ELC-EWCC: 21-Day Podcast Listening Challenge
Dear Students, We’re excited to invite you to join our 21-Day Podcast Listening Challenge! This engaging activity will t ...
FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Fake News and the Dark Side of Speech” by Prof. Carlo Penco, University of Murcia, Spain
E21-3118Microsoft Teams: https://go.um.edu.mo/w7j1ioud Abstract In the talk, I will discuss the topic of disinformation, ...
FAH-DPORT: Palestra “O Espaço Lusófono nas Relações Internacionais: o caso de Portugal”, pelo Professor Doutor Luis Tomé, UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Macau
E21-G049Convidamos todos os Professores e Alunos a estarem presentes na Palestra “O Espaço Lusófono nas Relações Internacionais: ...
【Macao Humanities Forum】 Confucius or Confucianism: Which Came First?
E21A-G035We are delighted to invite you to the 4th Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025), scheduled on 20 Februar ...
人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座: “兩部英美版「中國文學史」與漢學” – 徐志嘯教授
E21-3118緣起 “歷史在加速消失。” “記憶(研究)的興起是文字書寫的輝煌的葬禮!” 隨著法國《記憶之場》全譯本被陸續譯介到中國,借鑒他山之石,展開關於中國“記憶之場”研究的時機業已成熟。記憶之場具有實在性、象徵性、功能性等特徵,以什麼標準、使用怎樣 ...
Classical Translation Workshop
E34-1002Session 1: Translation Theory and Translation of Chinese Classical Literature Date: 04/03/2025 Time: 14:30-17:00 Place: ...
ELC- ECAC: Photography in the American West
E3-1032The American West is a unique region that has attracted photographers for centuries. In this workshop, students will exp ...
Drilling Holes in Chaos The Artistic Practice of Shiro Matsui – 混沌鑿竅 松井紫朗的藝術活動
Room G011, Cultural Building, Lecture Hall (E34)...