Department of English Distinguished Lecture Series – ‘Using Rasch measurement in Education and Language Research’ by Prof. Vahid Aryadoust
2021-12-06 @ 10:00 am ~ 12:00 pm
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of English Distinguished Lecture Series
Prof. Vahid Aryadoust
Using Rasch measurement in Education and Language Research
Monday 6 December 2021, 10:00am
ZOOM: https://umac.zoom.us/j/91831233843
All are Welcome
Rasch measurement is widely used in educational and language research. This workshop introduces fundamental concepts in Rasch measurement and provides step-by-step guidelines for using Rasch analysis in validating questionnaires and tests. The software package used is Winsteps, which is user-friendly and as research shows is the most widely used Rasch software available. The Rasch-Andrich rating scale model, the partial credit model, and the output of each analysis will be presented and discussed.
Vahid Aryadoust, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the English Language and Literature Academic Group. He is the Associate Director of the Global Listening Center, and a member of international associations such as the International Listening Association, American Association of Applied Linguistics, and the Cognitive Science Society. He has provided consultation on language assessment projects to, for example, Paragon Testing Enterprises (Canada), the DELTA Project of Hong Kong, and Learning Resource Network (London). Vahid has led multiple language assessment projects funded by, for example, Cambridge-Michigan Language Assessment (CaMLA) in 2013 and 2010, and published his research in Language Testing, Language Assessment Quarterly, Assessing Writing, Educational Assessment, Educational Psychology, and Computer Assisted Language Learning, etc. He has also (co)authored multiple book chapters and books published by Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Springer, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Wiley Blackwell, etc.
*Language: English
*Requirement: Participants are required to install Winsteps or Ministeps on their laptops (link: https://www.winsteps.com/ministep.htm)
Datasets used:
- One dataset (SPSS format) from Chapter 11 of the book Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume I: Fundament (routledge.com): Application of exploratory factor analysis in language assessment (Limei Zhang and Wenshu Luo)
- Three datasets (Excel format) from Chapter 6 of the same book: Application of the Rating Scale Model and the Partial Credit Model in language assessment research (Ikkyu Choi)
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