7:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“廖恩燾與晚清文學改良”-夏曉虹教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Liao Entao and Literary Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty” by Prof. Xia Xiaohong 2024-04-16 @ 7:30 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“廖恩燾與晚清文學改良”-夏曉虹教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Liao Entao and Literary Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty” by Prof. Xia Xiaohong
9:00 am ~ 5:30 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系工作坊:「中國人文研究的新視野」 FAH-DCLL Workshop: “New Horizons in Chinese Humanities Research” 2024-04-17 @ 9:00 上午 ~ 5:30 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系工作坊:「中國人文研究的新視野」 FAH-DCLL Workshop: “New Horizons in Chinese Humanities Research”
7:30 pm ~ 9:00 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“AB雙音節性質形容詞不完全重疊式 結構類型及其地域分佈”-張美蘭教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Structural Types and Geographical Distribution of the Incomplete Reduplication of AB Disyllabic Adjectives” by Prof. Zhang Meilan 2024-04-17 @ 7:30 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“AB雙音節性質形容詞不完全重疊式 結構類型及其地域分佈”-張美蘭教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Structural Types and Geographical Distribution of the Incomplete Reduplication of AB Disyllabic Adjectives” by Prof. Zhang Meilan
7:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“「有力」與「無意」──論中國詩學中「風」和「水」的意象”-淺見洋二教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “Powerful and Intentional, the Image of Wind and Water in Chinese Poetics” by Prof. Asami Youji 2024-04-23 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“「有力」與「無意」──論中國詩學中「風」和「水」的意象”-淺見洋二教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “Powerful and Intentional, the Image of Wind and Water in Chinese Poetics” by Prof. Asami Youji
7:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“明清文學研究的史料,理論與方法:以性別研究為中心”-李小榮教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The Primary Sources, Theoretical Concepts and Research Methodologies of Ming-Qing Literary Studies: From the Angle of Gender” by Prof. Xiaorong Li 2024-04-24 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“明清文學研究的史料,理論與方法:以性別研究為中心”-李小榮教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The Primary Sources, Theoretical Concepts and Research Methodologies of Ming-Qing Literary Studies: From the Angle of Gender” by Prof. Xiaorong Li
7:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“隋唐東亞世界與域外漢籍——以征討高句麗、百濟戰爭之文獻為例”-童嶺教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The East Asian World and Oversea Chinese Classics during the Sui and Tang Dynasties:Taking the Literature on the Conquest of Goguryeo and Baekje Wars as Examples” by Prof. Tong Ling 2024-04-25 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“隋唐東亞世界與域外漢籍——以征討高句麗、百濟戰爭之文獻為例”-童嶺教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The East Asian World and Oversea Chinese Classics during the Sui and Tang Dynasties:Taking the Literature on the Conquest of Goguryeo and Baekje Wars as Examples” by Prof. Tong Ling
9:00 am ~ 10:00 am 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“敦煌變文中“了”的功能: 兼議漢語完成體“了”的產生”-朱永平教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “The Functions of le in Dunhuang Bianwen: The Emergence of le as the Perfective Aspect Marker in Chinese” by Prof. Zhu Yongping 2024-05-04 @ 9:00 上午 ~ 10:00 上午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“敦煌變文中“了”的功能: 兼議漢語完成體“了”的產生”-朱永平教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “The Functions of le in Dunhuang Bianwen: The Emergence of le as the Perfective Aspect Marker in Chinese” by Prof. Zhu Yongping
2024-04-16 @ 7:30 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“廖恩燾與晚清文學改良”-夏曉虹教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Liao Entao and Literary Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty” by Prof. Xia Xiaohong
2024-04-17 @ 9:00 上午 ~ 5:30 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系工作坊:「中國人文研究的新視野」 FAH-DCLL Workshop: “New Horizons in Chinese Humanities Research”
2024-04-17 @ 7:30 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“AB雙音節性質形容詞不完全重疊式 結構類型及其地域分佈”-張美蘭教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “Structural Types and Geographical Distribution of the Incomplete Reduplication of AB Disyllabic Adjectives” by Prof. Zhang Meilan
2024-04-23 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“「有力」與「無意」──論中國詩學中「風」和「水」的意象”-淺見洋二教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “Powerful and Intentional, the Image of Wind and Water in Chinese Poetics” by Prof. Asami Youji
2024-04-24 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“明清文學研究的史料,理論與方法:以性別研究為中心”-李小榮教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The Primary Sources, Theoretical Concepts and Research Methodologies of Ming-Qing Literary Studies: From the Angle of Gender” by Prof. Xiaorong Li
2024-04-25 @ 7:00 下午 ~ 9:00 下午 人文學院中國語言文學系中國人文講座:“隋唐東亞世界與域外漢籍——以征討高句麗、百濟戰爭之文獻為例”-童嶺教授 FAH-DCLL Chinese Humanities Lecture Series: “The East Asian World and Oversea Chinese Classics during the Sui and Tang Dynasties:Taking the Literature on the Conquest of Goguryeo and Baekje Wars as Examples” by Prof. Tong Ling
2024-05-04 @ 9:00 上午 ~ 10:00 上午 人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“敦煌變文中“了”的功能: 兼議漢語完成體“了”的產生”-朱永平教授 FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “The Functions of le in Dunhuang Bianwen: The Emergence of le as the Perfective Aspect Marker in Chinese” by Prof. Zhu Yongping