FAH-DPORT-CIELA: SEMINAR FOR CIELA SERIES: INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUES – “Cinema Império”: Representations of former Portuguese Asia on Film. Scarcicity and specifics
2022-11-08 @ 7:00 pm ~ 2022-11-10 @ 9:00 pm
The Research Centre for Luso-Asian Studies (CIELA) is pleased to invite all those interested to the Seminar “INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUES – “Cinema Império”: Representations of former Portuguese Asia on Film. Scarcicity and specifics”, by Prof. Maria do Carmo Piçarra, being held on November 08,09 and 10, 2022, from 7:00pm to 09:00pm, via Zoom.
General description
The Portuguese Estado Novo regime (1933-74) used cinema to impose, internally and externally, the image of a pluricontinental and multiracial country. Many propagated ideas were never questioned after the restoration of democracy in Portugal and after the independence of the former colonies.
This seminar will analyze how propaganda and censorship determined the representations of the countries and/or territories that made up “Portuguese Asia”.
Throughout the seminar, the cases of Goa, Damão and Diu, Macau and Timor will be particularized, viewing available excerpts from the Portuguese filmography on these regions.
Simultaneous interpretation to English may be offered if requested beforehand through survey link provided below.
Specific contents of each session Session 1
The use of cinema to make colonial propaganda (the Portuguese case). The “Goa question” and the beginning of the filmed propaganda cycles of the “Portuguese East”. Specifics of the Luso-Orientalist discourse regarding the ex-Portuguese India. Persistence of representations in current Portuguese and Indian films (Konkani cinema).
Session 2
The exhibition of cinema in Macau. Antunes Amor’s pioneering spirit and attempts at local film production. Macau in Portuguese cinematographic advertising and international projections as a vicious territory. Emergence attempt of a local film production: the case of Os Pescadores de Amangau (Miguel Spiguel) and Caminhos Longos (Eurico Ferreira). Macau in today’s cinema (Portuguese and Macanese).
Session 3
Timor filmed after the Japanese invasion (economic propaganda). Portuguese advertising cycles. Tourism promotion, the importance of the military archive and the importance of “scientific” films (films from the Anthropological Mission to Timor vs films by Ruy Cinatti). Contemporary vision of Portuguese and Timorese filmmakers who have put into perspective the history and struggle for the territory’s independence.
Meeting ID: 956 6651 2923
https://umac.zoom.us/j/956 6651 2923
LINK for Requests for SI from Portuguese to English: