(853) 8822 8914
Consultation Hours
Tuesday: 14:00 – 16:00
Friday: 14:00 – 15:00
ZHONG, Yijiang 鍾以江
PhD in East Asian Languages and Civilizations (University of Chicago, USA)
MA in East Asian Studies (University of Toronto, Canada)
BA in English (Beijing International Studies University, China)
Research Interests
Research Areas
Intellectual and Cultural History of Japan
Japanese and East Asian Religions
Sino-Japanese Interactions and Relations
Cultural and Social Theory
Research Projects
The Backside of Japan, an Imperial History of Space in Northeast Asia
An Intellectual History of Kami (Shinto gods) in East Asia
Previous Working Experiences
Full professor, Department of Intercultural Communication, Komatsu University, Japan, 2022.4-2024.8
Associate professor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, Japan, 2014.4-2022.3
Postdoc fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2011.9-2013.9
Courses Regularly Taught
JAPN4032 Japanese Society and Culture I
Association for Asian Studies
Association for Japanese Intellectual History 日本思想史学会
Japanese Association for Modern East Asian History東アジア近代史学会
The Historical Science Society of Japan歴史学研究会
“Civil Religion in the US, Japan, and China,” Critical Research on Religion Conference, Hong Kong, Jun. 7-10, 2024
“The Month without Gods: Izumo Shinto in Early Modern Japan” Association of Japanese Intellectual History annual meeting, Tohoku University, Sendai, Nov. 2022 「神無月―近世期における出雲神道の形成」日本思想史学会大会、東北大学、2023年11月
“The Resurrection of Ookuninushi at Izumo Shrine in the Early Seventeenth Century” Association of Japanese Intellectual History annual meeting, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Nov. 2022「近世初期の出雲大社における大国主神の『復活』」日本思想史学会大会、同志社大学、2022年11月
“Shinto and Japanese Nationalism” Institute of Japanese Studies, Hallym University (South Korea), Zoom, Jul. 2021「神道と日本のナショナリズム」韓国翰林大学校日本学研究所、ズーム、2021年7月
“Yasukuni Shrine and the Politics of Religious Freedom” The NZASIA 23rd Biennial International Conference 2019, Wellington, New Zealand, Nov. 2019
“The Backside of Japan: Capitalism, Imperialism, and Space in Northeast Asia” Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Free University of Berlin, Nov. 2017
“Citizen, Nation, and the Constitutional State in 19th Century Europe and Japan” The Global History Collaborative (GHC) Joint Seminar in Paris, EHESS Paris, France, Nov. 2015
“Japanese Studies in the Age of Globalization” Cultural Typhoon: Cultural Studies Association Conference, Osaka, Aug. 2015「グローバリゼーションの時代の日本研究」カルチャル・タイフーン大会、大阪、2015年8月
“A history of jiao in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan” Institute of Humanities, Fudan University, Oct. 2014. “从教化到宗教和教育—江户明治时代的教的历史” 复旦大学文史研究院,2014年10月
“Religion, Public Interest, and Law in Contemporary Japan” Association for Asian Studies annual meeting, Philadelphia, Mar. 2013
“Religion, Secularity, and the Public Sphere in East and Southeast Asia” International Conference, Convener Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Mar. 7-8, 2013
“Ritual Transformation at the Izumo Shrine during the Meiji Period,” International Conventions of Asian Scholars (ICAS), Macao, Jun. 2012
Editor of journal special issue 杂志特集主编 “Religion, Liberalism, and the Nation in East Asia” Religions (2023-2025)
“The Divinity of the Emperor and Japanese Conservative Nationalism” Religions 2024, 15, 1411. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15121411
“Early Modern Japan” in Asia Rising: A Handbook of History and International Relations in East, South and Southeast Asia, eds. Matsuda Yasuhiro and Sahashi Ryo (Springer 2024): 17-22. https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/93270/978-981-97-4375-9.pdf?sequence=1#page=19
“Race, Buddhism, and the Formation of Oriental (Tōyō) Philosophy in Meiji Japan,” Journal of Japanese Philosophy Vol.9 (2023), 53-76.
“‘Three Cs’ and the Three Mysteries: How Esoteric Buddhism Contributed to the Containment of the COVIC-19 Pandemic in Japan,” in CoronAsur: Asian Religions in the Covidian Age, eds. Emily Zoe Hertzman, Natalie Lang, Erica M. Larson, and Carola E. Lorea (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2023): 53-57.
