(853) 8822 8918
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 15:00-16:00
Wednesday 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
Cecilia Guanfang ZHAO
- New York University, Ph.D. in TESOL (2010)
- The Ohio State University, M.A. in English (2005)
- Tianjin University of Commerce, B.A. in English for Business Purposes (2002)
Research Interests
- Second Language writing
- Language Assessment
- English for Academic Purposes
- L2 Teaching and Learning
Cecilia is interested in supervising doctoral and MA students with similar research interests.
Courses Regularly Taught
- Current: Second Language Acquisition; Evaluation and Assessment of Language Use; Supervised Teaching Planning and Practice; Advanced Research Writing; Understanding and Interpreting Research
- Previously: Analytical Writing, Academic Reading & Writing, Consecutive Interpreting, Academic Written Discourse, Language Assessment & Evaluation
- International Language Testing Association (ILTA), Chair of Nominating Committee
- Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Secretary
- China Association of Language Testing & Assessment (CALTA), Executive Board Member
- The Journal of Asia TEFL (ESCI, Scopus Q1), Section Editor
- American Educational Research Association
- Shanghai Foreign Language Association
- 2016: The 15th National Young Faculty Career Award from Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation
- 2015: Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) Excellent Research Paper Award
- 2014: The 12th Shanghai Excellent Social Science Research Paper Award
- 2013: SISU Excellent Research Award, Casio Best Paper award
- 2012: Christopher Brumfit Ph.D./Ed.D. Thesis Award
- 2012: Jacqueline Ross TOEFL Dissertation Award
- 2011: Shanghai Pujiang Talent Award from Shanghai Government
- 2009: Russell N. Campbell Dissertation Proposal Award from The International Research Foundation (TIRF) for English Language Education
Recent Invited Conference Talks & Workshops:
Zhao, C. G. (2024, May). Assessing Writing. Invited talk at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2023, September). Assessing writing: Past, present, and future. Invited talk at the Conference on Innovations in Language Assessment, HK, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2023, May). Information-based Academic Writing Assessment. Invited talk at the 2nd FAH Macao Humanities Roundtable, Macau, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2022, December). Assessing Second Language Writing. Invited talk at Northwest University, Xi’an, China/Online.
Zhao, C. G. (2022, December). Academic Writing Assessment and Evaluation. Invited talk at the 3rd Macau Roundtable Symposium on Linguistics, Macau, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2019, Nov.). Alternative Approaches to Writing Assessment in Higher Education. Invited talk at the third Assessing World Languages Conference, Macau, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2019, October). L2 voice construction across L1 languages and contexts. Paper presented at the International Conference on Metadiscourse across Languages and Contexts. Jilin, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2018, October). Writer Background and Voice Construction in L2 Writing. Paper presented at the 2018 International Conference on Teaching and Researching EFL Writing / 第11届全国英语写作教学与研究国际研讨会, Nanjing, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2017, Nov.). Teaching and Assessing Second Language Writing. Invited workshop at Assessing World Languages Conference, Macau, China.
Recent Refereed Conference Presentations:
Zhao, C. G. (2024, August). Assessing writing: Past, present, and future. Paper presented at the 7th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Shanghai, China.
Qi, Q., & Zhao, C. G. (2024, August). Chinese Trans-border Academics’ Perception, Construction, and Negotiation of Discoursal Scholarly Identity in Research Writing. Paper presented at the AILA 60th Anniversary World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Zhao, C. G. (2023, November). Writing Assessment Research and Practice: Charting the Path Forward. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment/China Association for Language Testing and Assessment 2023 Conference, Guangzhou, China.
Qi, Q., & Zhao, C. G. (2023, July). Chinese Trans-border Academics’ Perceptions, Construction, and Negotiation of Discoursal Scholarly Identity in Research Writing. Paper presented at the 8th Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, HK, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2023, June). Information-based Academic Writing Assessment. Paper presented at the 44th Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) conference, NY, NY.
Zhao, C. G. (2022, October). Information-based academic writing assessment design and development. Paper presented at the 7th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Chennai, India.
Zhao, C. G. (2021, October). Assessing writing in Higher Education. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment / Assessment/China Association for Language Testing and Assessment 2021 Conference, Shanghai, China.
Yu, C., & Zhao, C. G. (2021, October). A “netnographic” study of test takers’ perceptions of China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment/China Association for Language Testing and Assessment 2021 Conference, Shanghai, China.
