SUN, Yifeng

Professor Sun is former Vice President of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), and a member of the Translation and Culture Committee of the International Federation of Translators (FIT). He is now a member of the Executive Council of the Translators Association of China (TAC), and deputy director of its Committee on Translation Theory and Teaching. In addition, he serves on the academic committee of a major national project entitled Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture to oversee and facilitate the dissemination of Chinese cultural tradition and heritage to the rest of the world. He has given academic talks at the Universities of Oxford, London, Queensland, Leuven, Newcastle and Hong Kong, among many others.​​


  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (forthcoming). Chinese and Western Translation Theories (in Chinese). Beijing: Commercial Press.
  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (2023). (Eds.) Transcultural Poetics: Chinese Literature in English Translation. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). Translational Spaces: Towards a Chinese-Western Convergence. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. & Song, C. (2019). (Eds.) Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Translating Foreign Otherness: Cross-Cultural Anxiety in Modern China. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2016). Cultural Translation (in Chinese). Beijing: Peking University Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). (Ed.) Translation and Academic Journals: The Evolving Landscape of Scholarly Publishing. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wang, N. & Sun, Y. (2008). (Eds.) Translation, Globalisation and Localisation: A Chinese Perspective. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (Also in Arabic translation).
  • Sun, Y. (2nd. Edition, 2006). Perspective, Interpretation, and Culture: Theorizing Literary Translation (in Chinese). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2005). Cultural Exile and Homeward Journey: R. L. Stevenson and American Fiction. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Fragmentation and Dramatic Moments: Zhang Tianyi and the Narrative Discourse of Upheaval in Modern China. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Articles and Chapters (in English)

  • Sun, Y. (2025). Unveiling the Enchanting Tapestry: Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation. Chinese Literature and Thought Today (forthcoming).
  • Sun, Y. & Song, C. (2025). Translational Reconfigurations: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Modern Chinese Literary Scholarship. Chinese Literature and Thought Today (forthcoming).
  • Sun, Y. & Liu, K. (2025). Stylistic Nuances Through Syntactic Complexity: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Narration and Dialogue in Two English Translations of Hongloumeng. Corpus Linguistics. DOI: 10.1016/j.acorp.2025.100125
  • Xu, S, Sun, Y, Su, Y. & Liu, K. (2025). Translation Pedagogy in the AI Era: Design and Application of a ChatGPT-Powered Platform for Training and Feedback. In S. Sun, K. Liu & R. Morrato (Eds.) Translation Studies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
  • Wang, B & Sun, Y. (2024). The Creation of New Academic Knowledge Spaces through the Repatriated Self-Translation of Foreign Language Texts: The Case of Migrant Historian Ray Huang. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. 36(4), 615-646.
  • Sun, Y. (2024). Derrida and Translation in China (lead article). Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. 28(1), 9-19.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Literary Translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. 50(2), 669 – 686. 
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Yan Fu’s Translation ‘Principle(s)’ and Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. 31(6), 1065-1078.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Introduction: Translation and Appropriation. In Hajdu, P. & Zhang, X. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of International Comparative Literature: Literatures of the World and the Future of Comparative Literature. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publisher, 219-226.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Chinese Text and World Literature. In Sun, Y. & Li, D. (Eds.), Transcultural Poetics: Chinese Literature in English. London and New York: Routledge, 7-32.
  • Sun, Y. (2022). Literary Translation and Communication. Translation and Interpreting as Communication: Issues and Perspectives, Frontiers in Communication. 1-9.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). After Babel in China. Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics. (1). 151-169.
  • Wang, B & Sun, Y. (2020). Decoding and Canonization through Translation: The Reception of Decoded in the English-Speaking World. Translation Review. 107(1). 79-95.
  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (2020). Digital Humanities: Approaches to Literary Translation. Comparative Literature Studies. 57(4). 640-654.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). World Literature in and through Translation. Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. 46(2). 601–621.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). Translation and Chinese Modernity. In Y. Sun & C. Song (Eds.) Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature. London and New York: Routledge. 186-205.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Liberal Arts Education and the Modern University. European Review. 26(2). 272-284.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Deconstruction and Translation Research. Derrida Today. 11(1), 22-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Empowering Translation. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies. 5(2). 205-218.
  • Sun, Y. (2017). Translatability. In Shei, C & Gao, Z. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. London and New York: Routledge, 101-114.
