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Carlos, Ka Nok LO 盧嘉諾
Dr. Ka Nok LO (Carlos) joined the University of Macau in 2023 as Research Assistant Professor, UM Macao Fellow. He received Ph.D. in History from Macau University of Science and Technology, M.A. in History and B.A. from the University of Macau.
In the past seven years, he has been engaged in research on the Historical Demographic, Socio-economic, Cartographic, Cultural Heritage Education and Research, and Sino-Portuguese Diplomatic History of Macao, as well as the Family History of the Heung-San Region, using an interdisciplinary approach, and he has published more than ten journal articles and several conference papers. His doctoral thesis focused on how the Macao-Portuguese government used the population census to manage the population of Macao, thereby facilitating its colonial rule.
In his first monograph, A Village Named Passaleão Displaced: The North of Macao’s Border, he adopted the “Cross-Regional History” research perspective, revealing the close relationship between the Chinese in the Greater Bay Area and Macao, and even modern China, in modern times, through the study of a village closely related to Macao: the development of Beiling (Passaleão) Village in Zhuhai, from the 19th century to the present day.
In his recent research, he has utilized the research perspectives of “Cross-Regional History” and “Border Studies”, and attempted to use “Cross-Border Funerals of Chinese in Macao” as the theme of his research, and is currently preparing to start a new round of research. He intends to publish his second monograph in Second half of 2025, Where the Soul Goes: Colonial Power and the Contest for Space of Death in 19th-20th Century Macao.
In addition, Dr. Lo is currently conducting research on funerals and cemeteries, such as the relationship between urbanization and cemeteries, the financialization of burial plots, and burials and identity.
Ph.D., History, Macau University of Science and Technology, 2023
M.A., History, University of Macau, 2019
B.A., Business Economics, University of Macau, 2016
Research Interests
Socio-Economic History
Funeral and Cemetery Research
Demographic History
Urban & Rural History
Colonial Demography
Sino-Portuguese Relations
Chinese Socio-economic History (HIST3013)
Macao in World History (HIST2006)
Historical Sources, Archives and Bibliography (HIST1009)
President, Macao Xiangshan History and Culture Research Association (2020 -)
Vice President, Macao Heritage Ambassadors Association (2018 -)
Vice President, the Macao Gastronomic Tourism Promotion Association (2020 -)
Director-General, Chinese History Society of Macao (2023 – )
Director-General, Macao Chinese History Education Association (2023 – )
Deputy Chief Supervisor, Association of Macao Young Friends of Heritage (2018 -)
Director, the Macao Youth Federation (2022 -)
Research Group Leader and Editor-in-Chief, Zhuhai Beiling Historical Research Association (2018 -)
Member, the Conference Industry Expert Panel, Macau Institute of Tourism, Macao (2020 -)
Monograph in Chinese:
LO KA NOK,《關閘以北:遠去的北山嶺 A Village Named Passaleao Displaced: The North of Macao’s Border》(Macao: Macao Cultural Heritage Reinventing Studies Association, December 2021)
Monograph in Chinese, English and Portuguese:
- (In preparation) LO KA NOK, Where the Soul Goes: Colonial Power and Burial Space in Macao in the Second Half 19th Century (魂歸何處:19世紀下半葉澳門的殖民權力與墓葬空間), Joint Publishing HK.
