FAH-DPORT-CIELA: Online Seminar – “WORLD LITERATURE IN PORTUGUESE” by Professor Helena Buescu, 18-21/10/2022
2022-10-18 @ 7:00 pm ~ 2022-10-21 @ 9:00 pm
The Department of Portuguese of FAH, through its Research Centre for Luso-Asian Studies (CIELA), is pleased to invite to attend the Online Seminar on “WORLD LITERATURE IN PORTUGUESE” from October 18 to 21, 2022, 19:00 to 21:00..
The seminar has the main aim of presenting literature written in Portuguese as part of world literature. It will be of interest both to newcomers to the field as well as those who may already be familiar with it. The sessions will all be based on the volumes that make up the work ‘Literatura-Mundo Comparada: Perspectivas em Portugues’, of which the invited speaker for this seminar is its main coordinator. Albeit carried out mainly if a presentation mode, every session will include some time for Q&A discussion with the participants. For a better understanding and audience participation in session 4, the prior reading of ‘Singularidades de uma Rapariga Loura’ is recommended.
Seminar Syllabus
Session 1. 18 October 2022.
‘Comparative World-Literature in Portuguese. A project, a realization.’
This session will introduce the participants to the published anthological project World Literature in Portuguese. through a guided explanation of the he three parts into which it is divided. It will provide a focus on the global dimension of a translation project in Portuguese. Some of the core examples commented in this session will be the references to Adonis and Bei Dao.
Session 2. 19 October 2022
‘Lusophony, its critical limits.’
Examples of iconic works related to the underlying theme of this session will be presented and commented upon: Machado de Assis; João Paulo Borges Coelho; Luis Cardoso; Goncalo M. Tavares. Other East-West Dialogue Traditions: Milton Hatoum; Raduan Nassar; Tatiana Salem Levy. The notion of scale (Nirvana Tanoukhi) will also be presented and discussed . The session will also present and allow for discussion with the participants the issue of the ‘point of view “in Portuguese”’ as a way of escaping from monolingualism and cultural monolithism.
Session 3 October 20 & 21, 2022
‘The comparative perspective.’
In this session the participants shall be exposed to several key concepts of world literature and their relevance and relation to the case of world literature in Portuguese, namely: i) Defamiliarization: reading differently; ii) the Good Neighbor Concept (Aby Warburg); iii) the characteristics of the semi-periphery “in Portuguese”; iv) the different faces of cosmopolitanism: a review; v) cultural “cannibalism” (metaphor of Brazilian modernism) and its multiple reading; vi) from bilateral to multilateral: Agualusa; Bernardo Carvalho; vii) textualism and balance between “close” and “distant reading”.
Meeting ID: 959 7737 2873
Password: 459857