LI, Yiqing
- Ph.D., Art History, Theory & Criticism, University of California, San Diego, 2021.
- Post-Doctoral fellow, Peking University, funded by China’s National Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2022 – 2023.
Professional Qualifications
- Young Scholar for the Art Schools of Asia Program, Getty Foundation (Los Angeles) & Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong), 2021.
- Young Scholar for the SSRC-AAS Dissertation Research Program, Social Science Research Council & Associations for Asian Studies, USA, 2019.
Research Interests
- Nationalism and Globalism of Modern Chinese Art
- Modern Southeast Asian Art
- Transcultural and Global Art Histories
- Modern Abstract Art
- 2021.6 Young Scholar for the Art Schools of Asia Program, Getty Foundation (Los Angeles) & Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong)
- 2019. 10 Yong Scholar for the SSRC-AAS Dissertation Workshop, Social Science Research Council of USA & Associations for Asian Studies (12 young scholars nationwide in the USA)
- 2019.9 Dissertation Research Fellowship, Russel Foundation Grants, California
- 2019.5. International Research Fellowship, Friends of the International Center, California
- 2019.9. Graduate Research Award, International Institute of the University of California
- 2017.5. Collaborative Research Cluster Grants, Division of Arts and Humanity, UCSD
- 2016-2018. Research Fellowship, Department of Visual Arts, UCSD
- 2015. Curatorial Fellowship, School of The Art Institute of Chicago
A. Monograph
- Nationalism and Globalization: The History of Abstract Art in Twentieth-Century China, Lingnan Fine Arts Publisher, forthcoming.
B. Selective Research Papers
- Art Diplomacy: Drawing the Sino-Indonesian Relations in the Early Cold War, 1949-1956,” Modern Asian Studies (SSCI), Cambridge University Press, 2023, p.1-36, doi:10.1017/S0026749X23000227
- 《英语世界中的20世纪早期中国现代艺术史——兼论艺术史写作的方法与突破》,《美术》(CSSCI), 2022年,第9期, pp.93-103.
- 《从现代艺术到工业文明:追溯抽象艺术的起源和历史价值》,《艺术设计研究》(CSSCI), 2022年,第5期,pp.107-114.
- “Abstract Painting: The Formation of New Aesthetics in Post-Mao China,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (A&HCI, SSCI), vol. 33. no. 2, Fall, 2021, pp. 49–97.
- “More Than Forms: Decoding the Circles in Chinese Abstract Art,” in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (ESCI), vol. 20, no. 1, 2021,pp. 113–129.
- 《平衡的寓言:抽象语言与材料》,《新视觉》, 2016年,第10期, pp.12-14
- 《对话巫鸿:当代水墨画不应局限在一种媒介》,《艺术市场》, 2014年,第12期, pp. 62-66
- 《公共性的呈现:芝加哥城市雕塑》,《雕塑》, 2014年4月, 33-36页
C. Translation
- Chinese Landscape Painting as Western Art History, Shanghai Shuhua Publisher, 2019, ISBN978-7-5479-1740-4.
- Art, Geopolitics, Cold War: Drawing China’s Cultural Belt in the 1950s, sponsored by the Association for Chinese Art History. Annual Conference of Association of Asian Studies, Boston, USA, 2023.2
- Linking Asia to the World: Urban Culture and Art in the 1930s, Annual Conference of Association of Asian Studies, Seattle, USA, 2021.3
- Challenging and Mediating: Art and Society in the People’s Republic of China, AAS-in-Asian Annual Conference, Kobe, Japan, 2020.9
- Sensory Disruptions: Confronting the Primacy of the Visual, Art History, the 16th Art History Symposium, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2018.2
A. Invited Talks
- “Yin Hua Artists Society: The Confluence of Chinese and Indonesian Realism and Beyond”, Humans, Objects, and Empires: Studies of Southeast Asian Histories and Societies, Xiamen University. 2023.11
- “Art Diplomacy: Drawing China-Indonesia Relationship in the Early Cold War, 1949-1956,” Soft Power, China, and Indonesia: Histories and Humanities, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang & University of Sydney, Malang, Indonesia, 2023.6.
- “Media and Concepts: Extending the Frontiers of Chinese Abstract Art,” Department of Arts and Design, University of Macau, Macau, 2023.4.
- Reform and Experimentation: The Boom of Chinese Abstraction from the Late 1970s to 1980s,” University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2023.3.
B. Selective Presentations
- 2023.2 “Art Diplomacy: Picturing the Sino-Indonesia Relationship in the Early Cold War, 1949-1956,” 2023 Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Boston.
- 2022.6 “Modern Art Schools and Politics in Early Twentieth-Century China,” Art Schools of Asia Conference, Asia Archive Center, Hong Kong.
- 2021.3 “A New Way of Seeing: Science, Geometric Forms, and Visual Culture in 1930s Shanghai,” Association for Asian Studies 2021 Annual Conference, Seattle.
- 2021.2 “Transforming the Normal: Photography in the Republic of China,” 109th CAA Annual Conference, virtual.
- 2020.9 “Rejecting Subject Matter: the Art of Reforming and Opening China,” Asia at the Crossroads, the AAS-in-Asia Conference, Kobe, Japan
- 2019.10 “Hidden and Private: Alternative Art Space in the Cultural Revolution,” Asian Studies in the Digital Age, the 48th Annual Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Conference, Dickinson College Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
- 2019.6 “From Western Europe to China: Transcultural Circulation of Modern Art,” Reimagining Asia: Innovation and Reflection, the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, California.
- 2019.4 “Translation and Belatedness: The Emergence of Abstraction/Abstract Arts in China,” Sino-phone Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Reflections, University of California, Los Angles.
- 2019.3 “Shanghai Modern Art: Re-visualizing the Urban Culture from the 1920s to 1980s,”Asian Cities, Architectural Heritage, Civil Society and Urban, the Association of Asian Studies-Social Science Research Council, Denver, Colorado.
- 2019.1 “Passion, Hope, and Anxiety: The Art Movement Society of China in the Early Twentieth Century,” Getty Graduate Symposium, the Getty Research Institute, LA.
- 2018.10 “From Asia to America: Calligraphic Brushworks on American Abstraction,” In Search of the Global Impact of Asian Aesthetics on American Art and Material Culture, Winterthur Museum & University of Delaware, Newark.
- 2018.2 “A Taboo Unavoidable: Nudity in Early Modern China,” Taboo: Deviance and Normativity in Art, 28th Annual Symposium University of Arizona, Tuscan.
- 2017.10 “Experimental Writing in Art History: Crossing Cultural Boundaries,” Art on the Edge, Crossing Borders, Shifting Boundaries, Challenging Conventions, Art History Graduate Student Symposium, University of California, Los Angles.
- 2017.6 “Landscape Painting in Transformation: Liu Dan’s Microcosm in Global Context,” Reflecting the Asia-Pacific: Places, Relations, Systems, Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast 2017 Conference, Willamette University, Oregon.
- 2017.6 “Alienation of Chinese Painting History: Introduction to Chinese Landscape Painting as Western” Global Studies Association, University of California, Berkeley.
- 2017.3 “Chinese Abstract Painting and Its Marginality,” Rethinking Art History: Center and Periphery, 10th Annual Ph.D. Symposium, University of California, San Diego.