- (In preparation) LO KA NOK, The Age of Images: Global History in 18th – 19th Century Maps and Paintings of Macao (圖像時代:18至19世紀澳門地圖及繪畫中的全球史)
Journal Articles
- (Forthcoming) KA NOK, LO,《殖民管治的人口策略——1867年澳門華人人口普查的背景、技術及其影響 Demographic Strategies of Colonial Governance – Background, Techniques and Implications of the 1867 Chinese Census in Macao》,《澳門學 Macaology》(Macau), Issue 3 (June 2024)
- (Forthcoming) KA NOK, LO,《“澳門內鄉人”香山買辦徐潤之北嶺愚園史事鉤沉 Rural people next to Macao: the relationship between Xiangshan comprador Xu Run and Beiling Yuyuan Garden》,《珠海文史 Literature and History of Zhuhai》(Zhuhai, March 2024)
- (Forthcoming) Ka Nok, LO《真蒂洛尼家族原藏澳門半島畫探析(下):從圖像細節看全球史中的澳門An Exploration of the Gentiloni Family’s Original Collection of Macao Peninsula Paintings (3): Finding Macao in Global History through Graphic Details》,《文化雜誌Review of Culture》 (Macau), Issue 120 (June 2024) –[CSSCI INDEX]
- Ka Nok, LO《近代澳門人口普查研究Empirical Research of the Modern Population Census in Macao》,《中國經濟史研究Researches in Chinese Economic History》 (Beijing), vol. 37, no.2 (March 2024) –[CSSCI INDEX]
- 《真蒂洛尼家族原藏澳門半島畫探析(中):“圖像證史”的迷惑與思辨An Exploration of the Gentiloni Family’s Original Collection of Macao Peninsula Paintings (2): “The Confusion and Criticism, When the Image as Historical Evidence》,《文化雜誌Review of Culture》 (Macau), Issue 119 (January 2024)-[CSSCI INDEX]
- KA NOK, LO,《“清同治年間澳門港口圖”的發現及其價值The Discovery and Value of Macao Port Map in Tongzhi period of Qing Dynasty》,《文化雜誌Review of Culture》 (Macau), Issue 118 (August 2023) –[CSSCI INDEX]
- KA NOK, LO,《善舉、譜牒與宗族商業網絡:徐潤的鄉村建設對香山北嶺的影響Donations, Genealogies and Clan Business Networks: The Impact of Xu Run’s Village Construction on the Beiling of Xiangshan》,《廣州大典研究Studies on Guangzhou Encyclopedia》(Guangzhou),Issue 11 (March 2024)
- KA NOK, LO,《慈善救濟、族產辦學與華人跨境殯葬:澳門同善堂藏永租北嶺山地契約的背景、訂立與價值 Charity Relief, Clan Property Education and Chinese Cross-Border Funerals: Background, Formulation and Value of the Deed of Permanent Lease of the Beiling from the Tong Sin Tong Macao》,《澳門研究 Journal of Macau Studies》(Macau), Issue 105 (July 2023)
- KA NOK, LO,《真蒂洛尼家族原藏澳門半島畫探析(上):漂洋過海的“乾隆澳門華夷雜處全景圖An Exploration of the Gentiloni Family’s Original Collection of Macao Peninsula Paintings (1):A panoramic view of the life of the Chinese and foreigners in Macao during the Qianlong period across the sea》,《文化雜誌Review of Culture》 (Macau), Issue 117 (May 2023) –[CSSCI INDEX]
- KA NOK, LO,《天朝犄角:香山拉塔石砲台地名源流考 The Horns of the Heavenly Dynasty: The Origin of the Place Named Passaleão Forts》,《文化雜誌 Review of Culture》(Macau), Issue 114 (June 2022)
- KA NOK, LO,《香山買辦與宗族文化構建:以香山北嶺徐潤家族為例 Xiangshan Compradors and the Construction of Clan Culture: Xu Run’s Family in Beiling of Xiangshan as an Example》, 《澳門歷史研究 Macau History Studies》(Macau), Issue 20, (December 2021)
- KA NOK, LO,《“行商海外”:明清時期香山北嶺徐氏宗族與澳門關係考述 Gone Overseas to Do Business : A Study of the Relationship between the Xu’s Family in Beiling of Xiangshan and Macao in during the Ming and Qing Dynasties 》,《文化雜誌 Review of Culture》(Macau), Issue 112 (Setember 2021)
- KA NOK, LO,《清代以來澳門華人北上返鄉喪葬制度初探 A Study on the Cross-border Funeral System of Chinese in Macao since Qing Dynasty》, 《澳門歷史研究 Macau History Studies》(Macau), Issue 19, (October 2020)