〔Book Review〕Stefan Köck, Brigitte Pickl-Kolaczia, and Bernhard Scheid, eds., Religion, Power, and the Rise of Shinto in Early Modern Japan (London; New York; Dublin:
Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) Japanese Studies (2023) DOI: 10.1080/10371397.2023.2240240
“‘The Backside of Japan,’ Development, and Imperialism in Northeast Asia,” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Volume 19, Issue 6, Number 3 (March 15, 2021), 1-13. (https://apjjf.org/2021/5/Zhong.html)
「国体、神道と近代日本の国家権力―「カミ」という視点から」楊際開・伊東貴之 編『明治国家と中国革命』 ミネルヴァ書房、2021、133-154.
“Yasukuni Shrine and the Politics of Religious Freedom in Contemporary Japan.” State and Religion: Between Conflict and Cooperation, eds. Henning Glaser and Dirk Ehlers, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2020): 535-561.
〔Book Review〕Anna Andreeva. Assembling Shinto: Buddhist Approaches to Kami Worship in Medieval Japan. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2017. Numen 66, No.1 (2019), 92-94.
「曲がり角の人文学知と日本の大学のグローバル化」 坪井秀人 編『バブルと失われた20年』(シリーズ『戦後日本を読みかえる』第6巻) 臨川書店、2018、61-92.
「如何に国際日本研究を教えるか」 松田利彦等 編『なぜ国際日本研究なのか』 晃洋書房、2018/3、58-71.
〔Translation J-E〕磯前順一「天に仰ぎ地に平伏して生きる―愛知県神道伏見稲荷東洋大教会の歴史―」 “Revering the Heaven and Prostrating before the Earth: History of the Shinto Fushimi Inari Great Tōyō Church” in Religion, Politik und Ideologie: Beitraege zu einer kritischen Kulturwissenschaft (München, Germany: IUDICIUM Verlag GmbH, 2018)
〔Book Review〕Helen Hardacre. Shinto: A History (Oxford University Press, 2017); Mark Teeuwen and John Breen. A Social History of the Ise Shrines: Divine Capital (London: Bloomsbury 2017). Monumenta Nipponica 73, No.2 (2018), 245-250.
〔Book Review〕(co-authored with Isomae Jun’ichi) “Dialogic Transcendence and the Process of Subjectification, and then Sustainability – On Prasenjit Duara’s The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and A Sustainable Future” Religious Studies Review, Vol.44, Issue 2, June 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/rsr.13421
〔Book Review〕Paola Cavaliere. Promising Practices: Women Volunteers in Contemporary Japanese Religious Civil Society (Leiden: BRILL 2015). Asian Journal of Social Science 46 (2018), 790-792.
(monograph单行本) The Origin of Modern Shinto in Japan: The Vanquished Gods of Izumo (London: Bloomsbury, 2016)
「「教化」から「教育」と「宗教」へ―近世・近代日本における「教」の歴史」伊東貴之 編 『「心身/身心」と環境の哲学―東アジアの伝統思想を媒介に考える』 汲古書院、2016、613-632.
「宗教、自由と公共性―靖国参拝違憲訴訟を考える」磯前純一・川村覚文 編 『他者論的転回―宗教と公共空間』 なかにしや、2016/3、201-226.
「日本研究の未来:グローバルな知識生産体系への参入」 『日本研究』 第53集(特集)、2016/6、51-62.
〔Translation J-E〕磯前順一「いかにして近世日本を研究するか―近代の「想像/創造」論を超えて」 “Reimagining Early Modern Japan: Beyond the Invented/Imagined Modern Nation” in Value, Identity, and Equality in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Japan (Leiden: Brill 2015)
〔Book Review〕Trent Maxey. The ‘Greatest Problem’: Religion and State Formation in Meiji Japan (Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2014). International Journal of Asian Studies 12-2 (2015), 247-249.
〔Translation E-J〕Prasenjit Duara, “The Changing Role of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Agenda of Asian Studies” 「変わりつつある人文社会科学の役割とアジア研究のアジェンダ」国際日本文化研究センター紀要雑誌『日文研』(52号)2014.3
〔Translation E-J〕Helen Hardacre, “The Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University” 「ハーバード大学エドウィン・O・ライシャワー日本研究所」国際日本文化研究センター紀要雑誌『日文研』(52号)2014.3
“Freedom, Religion, and the Making of the Modern State in Meiji Japan, 1868-1889,” Asian Studies Review 38, No.1 (Dec. 2013), 53-70.
「近世期における神道と権威構築」『現代思想』Vol.41-16 (Nov. 2013): 174-197.
“Formation of History as a Modern Discipline in Meiji Japan,” Working Papers Series no.191 (October 2012), Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
“Ritual, Purity and Power: Rethinking Shinto in Restoration Japan, 1850-1890” Religion and Politics in Japan: White Lotus, Red Sun, ed. Roy Starrs (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011): 28-53.