Calendar of Events
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FAH/DPHIL: The Mario Echano Prize for the Best Undergraduate Philosophy Essay
The Mario Echano Prize for the Best Undergraduate Philosophy Essay is awarded for excellence in philosophy. Students enrolled in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies undergraduate courses are eligible to enter an essay for the annual award. Students are invited to submit an academic essay written as an assignment in one of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies’ undergraduate courses this academic year (AY2024/2025). Essays of any length are acceptable. The organisers reserve the right not to award the prize if essays are not of sufficiently high standard. Please submit essays by e-mail with the subject line ‘Submission for the Mario Echano Prize’ to Maggie Wong at Attach your essay to the message as a Microsoft Word document (other […]
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International Academic Symposium: “Macao: A Place of Memory Where East Meets West”
The concept of “Place of Memory” was invented by the French scholar Pierre Nora, renowned internationally for his monumental work Les Lieux de Mémoire. Amid the significant changes now occurring in the humanities and social sciences, this symposium aims to consider Macao as a “Place of Memory” that bridges East and West, and past and present. In response to the two major “turns” in historiography—global history and public history—we will explore the following issues from both methodological perspectives and practical case studies. 1. The Place of Memory—The Possibility of a New Historiography Using Macao as a Paradigmatic Example. The concept of “Place of Memory” is both simple and ambiguous, natural but also artificial, the most directly perceptible experience and the […]
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FAH-DENG Guest Lecture: ‘The Application of Neuroscience in Translation and Interpreting Studies’
FAH-DENG Guest Lecture: ‘The Application of Neuroscience in Translation and Interpreting Studies’
Abstract: 本次講座將概述神經科學如何幫助我們理解翻譯和口譯中的語言處理機制。通過腦成像技術,研究者能夠觀察大腦在處理兩種語言時的活動,揭示了翻譯和口譯過程中的認知挑戰。講座將介紹這些發現如何影響翻譯教育和實踐,以及如何利用這些知識來提高翻譯和口譯的品質。我們還將探討神經科學在翻譯和口譯研究中的未來潛力,包括對雙語者大腦的深入研究和對翻譯策略的優化。 關鍵字:神經科學、翻譯、口譯、認知機制、雙語大腦 Biography: 譚力海,深圳市神經科學研究院研究員,國家特聘專家,暨南大學粵港澳中樞神經再生研究院(深圳校區)教授,國家腦計畫專家組成員。1995年獲得香港大學博士學位。曾任香港大學神經語言科學助理教授、副教授、教授和終身教授(1999-2014)。其主要研究領域及方向包括:結構和功能MRI資料的處理和建模;應用神經影像技術對人腦處理語言的區域進行精准定位;應用人腦語言功能區的發現到顱腦手術等。已發表 SCI 期刊學術論文百餘篇,包括作為通訊或第一作者發表在 Nature (1 篇)、Science Advances (1 篇)和PNAS (10 篇)上的論文;主持的重大專案包括國家973 計畫專案(首席科學家)、廣東省重點領域研發計畫腦科學重大專項專案和廣東省創新創業團隊專案。
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FAH-DENG Guest Lecture: ‘Exploring Cross-Language and Cross-Modal Language Processing Through fMRI’
FAH-DENG Guest Lecture: ‘Exploring Cross-Language and Cross-Modal Language Processing Through fMRI’
Abstract: 本次講座將探討功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)在研究跨語言和跨模態語言處理中的作用,特別關注語言加工、認知優勢以及執行功能之間的關係。研究通過fMRI技術觀察雙語者在不同語言任務中的大腦活動,揭示了語言加工過程中大腦的不同啟動模式,並探討了這些模式與執行功能之間的聯繫。此外,講座還將討論雙語者在語言切換任務中表現出的執行功能優勢,以及這種優勢如何與大腦的抑制控制和任務切換能力相關聯。這些發現對於理解雙語對認知的潛在益處具有重要意義。 關鍵字:跨語言處理、跨模態處理、fMRI、雙語優勢、執行功能 Biography: 譚力海,深圳市神經科學研究院研究員,國家特聘專家,暨南大學粵港澳中樞神經再生研究院(深圳校區)教授,國家腦計畫專家組成員。1995年獲得香港大學博士學位。曾任香港大學神經語言科學助理教授、副教授、教授和終身教授(1999-2014)。其主要研究領域及方向包括:結構和功能MRI資料的處理和建模;應用神經影像技術對人腦處理語言的區域進行精准定位;應用人腦語言功能區的發現到顱腦手術等。已發表 SCI 期刊學術論文百餘篇,包括作為通訊或第一作者發表在 Nature (1 篇)、Science Advances (1 篇)和PNAS (10 篇)上的論文;主持的重大專案包括國家973 計畫專案(首席科學家)、廣東省重點領域研發計畫腦科學重大專項專案和廣東省創新創業團隊專案。