(853) 8822 9938
LIN, Shaoyang
Prof Lin Shaoyang obtained his PhD from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He was a full professor and a member of the professoriate of the University of Tokyo for years. He also taught twice at the City University of Hong Kong for two short periods. His research interests include intellectual, political, diplomatic, and literary histories of China and Japan from the early modern period onward, particularly focused on East Asian history in the late sixteenth and late nineteenth centuries from the global history perspective. He regards himself as a Comparative East Asianist who concentrates on dynamic interactions in a global context and tries to observe history outside the existing framework of this region’s national histories.
Professor Lin’s research has appeared in publications in Chinese, Japanese, and English, and he is an active writer of these three languages. He is working on several manuscripts that he has been working on for many years and is looking forward to finalizing them in the near future. He is also an advisor and editor for several international journals, including Nanguo xueshu (Southern China Quarterly: The Journal of the University of Macau), The Journal of Japanese Philosophy (SUNY), and China and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies (Bril), etc.
Ph.D., the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2004
M.A., Jilin University, Changchun, China, 1988
B.A., Amoy University (Xiamen University), Xiamen, China, 1983
Research Interests
- The intellectual, literary and political histories in the East Asian Sinitic sphere (China and Japan) from the early modern period onward;
- In particular, the late Qing Chinese intellectual history from both a global and, more specifically, an East Asian perspective;
- The history of historiography in modern China and Japan;
- Sino-Japanese exchanges;
- Comparative literature, and Critical Theory.
- Sep. 2022-present, Distinguished Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau
- 2019-2022, Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong
- 2017-2019, Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo (東京大學), Japan
- 2013-2016, Tenured Associate Professor, Faculty member, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan
- 2010-2012, Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong
- 2006-2009, Associate Professor, the University of Tokyo, Japan
- 2004-2005, Assistant Professor, the University of Tokyo, Japan
Selected Monographs
- Lin Shaoyang, Sengo Nihon to Nihon posuto modan: sono danzetsu to renzoku戦後思想と日本ポストモダン――その断絶と連続 [Postwar and Postmodern Japan: Its Continuities and Discontinuities], Tokyo: Hakutakusha Press, Aug 2023 (261 pages).
- Lin Shaoyang, Dingge yiwen: Qingji geming yu Zhang Taiyan fugu de xinwenhua yundong 鼎革以文:清季革命與章太炎復古的新文化運動 [Revolution by Means of Culture: The Late Qing Revolution and Zhang Taiyan from 1900 to 1911], Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2018, 480 pages.
- Lin Shaoyang, Shūji to iu shisō: Shōheirin to kanjiken no gengoron teki hihyō riron「修辞」という思想:章炳麟と漢字圏の言語論的批評理論 [Rhetoric and Thought: Zhang Taiyan and His Theory], Tokyo: Hakutakusha Press, 2009. (381 pages). (Korean version: Susaraneun Sasa ng:Jangbyeonglingwa Hanjagwonui Eoneolonjeog Bipyeongilon수사라는 사상 :장병린과 한자권의 언어론적 비평이론 [Rhetoric and Thought: Zhang Taiyan and His Theory], translated by Seo Gwangdeog 徐光德and Choe Jeongseob崔正燮, Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2013.)
- Lin Shaoyang, Wen yu riben xueshu sixiang: hanziquan 1700-1900 “文” 與日本學術思想:漢字圈1700-1990 [Japanese Intellectual History and Sino-graphic Cosmopolis From 1700 to 1990: A Cross-Cultural Perspective], Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 201394 pages.
Selected Journal Articles from 2018
- Lin Shaoyang, “Zhang Taiyan de xueshushi zhushu jiqi yu Zhang Xuecheng de guanlian” 章太炎的學術史著述及其與章學誠的關聯[Zhang Taiyan’s criticism of comprehensive history of Chinese scholarship and its linkage with Qing Scholar Zhang Xuecheng], Zhongguo lishi yanjiuyun jikan中國歷史研究院集刊 [Proceedings of Chinese Academy of History], 5 (1-2022): 126-206. (A journal published by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
- Lin Shaoyang, “Ruminations on the Meaning and Nature of Ritual in the Historical Context of China–A Theoretical Attempt to Understand the Tribute System as Ritual in East Asia,” International Journal of Asian Studies, (2023), 1–17. doi:10.1017/S1479591421000693 (Journal published by Cambridge University Press)
- Lin Shaoyang, “Xiandai wenxue zhi zhongjie? ——Binggu xingren de shewen,yiji ‘wen’ zhi ‘xue’ de shijiao” 現代文學之終結?——柄谷行人的設問,以及 “文” 之 “學” 的視角 [The End of Modern Literature?—Kojin Karatani’s Questioning, the Concept of Literature, and East Asian Perspective]文學評論Literary review, (January 2021):125-134. (A journal published by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, CASS)
- Lin Shaoyang, “Wenzhihua de riben jianghu shidai yu mingqing dongya de shijietixi: jian zhiyi mingzhiweixin zhongxin wei daibiao de xiandaihua guobieshi lishi xushu” 文治化的日本江戶時代與明清東亞的世界體系——兼質疑明治維新中心為代表的 “現代化” 國別史歷史敘述[Civic rule in Edo Japan and its link with premodern East Asian world order based on tribute system: Counter against Meiji-centric narratives in the framework of modernization theory and framework of nation-state], Xinshixue新史學[New Historiography], 13(December 2020): 137- Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe.
- Lin Shaoyang, “The ‘Chinese World Order’ Encounters the ‘East Asian World Order’— Postwar Japanese historians’ Debates on the Tribute System,” Frontiers of History in China, 15:2(2020): 198-233. (Journal published by Beijing: High Education Press; Leiden: Bril)