FAH-ELC EWCC Student Activity Workshop: “Impromptu Speech”
2023-03-16 @ 6:00 pm ~ 7:30 pm
FAH-ELC EWCC Student Activity Workshop: “Impromptu Speech”
An impromptu speech is a speech given with little or no predetermination and preparation. In preparation, it requires speakers to focus on the given topics, search for relevant information, and organize their thoughts in little given time. The presentation requires students to deliver their points of view along with supporting information.
This workshop can practice students’ abilities to organize and deliver their thoughts and ideas in English with limited preparation. Participants will also reflect on each other’s points of view.
Date: 16 March 2023
Time: 18:00-19:30
Venue: E3-G033
Number of participants: 30 UM students
Target Participants: All UM students
Level(s): Students of all levels of English proficiency are welcome to join
Registration: https://ummoodle.um.edu.mo/mod/scheduler/view.php?id=2982447
Best Regards,
English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC)
English Language Centre
Faculty of Arts and Humanities