  • Sun, Y. (2017). Cosmopolitan Translation and Cross-Cultural Paradigms. TELOS: Quarterly Journal of Politics, Philosophy, Critical Theory, Culture, and the Arts. 180 (Fall), 47–66.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). The Shifting Distance of Translation. In Ko, L and Chen, P. (Eds.), Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies in the Asia Pacific. Leiden: Brill Rodopi, 31-45.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). Introduction: Journal Publication and Translation Studies. In Y. Sun (Ed.), Translation and Academic Journals: The Evolving Landscape of Scholarly Publishing. New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-12.
  • Sun, Y. & Tang, F. (2014). A Parallel Corpus-based Investigation of Vocabulary Features of Tourism Translations. International Journal of Linguistics and Communication. 2 (3), 1-22.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Translation and Back Translation: Transcultural Reinventions in Some Chinese American Literary Works. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies. 1 (2), 107 – 121.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Cross-Cultural Translation: Attitudes, Feelings and Affective Interactions. Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. XXXIV (1), 275-292.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). Transition and Transformation: with Special Reference to the Translation Practice of Eileen Chang. Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese. 11 (1), 15-32.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). The Shifting Identity of Translation Studies in China. Intercultural Communication Studies. 21 (2), 32 – 52.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). (Un)Translatability and Cross-Cultural Readability. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 20 (2), 231-247.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). Translation, Modernity and Cultural Representation. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. 42 (1), 191 -197.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). Violence and Translation Discourse. Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 6 (2), 159-175.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). “Authenticity” and Foreignizing Translation. In X. Luo & Y. He (Eds.), Translating China. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 157-170.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). Cultural Translation in the Context of Glocalization. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. 40(2-3), 89-110.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Opening the Cultural Mind: Translation and Modern Chinese Literary Canon. Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History. 69 (1), 13-27.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Translation Studies in China: A ‘Glocalised’ Theoretical Practice. In N. Wang & Y. Sun (Eds.), Translations: Globalisation and Localisation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 50-74.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). (Multi)-Cultural Context: Interpretation and Translation Adrift. Babel: International Journal of Translation 53 (3), 241-259.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Displacement and Intervention: Re-Creating Literary Texts through Cultural Translation. Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. 34 (2), 101-114.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Cultural Diaspora and Foreignizing Translation. Journal of Translation Studies, 10(1), 91-112.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Historiography. In R. Robertson & J. A. Scholte (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Globalization. London: Routledge. 573-575.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Translating Foreign Otherness. Across Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies. 7(1), 23-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Translating Cultural Differences. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 11(1), 25-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Cultural Translation: Globalization or Localization? Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. XXX(1). 135-157.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). The Function of Repetition Zhang Tianyi’s Art. Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Comparative Studies between Chinese and Foreign, 31(3), 136-181.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Rumour, Satire and Parody in Zhang Tianyi’s Writing (lead article). Chinese Culture, 40(2), 1-44.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). A Troubled Relationship between Linguistics and Translation. Translation Quarterly, 13-14, 225-240.


  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (forthcoming). Chinese and Western Translation Theories (中西翻譯理論). Beijing: Commercial Press.
  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (2023). (Eds.) Transcultural Poetics: Chinese Literature in English. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). Translational Spaces: Towards a Chinese-Western Convergence. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature, co-editor with Chris Song. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Translating Foreign Otherness: Cross-Cultural Anxiety in Modern China. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2016). Cultural Translation (文化翻譯). Beijing: Peking University Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2015) (Ed.). Translation and Academic Journals: The Evolving Landscape of Scholarly Publishing. New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sun, Y. & S. H. Wong (2014) (Eds.). Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, Special issue: Cultural Transformation in the 1950s: From Mainland China to Hong Kong.
  • Wang, N. & Sun, Y. (2008). (Eds.) Translation, Globalisation and Localisation: A Chinese Perspective. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. (Also in Arabic translation).
  • Sun, Y. (2004; second edition 2006). Perspective, Interpretation and Culture: Theorizing Literary Translation (視角、闡釋、文化:文學翻譯與翻譯理論). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2005). Cultural Exile and Homeward Journey: R L Stevenson and American Fiction. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.