Qi, Q., & Zhao, C. G. (2021, November). Implementing Learning-Oriented Assessment Among Low-Proficiency EFL Students. Paper presented at the 7th Annual International Conference of the Asia Association for Language Assessment, Online & Seoul, South Korea.
Zhao, C. G. (2021, January). Chinese EFL Learners’ perceptions of the construct of academic writing. Paper presented at the HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference, Online.
Wu, J., & Zhao, C. G. (2021, January). Voice and voicing strategies across native and second language writing. Paper presented at the HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference, Online.
Qi, Q., & Zhao, C. G. (2020, November). Implementing Learning-Oriented Assessment Among Low-Proficiency EFL Students: Strategies and Difficulties. Paper presented at the 18th Asia TEFL International Conference, Online & Goyang, South Korea.
Qin, C. Y., & Zhao, C. G. (2020, October). Washback effect of classroom-based assessment from leaners’ perspective. Paper presented at the 19th annual East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT) conference, Virtual Conference 2020, organized by Georgetown University and Center for Applied Linguistics.
Zhao, C. G. (2019, June). A modest proposal for theory-informed writing assessment by design. Paper to be presented at the 17th Asia TEFL International Conference, Bnagkok, Thailand.
Liao, L., & Zhao, C. G. (2018, October). Test takers’ cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in L2 writing assessment. Paper presented at the 2nd Assessing World Languages Conference, Macau, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2018, October). Theory-based approach to writing assessment: A conceptual framework for assessment design and development. Paper presented at the 5th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Shanghai, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2018, August). Writer Background and Voice Construction in L2 Writing. Paper presented at the 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Vancouver, Canada.
Zhao, C. G. (2018, June). Writer Background and Voice Construction in L2 Writing. Paper presented at the 16th Asia TEFL/ 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference, Macau, China.
Zhao, C. G. (2017, July). Voice in Second Language Argumentative Writing. Paper presented at the 16th Symposium on Second Language Writing, Bangkok, Thailand.
Zhao, C. G. (2017, June). Assessing Authorial Voice in Second Language Argumentative Writing. Paper presented at Faces of English 2: Teaching and Researching Academic and Professional English, Hong Kong, China.
- Weng, F., Zhao, C. G., & Chen, S. (2024). Effects of peer feedback in English writing classes on EFL students’ writing feedback literacy. Assessing Writing, 61, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2024.100874 [SSCI Q1; IF: 3.9]
- Zhao, C. G., & Wu, J. (2024). Voice and voicing strategies across native and second language writing: Extending the interactional metadiscourse framework. Applied Linguistics, https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amae021 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 5.6]
- Zhao, C. G. (2024). Assessing writing. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), The Concise Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 168-180). Wiley.
- Zhao, C. G. (accepted). Authorial voice in second language writing. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lan, K., Fang, T., Wong, D. F., Xu, Y., Chao, L. S., & Zhao, C. G. (2024). FOCUS: Forging originality through contrastive use in self-plagiarism for language models. arXiv Preprint, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2406.00839
- Wu, J., Zhao, C. G., Lu, X., & Jin, T. (2024). A rhetorical function and phraseological analysis of commentaries on visuals. English for Specific Purposes, 73, 33-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2023.09.001 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 2.5]
- Qi, Q., & Zhao, C. G. (2023). Discoursal scholarly identity in research writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 62, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2023.101052 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 6.1]
- Zhao, C. G.*, & Qi, Q. (2023). Implementing learning-oriented assessment (LOA) among low-proficiency EFL students. TESOL Quarterly, 57(2), 566-594. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3167 [SSCI Q1; IF: 3.2]
- Kunnan, A. J., Qin, C. Y., & Zhao, C. G. (2023). Developing a scenario-based English language assessment in an Asian university. Language Assessment Quarterly, 19(4), 368-393. https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2022.2073886 [SSCI Q1; IF: 2.9]
- Zhao, C. G.*, & Wu, J. (2022). Perceptions of authorial voice: Why discrepancies exist? Assessing Writing, 53, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2022.100632. [SSCI Q1; IF: 3.9]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2022). Theory-based approach to academic writing assessment in higher education: A conceptual framework for assessment design and development. In L. Hamp-Lyons & Y. Jin (Eds.), Assessing the English Language Writing of Chinese Learners of English (pp. 137-154). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92762-2_9
- Qi, Q., Liao, L., & Zhao, C. G.* (2021). “I didn’t even know if my students were in class”: Challenges of teaching English speaking online. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 18(4), 1455-1462. http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2021. [Scopus Q1]
- Yu, C., & Zhao, C. G.* (2021c). Continuing the dialogue between writing experts and academic librarians: A conceptual model of information-based academic writing in higher education. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(6), 1-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102454. [SSCI Q1; IF: 2.6]
- Yu, C., & Zhao, C. G.* (2021b). “I won’t try my best”: A narrative inquiry of a student’s graduation policy appropriation. Asia-Pacific Education Review, 22, 743-755. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-021-09714-9 [SSCI Q2; IF: 2.3]
- Yu, C., & Zhao, C. G.* (2021a). A ‘netnographic’ study of test impact from the test-takers’ perspective: The case of a translation test. In ALTE (Ed.), Collated Papers for the ALTE 7th International Conference (pp. 63-66). Madrid, Spain: ALTE.