- KA NOK, LO,《近代香山人出洋歷史溯源:以香山北嶺為中心 The Historical Origin of Modern Xiangshan People Going Overseas: Centered on the Beiling of Xiangshan》,《北嶺記憶——地理篇 Beiling Memory- Geography》(Zhuhai: Zhuhai Beiling Historical Research Association, 2020)
- KA NOK, LO,《北山嶺之戰地名考:以《香山徐氏宗譜》圖像為中心 An Investigation of Place Names in the Battle of Beishanling: Centering on the Image of “Xu’s Genealogy in Xiangshan》,《北嶺記憶——歷史篇 Beiling Memory- History》(Zhuhai: Zhuhai Beiling Historical Research Association, 2020)
Book Chapters
- LO KA NOK,《香山北山嶺歷史地理考述A historical and geographical study of the Beiling, Xiangshan》,《對話絲路與世博:紀念徐榮村與首屆世博會170周年研討會論文集Dialogue on the Silk Road and the World Expo: Essays from the 170th Anniversary Seminar on Xu Rongcun and the First World Expo》,珠海市檔案館、珠海市香洲區委宣傳部編(Zhuhai Municipal Archives, Zhuhai Xiangzhou District Committee Propaganda Department), 廣州:廣東人民出版社(Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing House, July 2023)
- LO KA NOK,《建設“以中華文化為主流,多元文化共存的交流合作基地”:內涵、功能與路徑Connotation, function and path: How to establish “a base for exchange and cooperation with Chinese culture as the mainstream and multiple cultures coexisting”》, 《粵港澳大灣區發展報告(2019-2020)Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Report (2019-2020)》, 廣州:廣東人民出版社(Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Publishing House, April 2021)
Conference Papers
- KA NOK, LO,《墓地改革、殖民擴張與澳門華商——19世紀下半葉清廣東與澳葡政府對北山嶺高沙義地土地的爭奪Graveyard Reform, Colonial Expansion, and Macao Chinese Merchants: The Competition for space of Passaleão Go Sa Cemetery, between Qing-Guangdong and Macao-Portuguese Governments in the Second Half of the 19th Century》, The 3rd Annual Conference of Macau Studies 2023(第三屆澳門研究年會), Organized by the Center of Macao Studies of University of Macau (澳門大學澳門研究中心主辦), December 2023
- KA NOK, LO,《殖民管治與領土擴張——19世紀早期澳門人口普查的發展與啟示 Colonial Governance and Territorial Expansion: The Development and Implications of the Macau Census in the Early 19th Century》, The 7th International Symposium on Macau Studies 2023(2023年第七屆澳門國際學術研討會), Organized by the Macao Foundation (澳門基金會主辦), April 2023
- KA NOK, LO,《香山買辦與宗族文化的紐帶The connetion between Xiangshan comprador and clan culture》, “Looking Back and Prospecting—Commemorating the 870th Anniversary of Xiangshan County” seminar(《回眸與展望——紀念香山建縣870周年》研討會), hosted by the Social Science Federation of Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, and the Literary and Art Circles Federation of Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City,( 珠海市香洲區社會科學聯合會、珠海市香洲區文學藝術界聯合會主辦), October 14th 2022
- KA NOK, LO,《殖民管治的人口策略——澳門華人人口普查研究 The Population Strategy of Colonial Governance——A Census Study of Chinese in Macao》, The 4th Youth Symposium on Chinese Economic History in 2022 (2022年第四屆中國經濟史青年學術研討會), hosted by the editorial department of Research in Chinese Economic History(《中國經濟史研究》編輯部主辦), August 19th, 2022
- KA NOK, LO,《晚清中葡勘界中的“模糊地界”:“局外之地” 香山北山嶺的爭奪與反爭奪 The “Ambiguous Boundary” in the Late Qing Dynasty Sino-Portuguese Boundary Survey: “The Neutral Area ” The Contention and Counter-Contention in the Passaleão of Xiangshan》”Macau University of Science and Technology HAO JIANG XIN YU Doctoral Forum 2022″ (澳門科技大學濠江新語博士論壇2022) ,February 24th , 2022
