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Abstract: With the rapid advancement of technology and increased accessibility for interpreting data, the field of corpus-based interpreting studies (CIS) has seen great leaps and bounds in multiple aspects from the stage of data collection, processing, to analysis and visualisation, as well as data sharing. These advancements have significantly expanded and improved our knowledge of this complex human activity crucial to modern communication. What then, will be the main challenges and prospects for this field to move forward? Why should we start to “mine” interpreting data? How can we do it? What are the potential obstacles and pitfalls that we should prevent from happening?

In this talk, the speaker will share her experience of developing a couple of (open-access) mega-size corpora in interpreting, i.e. the Chinese/English Political Interpreting Corpus (CEPIC, over 6 million word tokens), and the Hong Kong Learner Translation and Interpreting Corpora (HKLTIC) set (including the Chinese/English Translation and Interpreting Learner Corpus [CETILC], estimated to reach 1 million word tokens). The data preparation and analysis processes of these corpora will be introduced, and compared with the steps and methods of data mining in computer science. A short workshop introducing the use of CEPIC will be provided.

The talk will end with an interactive dialogue with the audience to explore ways to share, exchange and collaboratively explore data in a possible era of interpreting data “mining”. This dialogue will help to shed light on the future prospects and challenges of the field, illustrating the importance of collaboration and innovation in this fascinating and complex area of research.


Biography: Dr. Jun PAN is an Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Arts and an Associate Head and Associate Professor at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. With many years of experience as an interpreter, Dr. PAN has devoted herself to teaching and researching interpreting and translation, covering a wide array of subjects including corpus-based translation/interpreting studies, political discourse and translation/interpreting, digital humanities, learner factors & situated learning in interpreter training, etc.

Dr. PAN serves as Co-Editor of Bandung: Journal of the Global South (Brill) and Review Editor of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (Taylors & Francis). She is also President of the Hong Kong Translation Society, Chair of International Relations of the Hong Kong Association of University Women, and (founding) Executive Committee Member of the University Women Asia (under Graduate Women International).