Two hands is better than one: Trial of near-peer teaching [workshop]

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 30th ETA International Symposium, ETA-ROC, Taiwan (pre-recorded video presentation), November 14, 2021

Comparison of the effects of MALL and face-to-face speaking practices

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 30th ETA International Symposium, ETA-ROC, Taiwan (pre-recorded video presentation), November 13, 2021

Speaking DIY: Cultivating non-classroom speaking practices among peers

Co-present with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 2021 English Language Teaching Conference: Take a Deep Breath: Improving Well-being and English Teaching, Macao Association for the Advancement of English Language Teaching (MÆLT), Macao, China, June 26, 2021


Topic about Implications of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA) to Macau EFL Students

Co-present with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 54th IATEFL International Conference (virtual conference presentation), June 19-21, 2021

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. The 27th Korea TESOL International Conference: Advancing ELT: Blending Disciplines, Approaches, and Technologies, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, October 12-13, 2019

Speaking Errors of EFL in MALL – Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Practice

Co-present with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 3rd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (virtual conference presentation), May 20-21, 2021


Topic about Comparison of Spatial Demonstratives “zhe”, “na”, “this” and “that” in Discourses of TV Talk Shows

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Conference (pre-recorded video presentation), March 20-23, 2021

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 第三屆(功能)語言學融合與發展高端論壇暨十七屆英漢語篇分析研討會, Beijing Foreign Studies University (virtual conference presentation), October 31, 2020

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 2020 International Conference on Linguistics, Kyung Hee University of South Korea (virtual conference presentation), October 16-17, 2020

Topic about Comparison of the Effects of Synchronous and Asynchronous MALL with Face-to-face Practices on Speaking Skills: A Sociocultural Perspective

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference: Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning, CamTESOL (virtual conference presentation), February 5-7, 2021

Topic about Factors Affecting Macau College Students’ Engagement with Online Instruction as an Alternative to Real-Class Instruction during COVID-19

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference: Actions and Innovations in Teaching and Learning, CamTESOL (virtual conference presentation), February 5-7, 2021

Topic about Students’ Engagement with Online Instruction as Alternative to Real-Class Instruction

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 29th ETA International Symposium, ETA-ROC, Taiwan (pre-recorded video presentation), November 13-15, 2020

Topic about Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism of Denominalization: From the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy Interaction

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 第三屆(功能)語言學融合與發展高端論壇暨十七屆英漢語篇分析研討會, Beijing Foreign Studies University (virtual conference presentation), October 31, 2020

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. 2020 International Conference on Linguistics, Kyung Hee University of South Korea (virtual conference presentation), October 16-17, 2020

Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety: A Preliminary Study of its Implication to EFL Final-Year Secondary Students and First-Year University Students

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng. Inaugural Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Cognition and Identity, The Education University of Hong Kong, June 28-29, 2019

If only YOU were in my shoes, teachers

Co-presented with Riko Lei Ut Meng and Kitty Ng Si Man. 2018 Macao English Language Teaching Conference, Moving Forward: Breakthroughs in Macao EFL Classrooms, Macao, June 9, 2018

A in the STEAM – the Correlation between English (Language Arts) and STEM Education

2017 Macao English Language Teaching Conference, English in the Real World: From School to Society, Macao, June 10-11, 2017

English is Science? An Exploration of Scientific Approach in English Pedagogy

Keynote Speech at 2016 Macao English Language Teaching Conference, Bringing Teachers Together: From Monologues to Multilogues, Macao, June 11-12, 2016

The use of Meaning-Check Questions (MCQ) to assist students’ autonomy in learning English

English Language Teaching International Conference 2015, Departing from Tradition: Innovations in English Language Teaching and Learning, Macao, Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2015

First author of the publication:

Chan, A. (2023). Localizing the practice of critical pedagogy through place-based, problem-posing education. In G. Park, S. Bogdan, M. Rosa & J. M. Navarro (Eds.), Critical pedagogy in the language and writing classroom: Strategies, examples, activities from teacher scholars (pp. 106-118). Routledge.

Co-author of the publication:

Chan, A., Dongilla, J., Doxtator, C., Fairley, M., Mehio, M., & Sondari, P. S. (2023). Bringing to a collage. In G. Park, S. Bogdan, M. Rosa & J. M. Navarro (Eds.), Critical pedagogy in the language and writing classroom: Strategies, examples, activities from teacher scholars (pp. 161-162). Routledge.

Chan, A., Dongilla, J., Doxtator, C., Fairley, M., Mehio, M., & Sondari, P. S. (2023). Problematizing theory and practice. In G. Park, S. Bogdan, M. Rosa & J. M. Navarro (Eds.), Critical pedagogy in the language and writing classroom: Strategies, examples, activities from teacher scholars (pp. 185-188). Routledge.

Lei, U. M., & Chan, K. L. (2021). Speaking English is like dating: Boost and keep the passion in different contexts. Multilogues (Newsletter of Macao Association for the Advancement of English Language Teachers), 6(1), 4-5.

Lei, U. M., & Chan, K. L. (2020). Implications of foreign language classroom anxiety to Macau EFL students. Korea TESOL Journal, 15(2), 127-150.

Deputy Managing Director, Macao Association for the Advancement of English Language Teaching (MÆLT) (2018-Present)

Member, KoTESOL (2019-Present)

Member, IATEFL (2019-Present)

“Distinguished Teacher” Honour of the school year 2016/2017 (Awarded by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region)