Wang Qingjie,” in Academic Monthly, 51(603), 179-184. 王慶節、曹青春,“讓哲學說漢語與‘從中國來的哲學’的可能性——王慶節教授訪談,” 載於《學術月刊》,51(603),179-184頁。
  7. Wang Qingjie, 2019. “Heidegger, the question of Being and the innovative thinking (II), ” Journal of Guangxi University, 41(II):51-58. 王慶節,海德格爾,存在問題與創新性思維, 載於《廣西大學學報》(哲學社會科學版),41(2)2019, 51-58頁。
  8. Wang Qingjie, 2019. “Heidegger, the question of Being and the innovative thinking (I), ” Journal of Guangxi University, 41(1):49-57. 王慶節,海德格爾,存在問題與創新性思維, 載於《廣西大學學報》(哲學社會科學版),41(1)2019, 49-57頁。
  9. Wang Qingjie, 2018, “Introduction: Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China”, in Virtue, Law and Their Traditions in China – Ethics and Jurisprudence from a Comparative Perspective. with introduction by Wang Qingjie, Zhejiang: Zhejiang University Press, 1-15. 王慶節,載于王慶節主編並導言,《德性、法律與中國傳統 – 比較視域下的倫理與法理》,浙江:浙江大學出版社, 2018. 1-15頁。
  10. Wang Qingjie, 2018, “The ‘Kin Concealment’, Justice and Moral Dilemma in Confucian Ethics”, in Chinese-Literature-Philosophy Bulletin, Sinica, Taiwan, vol. 51 (2018), 39-64. 王慶節, 〈親親相隱、正義與道德兩難〉,《中研院文哲所集刊》, 51 (2018), 39-64頁.
  11. Wang Qingjie, 2017, “Moral affection and the Life-Foundation of the Confucian Ethics”, in Contemporary Confucianism, vol. 11 (2017), 362-366. 王慶節,〈道德感動與儒家倫理的生活基礎〉,《當代儒學》,11(2017),362-266頁.
  12. Wang, Qingjie, 2016, “On Moral Affection and Confucian Exemplary Ethics of Virtue”, Academic Monthly, 8(2016), 32-39. 王慶節,〈道德感動與儒家的德性示範倫理學〉,《學術月刊》,8(2016),32-39頁。
  13. Wang, Qingjie, 2016, “Transcendental Imagination or Existential Einbildungskraft? – Heidegger’s Interpretation and Criticism of Kant”, Modern Philosophy, 4(2016), 58-65. 王慶節,〈「先驗想像力」抑或「超越論形象力」– 海德格爾對康得先驗想像力概念的解釋和批判〉,《現代哲學》,4(2016), 58-65頁。
  14. Wang, Qingjie, 2015, “Heidegger and the ‘Abgrund’ of Metaphysics”, Modern Philosophy, 1(2015), 9-15. 王慶節〈海德格爾與形而上學的「淵基」〉,《現代哲學》,1(2015),9-15頁。
  15. Wang, Qingjie, 2015, “Heidegger’s Phenomenological Conception of Phenomenon and Wang Yangming’s ‘Extension of Original Moral Knowing’”, Journal of Guangxi University, 2 (2015), 7-22.  王慶節,〈現象學的現象、海德格爾與王陽明的致良知〉,《廣西大學學報》,2 (2015),7-22頁。