ZHANG, Ellen Ying

Head of Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

  • Dept. of Religion, Temple University (Philadelphia, USA), Assistant Professor (1998-2003)
  • Dept. of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/full Professor (2007-2022)
  • Centre for Applied Ethics, HKBU. Research Fellow and Director (2008-Present)
  • The Ethical and Theoretical AI Lab, HKBU. Research Fellow (2020-2022)
  • Member of the APA (American Philosophical Association)
  • Member of Bioethics International’s World Council for Ethical Standards in Healthcare (US)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Religious Ethics (US)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the APCA book series (US)
  • Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine. (Hong Kong)
  • Faculty/School/Academy: Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work. 2019-2020.
  • Research Fellow, Divinity School, the University of Edinburgh (UK), 2017.
  • Research-scholar, Foundation Brocher (Switzerland). Summer, 2017.

I. Journal articles and book chapters

  • “Covid-19, State Interference, and Confucian Paternalism.” Religions, 2023 (forthcoming)
  • “The “Greening” of Daoism: Potential and Limits.” Asian Studies, 2023 (forthcoming)
  • “Chinese Mādhyamaka and Early Buddhist-Daoist Exchange.” Chinese Philosophy and its Thinkers. Selusi Ambrogio and Dawid Rogacz (eds). London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2023, (forthcoming)
  • “The Ethics of Hospitality: Tracing the Confucian Other.” Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 39. 2023: 5-29.
  • “Mode of Interpretation—Chinese Tradition.” Religious Ethics. William Schweiker (ed.). Wiley, 2022: 898-907.
  • “The Somaesthetic Dimension of the Chinese Qi Erotics.” Eidos: A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4), 2021: 133-137.
  • “Why Sex? Sex-bots from a Daoist Perspective”. Sex Robots: Their Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations. Mark Cherry (ed.). Switzerland: Springer, 2021: 77-96.
  • “Informed consent – A Critical Response from a Buddhist Perspective.” Religion, Multiculturalism and Bioethics. Chris Durante and Alberto Garcia (eds.). London and New York, 2021: 59-70.
  • “Covid, Liberty, and the State Intervention: A Libertarian Response.” International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine. 21, No.1. 2021: 129-52.
  • “Motherhood and Reproduction: ART from a Buddhist Perspective.” Religious Perspectives on Motherhood and Pregnancy. Chris Durante and Alberto Garcia (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2021, 41-53.
  • “Can a Robot Caretaker Fulfill “Filial Piety’?: The Medical-Ethical Challenge of the Role of Robots in Caretaking ” Medical Ethics in China. Vol. 33. No.07, 2020: 629-637.
  • “Critique and Subversion: Rethinking Yang Zhu’s Conception of Self.” Critique, Subversion, and Chinese Philosophy: Socio-Political, Conceptual, and Methodological Challenges. Hans-Georg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead (eds.). Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2020: 189-211.
  • “Zhi Dun on Freedom: Synthesizing Daoism and Buddhism” in Dao Companion to Xuanxue (Neo-Daoism). David Chai (ed.), Dordrecht/London: Springer, 2020: 501-524.
  • “Forgetfulness and Flow: ‘Happiness’ in Zhuangzi’s Daoism” in Science, Religion & Culture, Vol. 5, Issue 2:1-8: 2019.
  • “Informed Consent: A Critical Response from a Buddhist Perspective” in Studia Bioethica, vol. 12, no. 1: 20-38: 2019.
  • “Neurogenomics and Neuroeudaimonics: Bioethical Challenges from a Buddhist   Perspective.”  Interreligious Perspectives on Mind, Genes and the Self, Joseph Tham, Alberto Garcia (eds). London: Routledge, 2018: 31-49.
  • “Negative Certainties: Nāgārjuna’s Challenge to Kant on the “Togetherness of Intuition and Concepts.” Intuition: Kant and Asian Philosophy. Stephen R. Palmquist (ed.) New York/London: Routledge, 2018: 122-136.
  • “The Face/Facelessness of the Other—A Levinasian Reading of the Ethical of the ” Frontiers of Philosophy in China, Jan. 2018, Volume 12 Issue 4: 533-553.