  • Sun, Y. & W. Zhong (2004). Translation Terminology (翻譯研究關鍵詞). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Fragmentation and Dramatic Moments: Zhang Tianyi and the Narrative Discourse of Upheaval in Modern China. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Xu, S, Sun, Y, Su, Y. & Liu, K. (2025). Translation Pedagogy in the AI Era: Design and Application of a ChatGPT-Powered Platform for Training and Feedback. In S. Sun, K. Liu & R. Morrato (Eds.), Translation Studies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. London and New York: Routledge (forthcoming).
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Introduction: Translation and Appropriation. In P. Hajdu & X. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of International Comparative Literature: Literatures of the World and the Future of Comparative Literature (219-226). Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publisher.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Chinese Text and World Literature. In Sun, Y. & D. Li (Eds.), Transcultural Poetics: Chinese Literature in English (7-32). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. & Li. D. (2023). Introduction. In Y. Sun & D. Li (Eds.), Transcultural Poetics: Chinese Literature in English (1-6). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2020). Teaching Translation and Culture. In L. Lim & D. Li (Eds.), Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New Insights (pp. 29-47). Singapore: Springer.
  • Sun, Y. & Song, C. (2019). Introduction. In Y. Sun & C. Song (Eds.), Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature (pp.1-6). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). Translation and Chinese Modernity. In Y. Sun & C. Song (Eds.), Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature (pp. 186-205). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2017). Translatability. In C. Shei & Z. Gao (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation (pp. 101-114). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). Introduction: Journal Publication and Translation Studies. In Y. Sun (Ed.), Translation and Academic Journals: The Evolving Landscape of Scholarly Publishing (pp. 1-12). New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). The Shifting Distance of Translation. In L. Ko & P. Chen (Eds.), Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies in the Asia Pacific (pp. 31-45). Leiden & Boston: Brill / Rodopi.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). ‘Authenticity’ and Foreignizing Translation. In X. Luo & Y. He (Eds.), Translating China (pp. 157-170). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Wang, N. & Sun, Y. (2008). Introduction. In N. Wang & Y. Sun (Eds.), Translations: Globalisation and Localisation (pp. 1-12). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Translation Studies in China: A ‘Glocalised’ Theoretical Practice. In N. Wang & Y. Sun (Eds.), Translations: Globalisation and Localisation (pp. 50-74). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Mediating Cultural Tensions in Translating Otherness. In X. Luo (Ed.), Translation, Cognition and Interdisciplinary Studies (pp. 197-217). Beijing: Foreign Literature Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Historiography. In R. Robertson & J. A. Scholte (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Globalization (pp. 573-575). London: Routledge.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). A Variational Approach to Translation as A Method of English Teaching. In R. Du (Ed.), Selected Papers from CELEA Annual Conference 2005, (pp. 46-62). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2005). Common Academic Standards Pertaining to the Construction of Translation Studies as a Discipline (翻譯學學科建設的學術規範問題). In X. Luo (Ed.), Language Cognition and Translation Studies (pp. 243-260). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Shifting Perspective and Distance in Translation (翻譯距離與視角轉換). In C.C. Liu (Ed.), New Focus in Translation Studies (pp. 73-111). Hong Kong: Commercial Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Thoughts on Model Peking Operas and Ballets and Music of the Cultural Revolution (反思”樣板戲”與”文革音樂”). In C.C. Liu (Ed.), A Critical History of Chinese New Music (pp. 57-63). Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.
  • Sun, Y. (2000). The Process of Translating Literary Texts (文學翻譯的過程). In T. Xie (Ed.), The Construction of Translation Theory and Cultural Perspectives (pp. 57-73). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.
Journal Articles

  • Sun, Y. (2025). Unveiling the Enchanting Tapestry: Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation. Chinese Literature and Thought Today (forthcoming).
  • Sun, Y. & Song, C. (2025). Translational Reconfigurations: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Modern Chinese Literary Scholarship. Chinese Literature and Thought Today (forthcoming).
  • Sun, Y. & Liu, K. (2025). Stylistic Nuances Through Syntactic Complexity: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Narration and Dialogue in Two English Translations of Hongloumeng. Corpus Linguistics. DOI: 10.1016/j.acorp.2025.100125
  • Wang, B & Sun, Y. (2024). The Creation of New Academic Knowledge Spaces through the Repatriated Self-Translation of Foreign Language Texts: The Case of Migrant Historian Ray Huang. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. 36(4), 615-646.
