Katherine Hoi Ying CHEN

Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics

Director of the English Language Centre


Honorary Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong School of English

Teaching Excellence Award, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Arts

Barbour Scholar, University of Michigan

Michigan Teaching Fellow, University of Michigan

Linguistic Society of America Institute Fellow

  • Discourse Analysis of Mindfulness-based Intervention. Macao SAR Government DSEDJ Specialized Subsidy Scheme for Macao Higher Education Institutions in the Area of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education Fund. PI.
  • Ethnography of Indonesian Chinese Transnationals. Hong Kong SAR Government Research Grants Council General Research Fund (GRF), and University of Hong Kong Seed Funding. PI.
  • Multilingual transnationals in Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR Government Research Grants Council General Research Fund (GRF), and University of Hong Kong Seed Funding. PI.
  • English in Multilingual Asia. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Arts Louis Cha Fund. PI.
  • Communicating Genetic Risk and Uncertainty across an Individual’s Lifespan vis-à-vis Family: A Discourse Analytic Study of Genetic Counselling in Hong Kong. Hong Kong SAR Government Research Grants Council General Research Fund (GRF) Co-I. PI: Olga Zayts.
  • Migration, Social Class and Language Education in Hong Kong: the Case of Secondary School Students with South Asian and Mainland Chinese backgrounds. Hong Kong SAR Government Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) Research and Development Projects Co-I. PI: Miguel Pérez-Milans.
Recent Invited Talks

Chen, K. 2024 “Mindfulness for postgraduate student well-being”. Invited speaker, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan.

Chen, K. 2024 Invited key discussant at the Language Education Conference: Dissolving the Theory-Practice Dualism, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Chen, K. 2023 “Creating a positive classroom climate and inspiring learning with mindfulness” Keynote, the 6th CLE Conference on Teaching and Learning, Southern University of Science and Technology.

Chen, K. 2023 “Teaching online reasoning and critical thinking in the infodemic era” Public lecture, Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong. 

Chen, K. 2022 “Mindfulness for wellbeing and English language teaching: an exploration” Public lecture, Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong.

Chen, K. 2021 “Transnationality and language worlds of a family of Indonesian Chinese” Public lecture, Ministry of Education Bay of Bengal Countries Research Centre, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. 

Chen, K. 2021 “Research and methodologies in language and gender” Lecture for MA students, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. 

Chen, K. 2021 “How can mindfulness improve teacher wellbeing” Keynote, the Macao Association for the Advancement of English Language Teaching Conference.

Chen, K. 2021 “Our beliefs about the English languages, and why do they matter?” Public lecture, Department of English Language Education, The Education University of Hong Kong. 

Chen, K. 2020 “Kong Girl Stereotypes in Language and Gender Studies” Guest lecture, MA anthropology class, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Recent Conference Presentations

Chen, K. and Xu, JQ. 2024 “Transforming Reactivity: Discourse of Awareness in a Mindfulness-based Intervention (MBI) Programme” AILA World Congress, Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics.

Chen, K. and Xu, JQ. 2024 “Transforming Reactivity: A Discourse Analysis of Mindfulness Insights in MBI Classes” International Conference of Mindfulness, University of Bangor.

Xu, JQ and Chen, K. 2024 “Transformative Power of Online Mindfulness Training for Research Postgraduate Students: A Mixed Methods Randomized Controlled Trial” International Conference of Mindfulness, University of Bangor. 

Yang, H. and Chen, K. 2024 “Reducing foreign language anxiety in a mindfulness-integrated university English classroom: An ethnographic observation” Poster. International Conference of Mindfulness, University of Bangor. 

Xu, JQ and Chen, K. 2022 “Effects of an eight-week online mindfulness program on wellbeing in research postgraduate students: preliminary quantitative and qualitative results from a randomized controlled trial” International Mindfulness Conference Asia Pacific, University of Melbourne.

Xu, JQ and Chen, K. 2022 “網上八周靜觀課程對提升研究生幸福感的成效:隨機候補名單對照試驗的初步結果” 中国生命关怀协会静观专业委员会, 北京大学第六医院临床心理中心, 北京回龙观医院静观中心主办, 第三屆中國靜觀應用發展論壇。

Chen, K. 2021 “Transnational Hong Kong: the stories of places, times, and people”. Sociolinguistics Symposium 23. June, 2021, The University of Hong Kong.

Chen, K. 2021 “Chronotope and the idea of home among transnational returnees in Hong Kong”. Special Session, the language effects of im/mobility, New Waves of Analyzing Variation-Asia Pacific 6, February. National University of Singapore.

Chen, K (2018) Ideologies of Language Standardization: The Case of Cantonese in Hong Kong. In James Tollefson and Miguel Pérez-Milans (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. UK: Oxford University Press.

Chu, S., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., et al. (2017) The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education. Vol 33, pp. 49-60. The Netherlands: Elsevier. SJR Q1.

Chen, K (2016) The transnational journey and multilingual repertoire of an Indonesian Chinese couple in Hong Kong: the story of one family, three places, and multiple languages. In Li Wei (ed.) Multilingualism and the Chinese diaspora, pp. 237-254. UK: Routledge.

Chen, K (2015) Styling bilinguals: Analyzing structurally distinctive code-switching styles in Hong Kong. In Gerald Stell and Kofi Yakpo (eds.) Code-switching at the crossroads between structural and socio-linguistic perspectives. pp.163-183. Germany: Mouton de Gruyter.

Chen, K & Kang, A (2015) Demeanor indexicals, interpretive discourses and the “Kong Girl” stereotype: Constructing gender ideologies in social media. The Journal of Language and Sexuality. Issue 4:2. pp. 193-222. USA: John Benjamins Publishing Co. SJR Q1.

Kang, A. and Chen, K. (2014) Stancetaking and the Hong Kong Girl in a shifting heterosexual marketplace. Sage: Discourse & Society. 25(2) pp. 205-220. SJR Q1.

Chen, K. (2008) Positioning and repositioning: Linguistic practices and identity negotiation of overseas returning bilinguals in Hong Kong. Multilingua 27 (1-2), pp. 57-75. SJR Q1.

Documentary Film (2005, 2017) Multilingual Hong Kong: A Sociolinguistic Case Study of Code-switching. USA: Films Media Group.

Joint Admission Examination for Macao Four Higher Education Institution English paper UM chief examiner (since 2018).

CET 4&6 UM deputy chief examiner (2018-2020).

UMFAH representative to collaborate with Macao DSEDJ on local school English teacher workshops and community adult English teaching (since 2018).

Academic community services:

Organizing Committee member: Sociolinguistics Symposium (HKU); American Anthropological Association Society of Linguistic Anthropology Inaugural Spring Conference (U Penn); Sociolinguistics of Globalization (HKU); New Ways of Analyzing Variation (U Mich); Michigan Linguistic Society annual meetings (U Mich), Michicagoan Conference in Linguistic Anthropology (U Mich).

Grant proposal reviewer: Hong Kong RGC

Routledge book proposal reviewer

Former associate editor of Journal of Language, Culture, and Society by John Benjamins.

Journal reviewer: Mindfulness, Language in Society, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Bilingualism, AILA Review, Multilingua, World Englishes, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Springer Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Sage Ethnicities, UCLA Issues in Applied Linguistics.