  • “Daoism, Utopian Imagination and Its Discontents” in Imagination: Cross-Cultural Philosophical Analyses. Hans-Georg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead (eds.). London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2018: 103-126.
  • “Karma, Compassion, and Dharma: A Buddhist Perspective on Social Responsibility and Healthcare—A Reflection in Light of Buddhism” in Religious Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Health. Chris Durante and Alberto Garcia (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018: 13-25.
  • Po: Jizang’s Negations in the Four Levels of the Twofold Truth.” Dao Companion to Chinese Buddhist Philosophy. Wawrytko, S and Wang (eds.). New York: Springer, 2018: 189-216.
  • “When the Ground of Being Encounters Emptiness: Tillich and Buddhism.” Paul Tillich and Asian Religion. Keith Chan (ed.). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter publishers, 2017: 87-107.
  • “Daoism and War” in War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict, Vol.3. Jeffrey M. Shaw and Timothy J. Demy, (eds). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2017: 227-230.
  • “Human Rights and Freedom in Bioethics: A Philosophical Inquiry in Light of Buddhism” in Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights. Joseph Tham, Kai Man Kwan, Alberto Garcia (eds). New York: Springer, 2017: 77-89.
  • “Embodied Emotions and Embodied Mind: The Ch’an Notion of Freedom,” Conflict and Harmony in Comparative Philosophy. Aaron B. Creller (ed.). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015: 66-82.
  • Zheng as Zheng? A Daoist Challenge to Punitive Expeditions” in Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent. P. C. Lo and Sumner Twiss (eds). London/New York: Routledge, 2015: 209-225.
  • “Vulnerability, Compassion, and Ethical Responsibility: A Buddhist Perspective on the Phenomenology of Illness and Health” in Religious Perspectives of Human Vulnerability in Bioethics. Joseph Tham (ed.). Springer, 2014: 41-53.
  • “The Common Good in Mohism: A Reconstruction of Mozi’s Ethics of ‘Inclusive Care’ and ‘Reciprocal Well-Being’”. David Solomon and P. C. Lo (eds). The Common Good: Chinese and American Perspectives, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London: Springer, 2013: 103-128.
  • “‘Weapons Are Nothing but Ominous Instruments’: The Daodejing’s View on War and Pea” Journal of Religious Ethics, Vol.3, 2012: 473-502.
  • “Cosmic Justice and Sanctioned Violence: The Huangdi Yinfujing and the Legitimacy of War in Religious Daoism.” The Religious Cultures in the World, Issue 2, 2012: 223-235.
  • “The Unity of Corporeality and Spirituality: Love in Daoism” Love in the Religions of the World. Wayne Cristaudo (ed.). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 185-200.
  • “What Is Personhood? Kant and Huayan Buddhism” in Stephen R. Palmquist, ed., Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter publishers, 2010: 678-694.
  • “The Ethic of Givenness: An Ethical Dimension of Jean-Luc Marion’s Theology of Gift and the Buddhist Principle of Dana”. The CTSG journal, 2011, No. 50: 77-98.
  • “Community, the Common Good, and Public Healthcare: Confucianism and its Relevance to Contemporary China” Public Health Ethics, vol.3, n 3. 2010: 259-266.

II. Books (authored, co-authored and co-edited)

  • A Bite of Philosophy 《舌尖上的哲學》. Hong Kong: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 2022, 337 pages.
  • Reconstructing Chinese Bioethics: Facing the Pandemic Today 《構建中國生命倫理學:大疫當前》 (co-edit with Ruiping Fan). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2021.
  • Fall in Love with Bobby Chan’s Song Lyrics: A Philosophical Reading (《我喜歡思奔,和陳昇的歌——寫在歌詞裡的十四堂哲學課》) Taipei台北: Time Publisher時報出版, 2018, 336 pages.
  • Reconstructing Chinese Bioethics: A Reflection in Past Decade《構建中國生命倫理學:新的思考》(co-edit with Ruiping Fan). Beijing: Renming University Press 人民大學出版社, 2017.
  • Bioethics: A Reflection from Traditional Chinese Philosophy 《生命倫理學的中國哲學思考》(co-authored with P. C. Lo and Jonathan Chan) Beijing: Renming University Press人民大學出版社 , 2013.
  • Seeking Truth and Meaning of Life 《拒絶再“Hea”—真理與意義的追尋》(co- with Kai Man Kwan). Hong Kong: Subculture Publishing, 2013.