  • Zhang, Yue & Sun, Y. (2024). English Translation of Ancient Chinese Texts: Experiences and Methods (中國古籍英譯:借鑒與方法). In Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies. 44(1), 136-149.
  • Sun, Y. (2024). Derrida and Translation in China (lead article). In Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. 28(1), 9-19.
  • Sun Y. (2023). Literary Translation during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. 50(2), 669-686.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Yan Fu’s Translation ‘Principle(s)’ and Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics. In Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. 31(6), 1065-1078.
  • Sun, Y. (2022). Literary translation and communication. In Translation and Interpreting as Communication: Issues and Perspectives, Frontiers in Communication. 1-9.
  • Sun, Y. (2022). Translational Poetics(翻譯詩學)(lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 42(6). 25-35.
  • Sun, Y. (2022). Translated Literature and World Literature (翻譯文学與世界文學). In Shanghai Journal of Translators, 36(6). 15-21.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). After Babel in China. In Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics, (1). 151-169.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). After Babel and “Beyond” (《通天塔》與“Beyond”) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 41(1). 5-20.
  • Wang, B & Sun, Y. (2020). Decoding and Canonization through Translation: The Reception of Decoded in the English-Speaking World. In Translation Review. 107(1). 79-95.
  • Sun, Y. & Li, D. (2020). Digital Humanities: Approaches to Literary Translation. In Comparative Literature Studies, 57(4). 640-654.
  • Sun, Y. (2020). Exploring Translation Spaces (探索翻譯空间) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 41(1). 5-18.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). World Literature in and through Translation. In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, 46(2). 601–621.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). Translation Studies and World Literature (翻譯研究與世界文學) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 40(1). 5-18.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Empowering Translation. In Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 5(2). 205-218.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Liberal Arts Education and the Modern University. In European Review, 26(2). 272-284.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Forum Editor’s Words. In Journal of Foreign Languages, 3(1), 1-2.
  • Sun, Y. & J. Yin. (2018) Translation Spaces (翻譯空間). In Foreign Language and Literature Research, 9(2). 25-28.
  • Sun, Y. (2018). Deconstruction and Translation Research. In Derrida Today, 11(1), 22-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2017). Cosmopolitan Translation and Cross-Cultural Paradigms. In Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary, 180 (Fall), 47-66.
  • Sun, Y. (2016). Cultural Translation as a Puzzle and a Challenge (文化翻譯的困惑與挑戰) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 37(3), 5-15.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). A Parallel Corpus-based Investigation of Vocabulary Features of Tourism Translations (lead article). In International Journal of Linguistics and Communication, 2(3), 1-22.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Translation and Back Translation: Transcultural Reinventions in Some Chinese American Literary Works. In Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, I(2), 107-121.
  • Sun, Y., He, G. & Xu, Z. (2014). A Conversation about Translation Studies between Three Scholars, I (翻譯研究三人談(上). In Shanghai Journal of Translators, 28(1),10-15.
  • Sun, Y., He, G. & Xu, Z. (2014). A Conversation about Translation Studies between Three Scholars, II (翻譯研究三人談(下). In Shanghai Journal of Translators, 28(2),13-17.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). On the Violence of Translation (論翻譯的暴力) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 35(6), 5-13.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Cross-Cultural Translation: Attitudes, Feelings and Affective Interactions. In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, XXXIV(1), 275-292.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). The Distance of Translation (翻譯的距離) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 34(6), 5-12.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). Transition and Transformation: with Special Reference to the Translation Practice of Eileen Chang. In Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 11(1), 15-32.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). Cultural Translation: Feelings and Attitude (文化翻譯與情感態度). In Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 16(2), 183-190.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). The Shifting Identity of Translation Studies in China. In Intercultural Communication Studies, XXI(2), 32-52.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). Translation Studies Today: Problems and Remedies (當前翻譯研究存在的問題與對策). In Chinese Translators Journal, 33(4), 11-12.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). (Un)Translatability and Cross-Cultural Readability. In Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 20(2), 231-247.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). Translation and Strategies for Cross-Cultural Communication (翻譯與跨文化交際策略). In Chinese Translators Journal, 33(1), 16-23.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). Translation, Modernity and Cultural Representation. In ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 42(1), 191-197.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). Violence and Translation Discourse. In Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 6(2), 159-175.
  • Sun, Y. (2010). The Chinese Translation of Russian Literature. In Comparative Literature Studies, 47(2), 223-226.
