ELC-EWCC: “Library DROP-IN Tuesday”
2025-02-11 @ 1:30 pm ~ 2025-04-30 @ 4:00 pm
Dear students,
What’s your new year resolution for your academic studies? Have you ever explored the UM library, and have you ever met with any tutors at the English Writing and Communication Center (EWCC)?
This semester, the writing centre EWCC will collaborate with the UM library to provide quick consultation support. Starting from February 11th, every Tuesday, you can bring your questions and concerns and meet with our tutors in the library !
You can find us in the AI Cabin, on the Ground Floor of the Library, every Tuesday from 1:30pm to 4pm. The drop-in service will offer fast and effective guidance for students who need help with:
- Understanding essay questions
- Quick check of drafts and structuring ideas
- Referencing
- CV formatting
- General academic concerns
Each session lasts up to 20 minutes and operates on a first-come, first-served basis—no appointments required! Whether you’re in the early stages of brainstorming or making final touches to your work, our team is ready to assist you.
The service will run until April 30th. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to refine your academic writing and improve your assignments. Simply drop by the AI Cabin and get the help you need!
- Location: AI Cabin, Library Ground Floor
- Dates: February 11th – April 30th
- Time: Every Tuesday, 1:30pm – 4:00 pm
- Sessions: Up to 20 minutes per session, first-come first-served
For further enquiries, contact us at fah_elc_ells@um.edu.mo.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the drop-ins and at the library!
Best wishes,
Writing and Communication Centre
English Language Centre
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The University of Macau
人文學院英語寫作中心將和澳大圖書館合作,於2月11日起每個星期二, 下午1:30 – 4:00在圖書館地面層的AI未來學習艙進行即時諮詢服務。屆時,中心導師將會對英文寫作、學習技巧等的相關學術疑慮進行快速有效的協助。每節諮詢持續二十分鐘左右,為同學提供快速理解作業要求、討論寫作想法、學術引用、調整簡歷格式等問題的幫助。諮詢服務先到先得,無需預約。歡迎同學們每週二下午一點半到四點間前來拜訪參觀!
- 地點:圖書館地面層 AI未來學習艙
- 日期: 2月11日-4月30日
- 具體時間:逢星期二下午, 1:30 – 4:00
- 諮詢時間:每人二十分鐘,先到先得,無需預約
如有任何疑問,請通過fah_elc_ells@um.edu.mo 與我們聯繫。