Group photo

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) held a faculty orientation on 15th August to welcome over 300 new undergraduate students as they embark a new chapter at the University of Macau (UM).

Prof. Zhang Jian, Associate Dean of FAH, led the orientation with the “Dean’s First Lecture”. He first welcomed the new students to the University of Macau and referenced Chinese and Western classics to explain the content, significance, and goals of humanities education.

Following Prof. Zhang’s speech, Prof. Lei Lai Cheng Victoria, Assistant Dean of FAH, briefed students on the rules and regulations concerning academic performance and what student could do to better adapt to university study and life.

After the Dean’s First Lecture, representatives from the FAH Student Association introduced to the new students their organization and the events throughout the year. Following FAHSA’s introduction, the new undergraduate students attended the briefing sessions provided by their respective departments, where they were given comprehensive information about the study plans of their 4-year programmes, graduation requirements, attendance policy, etc. During the briefing, the new students also had the opportunity to meet some professors in their programmes before classes began.

The orientation successfully enhanced new students’ understanding of the faculty and its programmes, helping them prepare for college life.