  • Sun, Y. (2010). The Development of Translation Studies (翻譯學的何去何從) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 31(2), 5-10.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). Cultural Translation in the Context of Glocalization. In ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 40(2-3), 89-110.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Translation and the Beauty of Diversity (翻譯與多元之美). In Chinese Translators Journal, 29(4), 10-19.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Opening the Cultural Mind: Translation and Modern Chinese Literary Canon (lead article). In Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History, 69(1), 13-27.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Cultural Translation and Glocalisation (文化翻譯與全球本土化), (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 29(1), pp. 5-11.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). (Multi)-Cultural Context: Interpretation and Translation Adrift. In Babel: International Journal of Translation, 53(3), 241-259.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Cultural Diaspora and Foreignizing Translation. In Journal of Translation Studies, 10(1), 91-112.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Displacement and Intervention: Re-Creating Literary Texts through Cultural Translation. In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, XXXIV(2), 101-114.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Translation Studies and Cultural Identities (翻譯研究輿文化身份). In Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 18(2), 22-27.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Translation and Cultural Fear of Foreign Otherness (翻譯與異質他者的文化焦慮) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 28(1), 5-10.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Translating Foreign Otherness. In Across Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies, 7(1), 23-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Translation Studies and Academic Standards (翻譯研究的學術規範) (lead article). In Southwest Education, 4(2), 1-6.
  • Sun, Y. (2005). The Diasporic Translator’s Cultural Mission (離散譯者的文化使命) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 27(1), 3-7.
  • Mu, L. & Sun, Y. (2005) Translation Studies and Scholarly Norms(翻譯學學科建設要重視學術規范). In Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Translators Forum of the International Federation of Translators, 280-290.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). The Further Development of Translation Studies (開拓翻譯學發展的空間). In Chinese Translators Journal, 25(3), 34-35.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Ideology in a Cross-Cultural Context: The Function and Role of Translation (跨文化語境下的意識形態—兼論翻譯的功能與作用). In Journal of Sichuan International Studies University, 19(6), 108-113.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Translation Studies and Ideology: Making Space for Cross-Cultural Dialogue (翻譯研究與意識形態:拓展跨文化對話的對話的空間) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 24(5), 4-10.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Translating Studies and Cultural Translation (翻譯學與文化翻譯). In Thoughts and Notes, 8, 285-310.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Norms Governing Translation and Subjectivity” (翻譯規範與主體意識) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 24(3), 3-9.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Translating Cultural Differences. In Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 11(1), 25-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). Cultural Translation: Globalization or Localization? In Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, XXX(1), 135-157.
  • Sun, Y. (2003). A “Shortcut” to Learning English (學習英語的“捷徑”). In College English, 20(3), 2-4.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Theory, Experience and Practice:Reassessing the Significance of Translation Theory (理論、經驗、實踐 —再論翻譯理論研究) (lead article). In Chinese Translators Journal, 23(6), 4-10.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Learning Genuine English (學習掌握真正的英語). In The World of English, 21, 34-36.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Culture Inherent in the Translation of Humour (幽默翻譯的文化內涵). In Chinese Translators Journal, 23(1), 92-93.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). The Impossibility of Erasing Difference in Translation. In Studies in Foreign Languages and Literatures, 2(1), 43-50.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Why Translating Poetry? Some Introductory Remarks. In Translation Quarterly, 20, 5-13.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Translation Terminology and its Theoretical Significance (翻譯學術語及相關理論意義). In Studies in Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1(1), 42-47.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Hit the Target: Trends in Translation Studies (命中目標: 翻譯研究的走向). In Chinese Translators Journal, 22(3), 50-51.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). The Function of Repetition Zhang Tianyi’s Art. In Tamkang Review: A Quarterly of Comparative Studies Between Chinese and Foreign, 31(3), 136-181.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Meaning, Interpretation and Translation (意義、解釋與翻譯). In Chinese Translators Journal, 22(2), 71-73.
  • Sun, Y. (2000). Perspective and Distance of Translation (翻譯距離的判定與把握). In Chinese Translators Journal, 21(6), 72-73.