- KA NOK, LO,《香山買辦與宗族文化構建:以香山北嶺徐潤家族為例 Xiangshan Compradors and the Construction of Clan Culture: Xu Run’s Family in Beiling of Xiangshan as an Example》, 2020 “Sun Yat-sen and Modern China Studies” Youth Academic Seminar (2020年“孫中山與近代中國研究”青年學術研討會) , November 28th, 2020
- KA NOK, LO,《20 世紀 70 年代澳門路環九澳村經濟轉型與人口外流初探:以澳門《華僑報》檔案為中心 A Preliminary Study of the Economic Transformation and Population Exodus in Kaho Village, Coloane, Macau in the 1970s: Focusing on the Archives of Macau Wa Kio Newspaper》, “Macau University of Science and Technology HAO JIANG XIN YU Doctoral Forum 2020(澳門科技大學濠江新語博士論壇2020), October 29th, 2020
- KA NOK, LO,《清代以來澳門華人北上返鄉喪葬制度初探 A Study on the Cross-border Funeral System of Chinese in Macao since Qing Dynasty》,The 19th Annual Academic Conference of the Research Society of Macao History and Culture and the International Symposium on Macao Documents and Historical Materials(澳門歷史文化研究會第十九屆學術年會暨澳門文獻史料國際研討會), October 12nd, 2020
- KA NOK, LO,《香山買辦的商業基因探究–以香山北嶺徐氏的人口數據為例Exploration of Xiangshan Comprador’s Commercial Genes: Taking the Population Data of Xu Family in Xiangshan Beiling as an Example》,Macau University of Science and Technology HAO JIANG XIN YU Doctoral Forum 2019(澳門科技大學濠江新語博士論壇2019), October 16th , 2019
UM Macao Fellow (Research Assistant Professor), University of Macau, Macao (2023 – Present)
Visiting Research Fellow, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China (2023 – Present)
Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Cultural History, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China (2020 – Present)
Supervisor, Research Centre for Macao History, Chinese Academy of History, Macao (2021 – 2023)
Instructor, General Education Program (B.A), Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao (2021 – 2023)
Instructor, Macao History, Culture and Heritage-Related Course, Macao Heritage Ambassadors Association, Macao (2016 – Present)
Research Assistant, Research Centre of Chiang Kun Ying, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao (2022 – 2023)
Teaching Assistant, Ancient Chinese History (B.A and Ph.D.), Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao(2019 – 2023)
Research Assistant, Institute for Social and Cultural Research, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao(2019– 2023)
- Invited by the Center for Anthropology and Ethnology, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, to be the guest speaker on “Population, Ethnic Groups and Society in Late Qing Dynasty Macao”, September 28, 2022 (獲清華大學社科學院人類學與民族學研究中心邀請擔任主講嘉賓,題為《晚清澳門的人口、族群與社會》,2022年9月28日)
- Invited by Macau University of Science and Technology to be the keynote speaker in the “Macao Society Lecture Series”, entitled “Modern Macao Population and Urban Change (1849-1999)”, April 21, 2022 (獲澳門科技大學《澳門社會系列講座》邀請擔任主講嘉賓,題為《近現代澳門人口與城市變遷(1849-1999)》,2022年4月21日)
- Invited by the Macau University of Science and Technology to be the keynote speaker in the “Macao Society Lecture Series”, entitled “Modern Macao Population Changes: From the Population Census”, November 18, 2021 (獲澳門科技大學《澳門社會系列講座》邀請擔任主講嘉賓,題為《近代澳門人口的變遷:從人口普查談起》,2021年11月18日)
- Invited by the Macau Chinese New Youth Association to shoot a video explaining the themes of “Coolie Trade and Human Trafficking” and “Land Beliefs and Customs”, May 2020 (獲澳門中華新青年協會邀請拍攝影片講解“苦力貿易與人口販賣”及“土地信俗”主題,2020年5月)
