Consultation Hours
Monday 16:00-17:00
Tuesday 11:00-12:00
You, Chengcheng
YOU Chengcheng joined University of Macau in 2019 as Assistant Professor. Before joining the institution, she had taught at the School of Translation Studies and the College of Foreign Studies of Jinan University (Guangdong, China). Her work has been published in, among others, Children’s Literature in Education, The Lion and the Unicorn, International Research in Children’s Literature, English Studies, Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal, animation: an interdisciplinary journal, and Neohelicon. Her latest co-authored book is Poetics and Ethics of Anthropomorphism: Children, Animals, and Poetry (Routledge, 2022). She was Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Scholar in Malmo University (Sweden) in 2013, the Research Fellow in International Youth Library (Germany) with a grant from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2018-2019, and the 2018 Winner of Emerging Scholar Award issued by A&HCI journal Children’s Literature in Education. She serves as an Editorial Board Member for Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (indexed in A&HCI and SSCI).
Chengcheng received her PhD in Literary Studies from University of Macau in 2017.
Research Interests
Chengcheng’s research interests include children’s literature, translation studies, adaptation studies, comparative literature, and interdisciplinary studies in animals and literature.
Courses Regularly Taught
Language Studies for Translation, Literary Translation, Children’s Literature, Audiovisual Translation
Professional Affiliations
Modern Language Association
Children’s Literature Association
Macau Children’s Literature Association
International Research Society for Children’s Literature
Chinese Comparative Literature Association – Children’s Literature Research Division
Kelen, Christopher & Chengcheng You. (2022). Poetics and Ethics of Anthropomorphism: Children, Animals, and Poetry. Routledge. (BKCI-SSH, Web of Science) https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003219330
You, Chengcheng. Storying Posthuman Sensibilities: An Affective Evolution in Children’s Literature. Currently under contract with Palgrave Macmillan (book series: “Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature”).
You, Chengcheng. (2024) Animating Arboreal Agency: New Materialities and Poetics of Anthropomorphic Trees in Children’s Literature. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. (Q2, A&HCI) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/isle/isae033
You, Chengcheng. (2024) The Folk Phytopoetics in Cai Gao’s Visual Storytelling. Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature. 62(3), pp. 44-48. (ESCI)
You, Chengcheng. (2024). “Who Speaks for Nature? Genre, Gender and the Eco-translation of Chinese Wild Animals”. Children’s Literature in Education, 55 (2), pp. 179-197. (Q1, A&HCI) DOI: 10.1007/s10583-022-09484-x
You, Chengcheng. (2023) Beyond Triviality Barriers: The Transcendent Poetics of Play in Feng Zikai’s manhua Legacy. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. (Q1, A&HCI, SSCI) DOI:10.1057/s41599-023-02480-6
You, Chengcheng. (2023) Towards a Genre of Cross-species Storytelling: Exploring Slow Narratives in Naoko Awa’s Fairy Tales. Children’s Literature in Education.(Q1, A&HCI) DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-023-09556-6
You, Chengcheng. (2023) “Children’s Gothic in Chinese Context: The Untranslatability and Cross-cultural Readability of a Literary Genre”. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 25(2), pp. 1-14. (Q2, A&HCI) DOI:https://doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.4044
You, Chengcheng. (2023) Outlandish creatures and genre crossover: a Deleuzian perspective. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.(Q1, A&HCI, SSCI) DOI:10.1057/s41599-023-02049-3
You, Chengcheng. (2023) The Glocal Practice of Anthropomorphism: Storying Chinese Wild Animals for Young Readers. International Research in Children’s Literature, 16(2), pp.155-168. (Q1, A&HCI)
