English Proficiency Test (Applicable to the students admitted through Direct Admission and Principals’ Recommended Admission in AY 2024/2025)

Dear Students,

Please refer to the following information regarding the arrangement of English Proficiency Test 2024/2025 .

♦ Test Date:  13 August 2024 (Tuesday)

♦ Test Time: 3:30 p.m. (You have 100 minutes to complete the entire test)

♦ Test Venue:  2 Floor of Block E6, Central Academic Building, University of Macau (Please go to room E6-2115 for check-in first)

Campus Map

Important information:

  • Before taking the test, you must follow the instructions in the email from the Registry to activate your account and keep your password safe.
  • You are advised to arrive 20 minutes before the scheduled time of test
  • You will not be allowed to enter the test venue once the test starts.
  • You MUST bring all of the following items on the test day:

Offer of Admission

Valid personal identification document (ID card / passport / UM Campus Card)

Student login account and password (You need them to login to take the test)

Should you have any queries about the English Proficiency Test, please contact English Language Centre at fahelcplacement@um.edu.mo or via tel. 8822 8120 or 8822 4694 during office hours.

Good luck!

Thank you for your attention.

English Language Centre
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
University of Macau

英語科能力測試 2024/2025學年 (適用於經直接入學及「校長推薦入學計劃」錄取之新生)


茲通知 2024/2025英語能力測試安排如下:

♦ 考試日期:2024年8月13日(星期

♦ 考試時間:下午3:30 (同學有100分鐘完成整個測試)

♦ 考試場地:澳門大學中央教學樓E6棟二樓 (請同學先到E6-2115室進登記)



  • 在參加測試之前,你必須按照註冊處電子郵件中的指示啟動你的帳戶,並妥善保管你的密碼。
  • 請於測試當天,開考前20分鐘到場報到。
  • 一旦考試開始,考生不得進入考場。
  • 所有考生必須攜同下列物品前來參加測試:

–  新生入學通知書 

–  有效之身份證明文件正本(身份證/護照/澳大校園卡) 

–  學生帳戶及登錄密碼 (你必須登錄你的帳戶才能進行測試。)

如對“英文科能力測試”有任何疑問,請電郵至 fahelcplacement@um.edu.mo 或在辦公時間致電 8822 8120 / 8822 4694 聯繫英語中心。