- Gao, F., Wang, J., Zhao, C. G., & Yuan, Z. (2021). Word or morpheme? Investigating the representation units of L1 and L2 Chinese compound words in mental lexicon using a repetition priming paradigm. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2021.1913984 [SSCI Q1; IF: 2.8]
- Zhao, C. G.*, & Liao, L. (2021). The effect of metacognitive strategy use on L2 writing test performance. System, 98, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102472 [SSCI Q1; IF: 6.0]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2019). Chinese EFL learners’ perception of the construct of English academic writing. In R. Damerow & K. Bailey (Eds.), Chinese-speaking learners of English: Research, theory, and practice (pp.81-95). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429290848
- Zhao, C. G.* & Lyu, Y. (2019). The construct of EFL academic writing: From the perspective of Chinese undergraduates of English. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 309 (6), 69-79. [CSSCI]
- Zhao, C. G.*, & Liu, C. J. (2019). An evidence-based review of Celpe-Bras: The exam for certification of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language. Language Testing, 36(4), 617-627. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0265532219849000 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.1]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2019). Writer background and voice construction in L2 writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 37, 117-126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2018.11.004 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.0]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2017). Voice in timed argumentative essay writing. Assessing Writing, 31, 73-83. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2016.08.004 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.9]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2016). The role of voice in L2 argumentative writing: The development and validation of an analytic rubric. In M. A. Christison & N. Saville (Eds.), Studies in Language Testing (SiLT), volume 46. Advancing the Field of Language Assessment: Papers from TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grantees 2009 – 2013 (pp. 24-56). Cambridge, UK: University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
- Zhao, C. G.* (2016). ‘Authorial voice’ in the assessment of writing. In D. Tsagrai & J. Banerjee (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment, (pp. 397-412). Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Zhao, C. G.* (2014). Authorial voice in second language writing. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Zhao, C. G.* (2014). English Content course instruction and the development of EFL writing ability. In Wang Zhenping & Jin Liming (Eds.), EFL Content Course Instruction and Fostering Critical Thinking Ability, (pp. 104-119). Beijing: FLTRP.
- Zhao, C. G.* (2013). Measuring authorial voice strength in L2 argumentative writing: The development and validation of an analytic rubric. Language Testing, 30(2), 201-230. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0265532212456965 [SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.1]
- Zhao, C. G.* (2013). Studies on voice in written discourse: Review, analysis, and implications. Foreign Language World,156:67-76. [CSSCI]
- Chen, H., & Zhao, C. G. (2013). The application of cognitive diagnosis: A new phase in language testing research. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 10:1-9.
- Llosa, L., Beck, S. W., & Zhao, C. G. (2011). An investigation of academic writing in secondary schools to inform the development of diagnostic classroom assessments. Assessing Writing, 16(4), 256-273. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2011.07.001 [SSCI-Q1]
- Zhao, C. G.*, & Llosa, L. (2008). Voice in high-stakes L1 academic writing assessment: Implications for L2 writing instruction. Assessing Writing, 13(3), 153-170. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2008.10.003 [SSCI-Q1]
- Liu, M., Zhao, C. G., & Tang, L. (2007). The new TOEFL iBT and its washback effect.Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice,(1):55-62. [CSSCI]
- Bang, H. J., & Zhao, C. G. (2007). Reading strategies used by advanced Korean and Chinese ESL graduate students: A case study. The Reading Matrix, 7(1), 30-50.