- Invited by China Central Television to be the keynote speaker of the special live broadcast program “Twenty Years of Macao” on China Central Television, introducing the Macao Museum and Macao history as a representative of Macao’s cultural heritage, December 19, 2019 (獲中國中央電視台回歸特輯特别直播節目《廿念澳門》邀請擔任主講嘉賓,作為澳門文化遺產領域代表介紹澳門博物館及澳門歷史,2019年12月19日)
- 《筷子基發現古炮推動軍事歷史研究Ancient Cannon Discovered at Fai Chi KeiPromotes Military History Research》””, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, February 26, 2024
- 《政府推“新馬路任我行” 文使協:有效推廣本澳多元文化 Government Pushes “Strolling on Almeida Ribeiro – Pedestrian area pilot project” MHAA: Effectively Promote Multiculturalism in Macao》””, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, January 25, 2023
- (Portuguese) 《倒塌三分之一的古城牆 A third of the ancient city wall collapsed (Colapsou terço das Antigas Muralhas da Cidade)》Macau: Jornal Tribuna de Macau, 13 June 2022
- 《文使協冀重視卓家村古樹保育 MHAA Hopes to Pay Attention to the Conservation of Ancient Trees in Choka Village》, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, April 5, 2022
- (Portuguese) 《專家們希望進行更雄心勃勃的振興 澳門文化局應支持包括未列出的建築物Experts want more ambitious revitalization Macau’s Cultural Affairs Bureau should support buildings not listed (ESPECIALISTAS QUEREM REVITALIZAÇÃO MAIS AMBICIOSA Apoio do IC devia incluir edifícios não classificados)》, Macau: Jornal Tribuna de Macau, February 16, 2022
- 《趙氏族人曾上書阻葡人擴張 文使協:具很強愛國教育意義 Men of the Zhao clan once wrote a letter to prevent the expansion of the Portuguese, the Cultural and Envoy Association: It has a strong patriotic educational significance》, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, February 10, 2022
- 《炮台南面牆料下月完成修復 The South Wall of the Fortress will be repaired next month》, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, October 21, 2021
- 《北嶺社區舉辦村史刊物<北嶺記憶>發佈會 村民手繪舊村“一樹一坑一田” Beiling Community Holds Press Conference of Village History Publication Beiling Memory Villagers Hand-Paint Old Village “One Tree, One Pit, One Field》, Zhuhai: 《珠江晚報Pearl River Evening News》, December 8, 2020
- 《北嶺社區村史研究刊物<北嶺記憶>再出續集 傾聽歷史 回望祖輩來時路 Beiling Community Village History Research Journal Beiling Memory Releases a Sequel, Listening to History and Looking Back at the Way Our Ancestors Came》, Zhuhai: 《珠江晚報Pearl River Evening News》, October 28, 2020
- 《拱北北嶺社區百年古樹在颱風後倒伏 那棵童年的鳳凰木走了 Century-old tree in Beiling community in Gongbei fell down after the typhoon, the childhood poinciana is gone》, Zhuhai: 《珠江晚報Pearl River Evening News》,August 23, 2020
- 《疫情促善用科技打破限制利互動 團體:博物館應開發線上功能 The epidemic promotes the good use of technology to break restrictions and benefit interactive groups: museums should develop online functions》, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, May 19, 2020
- 《趁疫推動本土文化旅遊轉型升級 文使協倡推雲旅遊識世遺 Taking advantage of the epidemic to promote the transformation and upgrading of local cultural tourism, MHAA Envoys advocates promoting cloud tourism to understand world heritage》”, Macau: 《澳門日報 Macao Daily》, March 17, 2020
- 《文化遺產常識問答比賽冀增強學生保護文遺意識 Cultural Heritage General Knowledge Quiz Contest to Enhance Students’ Awareness of Cultural Heritage Protection》, Macau: 《力報Exmoo News》, May 11, 2019