Yearly Archives: 2023

May 16 | Tue

澳門大學藝術博物館開幕 澳門大學藝術博物館今(16)日正式開幕,並舉辦館藏展暨教職員藝術作品展,展出近60件藝術作品。該博物館將定期展出大學藝術與設計系的教學成果,開展藝術普及活動,為師生和澳門市民提供藝術創作展示與交流的平台。 開幕儀式 ...

UM Museum of Art officially opens
May 16 | Tue

The opening ceremony of the UM Museum of Art   The University of Macau (UM) Museum of Art officially opened today ( ...

UM Museum of Art officially opens2023-10-06T16:31:49+08:00
WINOKUR, Benjamin Ian
Sep 13 | Wed (853) 8822 8232 E21-4107 Tuesdays, 17:30-18:30 Wednesdays, 15:00-16:00 Benjamin Ian WINOKUR P ...

WINOKUR, Benjamin Ian2024-03-28T11:37:02+08:00
China Foreign Affairs University exchange
Sep 11 | Mon

Half-Year Exchange to China Foreign Affairs University Exchange Period: Second Semester, AY2024/2025 Information about ...

China Foreign Affairs University exchange2024-08-21T12:14:59+08:00
South China Normal University exchange
Aug 31 | Thu

Half-Year Exchange to South China Normal University Exchange Period: Second Semester, AY2023/2024 Information about Sou ...

South China Normal University exchange2024-08-21T12:15:46+08:00
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