You, Chengcheng. (2023) Genre, tradition and renewal: Animal autobiography and poetics of the multicentric self. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. (Q1, A&HCI, SSCI) DOI: 10.1057/s41599-023-01827-3
You, Chengcheng. (2023). Storytelling for a Republic of Childhood: Rebranding China’s National Images in Children’s Literature. Neohelicon, 50(1), pp. 37-53. (Q2, A&HCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11059-022-00653-x
You, Chengcheng. (2022). “The Demon Child and His Modern Fate: Reconstructing the Nezha Myth in Animated Fabulation”. animation: an interdisciplinary journal, 17(3), pp. 287-301. (Q2, A&HCI) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17468477221114365
You, Chengcheng. (2022). “Debatable genre: comparative poetics in the wild animal stories of Ernest Thompson Seton and Shixi Shen”. Neohelicon, 49(1), pp. 321-336. (Q2, A&HCI) DOI:10.1007/s11059-021-00616-8
Kelen,Christopher & Chengcheng You. (2021). “They’d Eaten Every One”: Food Anthropomorphism in “The Walrus and the Carpenter”, English Studies, 102(6), pp. 671-689. (Q1, A&HCI) DOI: 1080/0013838X.2021.1952529
You, Chengcheng. (2021). The Necessity of an Anthropomorphic Approach to Children’s Literature. Children’s Literature in Education, 52 (2), pp. 183-199. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-020-09409-6 (Q1, A&HCI)
You, Chengcheng. (2019). Aesthetic Dilemma of Adaptation and Politics of Subjectivity: Animating the Chinese Classic Journey to the West. International Research in Children’s Literature, 12(1), pp. 34-46. (Q1, A&HCI) DOI: 10.3366/ircl.2019.0289
You, Chengcheng. (2019). The Cultural Poetics of Anthropomorphism: Rereading a Chinese Fable. History of Education & Children’s Literature, 14(1), pp. 465-486. (Q3, A&HCI)
You, Chengcheng. (2019). Representing Zoo Animals: The Other-than-Anthropocentric in Anthony Browne’s Picturebooks. The Lion and the Unicorn,43(1), pp. 22-41. (Q2, A&HCI) DOI: 10.1353/uni.2019.0002
Kelen, Christopher, and Chengcheng You. (2019). Liminal Encounters: Ethics of Anthropomorphism in the Poetry of Levertov, Szymborska and Fulton. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, 52 (2), pp. 147-65. (Q2, A&HCI)
You, Chengcheng. (2019). New Realities and Representations of Homelessness in Chinese Children’s Literature in an Era of Urbanization. Children’s Literature in Education, 50(4), pp. 365-380. (Q1, A&HCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-018-9364-8
You, Chengcheng. (2018). Harmony, Home and Anthropomorphism: Representation of Minority Nationalities in Contemporary Chinese Ethnic Children’s Literature. Children’s Literature in Education, 49(4), pp. 499-515. (Q1, A&HCI) DOI: 10.1007/s10583-017-9318-6
Book Chapters
You, Chengcheng. (2024). “A long way before it, and a long way behind it”: “Jabberwocky” in Chinese Translation. In Björn Sundmark, Anna Kerchy & Christopher Kelen (Eds). A Companion to “Jabberwocky” in Translation (pp.70-74). Malmö University Press.
You, Chengcheng. (2024). Re-engendering the genre: critical anthropomorphism in the eco-translation of Chinese wild animal stories. In Maria Dasca & Rosa Ceraols (Eds.), Translation Studies and Ecology (pp. 163-185). Routledge.
You, Chengcheng. (2022). Hidden Atrocities in Cinematic Representations of Chinese Girlhoods. In Victoria Nesfield and Philip Smith (Eds.), Representing Childhood and Atrocity (pp. 253-272). SUNY. (BKCI-SSH, Web of Science)
You, Chengcheng. (2018). Picturing a Posthuman Identity: Personhood, Affect and Companionship Ethics in Mary Liddell’s Little Machinery and Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing. In Anna Kerchy (Ed.), Posthumanism in Fantastic Fiction(pp.133-147). Creative Commons e-book.
You, Chengcheng. (2017). Ghostly Vestiges of Strange Tales: Horror, History and the Haunted Chinese Child. In Jackson, Anna (Ed.), New Directions in Children’s Gothic: Debatable Lands(pp.81-101). Routledge.
You, Chengcheng and Chrysogonus Siddha Malilang. (2016). Playtime in Playworld: How Children Learn to Rule. In Christopher Kelen and Bjorn Sundmark (Eds.), Child Governance and Autonomy in Children’s Literature: Where Children Rule (pp.218-230). Routledge. (BCKI-SSH, Web of Science)