  • Sun, Y. (2000). Reconstructing the Tower of Babel (重建巴比塔). In Translation Quarterly, 18, 215-223.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Pitfalls in Translation (翻譯中需要警惕的“陷阱”). In Chinese Translators Journal, 20(1), 48-50.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Rumour, Satire and Parody in Zhang Tianyi’s Writing (lead article). In Chinese Culture, 40(2), 1-44.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Dichotomy in Conrad’s Lord Jim (二元分離與聚合論《吉姆爺》的叙事結構). In Journal of Shanxi University, 22(5), 49-55.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). A Troubled Relationship between Linguistics and Translation. In Translation Quarterly, 13-14, 225-240.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Cultural Factors and the Language of Translation (翻譯語言與文化因素). In Translation Quarterly, 13-14, 171-193.
  • Sun, Y. (1996). Qian Zhongshu’s Fortress Besieged in English: An Analysis of its Translation Problems (《圍城》英譯本的一些問題). In Chinese Translators Journal, 16(1), 31-36.
  • Sun, Y. (1995). Suicidal Impulse or Insanity? A Study of the Character of Hamlet (哈姆萊特的複雜性格). In Classical Studies, 15(6), 54-59.


  • Sun, Y. (2003). Literal Translation and Mistranslation and others (English translation). In P. Yang (Ed.), Selections of Classics, pp. 148-166. Qingdao: Qingdao Press.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). A Lifetime Regret (English translation). In Chinese Translators Journal, 23(1), p. 91.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Appropriation, Distortion and Literal Translation (English translation). In Chinese Translators Journal, 22(2), pp. 69-70.
  • Sun, Y. (2000). Tianjin Idlers (English translation). In Chinese Translators Journal, 21(6), pp. 70-71.
  • Sun, Y. (1998). Unmoored Boats (English Translation). In Contemporary Chinese Women Writers VI: Four Novellas by Zhang Xin. pp. 306-332. Beijing: Chinese Literature Press.
  • Sun, Y., et al. (1998). King of the Wizards: Selected Works by Lin Xi, pp. 465. Beijing: Chinese Literature Press.
  • Sun, Y. (1995). Frontier Poets: Gao Shi and Cen Shen and Their Works (English translation). In Chinese Literature, 2, pp. 186-191.

Conferences Papers

  • Sun. Y. (2024). (Re)humanizing Digital Translation Studies. Shaping the Future of Translation and Interpreting Studies in a Context of Technological, Cultural and Social Changes. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, June.
  • Sun. Y. (2024). AI’s Ramifications in Translation Studies: A Theoretical Perspective. International Conference on Literary Translation and Global Communication in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Beijing Institute of Technology, May.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Poetics and Translating Modern Chinese Literature into English. Forum on English Translation and International Communication of Contemporary Chinese Literature. Sun Yat-sen University, November.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Translation and Cross-cultural Knowledge. The First Annual Conference on Knowledge Translation. Shanghai Jiaotong University, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2023). Contextualizing Translation. The 2nd UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, September.
  • Sun, Y. (2022). Translation and Transcultural Poetics. IAS Annual Conference, University of Macau, May.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). Chinese Literature and World Literature. High-Level Forum on Translation Research and its Development as an Academic Discipline in the New Era, September.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). Lin Shu’s Translations Revisited: Why and How Did They Work? The 1st UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies: Translation and Interpreting studies in the East and West: Advances, Convergence and Divergence, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2021). In Huxley’s Name: Yan Fu’s Translation of Ethics and Evolution. IAS Annual Conference, Universiity of Macau, May.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). World Literature in Translation (keynote speech), Translation History and Translation Stories. Ca’Foscari University of Venice, April.
  • Sun, Y. (2019). Translation and World Literature. 7th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation & Intercultural Studies. SOAS, University of London, January,
  • Sun, Y. (2018). How and where to publish on Translation Studies in Greater China? (plenary speech), Publishing in Translation Studies. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September.
  • Sun, Y. (2017). Empowering Translation (plenary speech), Translation and World Literature. The Sixth Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, UC Berkeley, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2016). Teaching Translation and Culture (plenary speech), Translation and Society: The Fifth Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Hawaii, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2015). Translation during the Cultural Revolution (Plenary Speech), Intercultural Mediation: The Fourth Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies, Durham University, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Moving Target and Cross-Cultural Relocation — A Parallel Corpus-Based Investigation of Translation (keynote speech), The 11th International Symposium on Comparative Studies of English and Chinese, Lancaster University, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2014) & F. Tang. A Parallel Corpus-Based Investigation of Vocabulary Features of Tourism Translations, The 4th Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies Conference (UCCTS), July.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication (plenary speech), International Symposium on Globalization: Challenges for Translators and Interpreters, December.
