ELC-ECAC Student Activity: Preparing for Job Interviews
2022-11-23 @ 2:00 pm ~ 3:30 pm
ELC-ECAC Student Activity: Preparing for Job Interviews
Dear Students,
Handle job interviews like a pro!
The English Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECAC), English Language Centre (ELC) of FAH, is inviting to you to the “Preparing for Job Interviews” workshop by Ms. Angel Chan, ELC Teaching Fellow.
Students will have opportunities to hone in their job interview skills through the activities designed for this workshop. Acquire the skills you need in handling interview questions and become aware of appropriate behaviours during the interview. By using the STAR pattern, you will be able to formulate answers to typical interview questions. Register now and save your seat!
Quota: 24 (book your seat early!)
Registration: Scan the QR code on the poster or please click:
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at ECAC_ELC@um.edu.mo.