  • Sun, Y. (2013). Translating Chinese Modernity (plenary speech), The 4th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, June.
  • Sun, Y. (2012). Translational Attitude and Emotional Connectivity (plenary speech), Symposium on Translation Research and Teaching in China in the New Era, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). The Shifting Distance of Translation, International Conference on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication, December.
  • Sun, Y. (2011). The Multifaceted Identity of Translation Studies, The International Forum on Chinese Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2010). Translation and (Un)translatability (plenary speech), The Federation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Sixth Asian Translators’ Forum, November.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). Translation and Transcultural Identities, 2nd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, June.
  • Sun, Y. (2009). The Development of Translation Studies, Construction of Conceptual Framework for Translation Studies, April.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Translation: Tensions and Conflicts, The 9th International Conference of the China Comparative Literature Association, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Cultural Translatability and National Identity, World Congress of the International Federation of Translators, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2008). Translation, Transculturality and Transformational China, Translations and Transformations: China, Modernity, and Culture, May.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Translation in Glocalization (keynote speech), The 1st International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, July.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Cultural Translation in Glocalization, Ubiquitous Media: Asian Transformations Theory, Culture & Society 25th Anniversary Conference, July.
  • Sun, Y. (2007). Displacement and Cultural Intervention in Translation (keynote speech), the Symposium on Translating from Chinese into Foreign Languages: A Bridge to the World, April.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Translational Attitudes and Cultural Interventions, Intervention in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Encounters organized by the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, July.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Cultural Tensions in Translation (plenary speech), the International Conference on Translation and Interdisciplinary Studies, May.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Rewriting and Translational Authenticity, presented at the Symposium on New Horizons in Theoretical Translation Studies: Literary, Cultural, Functional, Corpus-based, and Cognitive Perspectives, January.
  • Sun, Y. (2006). Diasporic Translation and Cultural Political Intervention, presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the China Comparative Literature Association, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2005). Foreignizing Translation in East-West Comparative Literature Studies” presented at the American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, March.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). Foreign Otherness in/through Translation, a plenary speech delivered at the Fourth Federation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Asian Translators’ Forum, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). Shifting Identity: The Continuing Metamorphosis of Translation Studies, presented and serving as a discussant at the international conference on Translation and the Construction of Identity organized by the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). Translation Adrift: Ideological Posturing and (Multi)-Cultural: Interpretation, the International Conference on Critical Inquiry: The End of Theory? Organized by the journal Critical Inquiry and the International Association for Literary Theory and Criticism, June.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). Foreignization, Authenticity and Translation, the Second Tsinghua/Lingnan Symposium on Translation Studies, June.
  • Sun, Y. (2004). Cultural Diaspora and Foreignizing Translation, a plenary speech delivered at the Symposium on Diaspora and Overseas Chinese Writing, March.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Distance and Translation (plenary speech), the 3rd National Polyglot Translation Studies Symposium, October.
  • Sun, Y. (2002). Confronting and Translating Culture (plenary speech), Qinghua-Lingnan Conference on Translation Studies in June.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Interpretation, Reception and Translation Studies, the Third Federation Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Asian Translators’ Forum, December.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Literary Language and Translation of Literature (keynote speech), Chinese Young Translators Forum in Guangzhou, December.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Cultural Translation and Resistance to Critical Theory, presented and serving as a discussant at the Third Sino-American Comparative Literature Symposium jointly organized by Tsinghua University and Yale University, August.
  • Sun, Y. (2001). Difference, Appropriation and Translation presented and chairing a panel session at the international conference on Esthetique du Divers jointly organized by the Institute of Comparative Literature and Culture, Beijing University and the Chinese Association of Comparative Literature, April.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Xin Da Ya (faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance) as Translation Principles in Interaction with Western Translation Theory (keynote speech), the Conference on Translation Studies jointly organized by the Translators Association of China the Hong Kong Translation Society held in Shanghai, November.
  • Sun, Y. (1999). Norms in Translational Relations, the 4th International Conference on Comparative Literature held in Chengdu, August.
  • Sun, Y. (1998). The Process of Translating Literary Texts, the Fourth International Conference – Teaching Translation and Interpreting held at Shanghai Foreign Studies University, December.