George WEI C. X.
- Ph.D. in History, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, August 1996
- M.A. in History, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, December 1991
- M.A. in Modern World History, Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 1982
Interest, Mentality, and Strategy: Americans and China’s Economic Reconstruction, 1944-1949(Advisor: William C. Kirby, Former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and currently T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies in the History Department; Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School; Director, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies; Chairman of the Harvard China Fund, Harvard University)
Research Interests
- Chinese History
- Asian History
- U.S. Foreign Policy
- U.S. History
Courses Regularly Taught
- 2012-2014, Head and Professor, Department of History, FSH/FSS, University of Macau
- 2010-2011, Professor, Department of History, FSH, University of Macau
- 2009-2010, Head and Professor, Department of History, FSH, University of Macau
- 2008-2009, Head and Associate Professor, Department of History, FSH, University of Macau;
- 2007-2008, Coordinator and Associate Professor, History Program, Department of Sociology, FSH, University of Macau;
- 2006-2007, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, FSH, University of Macau;
- 2004-2006, Chair and Associate Professor, Department of History, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.;
- 2001-2004, Associate Professor, Department of History, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.;
- 1997-2001, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.;
- 1996-97, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A.;
- 1994-96, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.;
- 1993-94, Instructor, University College, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.;
- 1983-88, Assistant Professor, History Institute, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China.
- 1999-Present, Guest Professor, Institute of History Research, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China
- 2001-Present, Guest Professor, Center for Jewish Studies, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China
- 2002, Arthur Vining Davis Awards, Susquehanna University
- 1987, Outstanding Thesis Awards, History Institute, The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China
- 1987, Outstanding Thesis Awards, The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China
- 1986, Outstanding Thesis Awards, The Shanghai Association for Philosophy and Social Sciences, China
editor, jointly by Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2013, 《東方外交史中的日本》(Japan in Asian Diplomatic History), co-editor, Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2013, 《東西方文化與外交方略:理論篇》(Cultures and Diplomatic Strategies of the East and the West: Theories), co-editor, jointly by Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2011, 《東方外交與臺灣》(Asian Diplomacy and Taiwan), co-editor, Publication Center of the University Macau, September.
- 2009, 《東方外交史之發展》 (The Development of Asian Diplomatic History), co-editor, Publication Center of the University Macau, September.
- Forthcoming, <導言: 東方外交與朝鮮半島從古代走向現代的歷程> (“Introduction: Asian Diplomacy and the Path of the Korean Peninsula from Ancient Time to the Modern Time”), co-author, Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2013, <前言:日本在東方外交史中的角色地位與歷史變遷> (“Introduction: The Evolving Role and Position of Japan in the History of Asian Diplomacy”), in 《東方外交史中的日本》(Japan in Asian Diplomatic History), eds. C.X. George Wei & Chen Fenglin, Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2013, <導言:深入探討東西方外交理念與外交模式的同異> (“Introduction: In-depth Study of the Patterns and Ideals of the Eastern and Western Diplomacy”), co-author, in Cultures and Diplomatic Strategies of the East and the West: Theories,eds. by C.X. George Wei & Chen Fenglin, Publication Center of the University Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press, China;
- 2013, <百年辛亥,革命新議>, (The New Comment on the 1911 Revolution at Its Centennial Anniversary), 《辛亥革命與世界》,王曉秋主編 (The 1911 Revolution and the World, ed. by Wang Xiaoqiu), Beijing University Press, pp. 639-652;
- 2013, <辛亥革命成因新探> (The New Account for the Cause of the 1911 Revolution), 《留學人員與辛亥革命》, 歐美同學會、中國留學人員聯誼會編(Overseas Chinese Students and the 1911 Revolution, eds. by The Europe-America Students Association and the Friendship Association of Chinese Overseas Students), Sino-Culture Press.
- 2012, <當代東西方外交戰略與理念的改變:中美外交的傳統及其新實踐>, (The Transformation of Contemporary Eastern and Western Diplomatic Strategy and Concept: The Diplomatic Tradition and New Practice of China and the U.S.”), 《亞洲研究》(Asian Studies), February, No. 64, pp. 167-194;
- 2012, <歷史的節奏:海內外對辛亥革命的研究發展及爭議> (The Rhythm of History: The Development and Debates of the Overseas Study on the 1911 Revolution”),《徐州師大學報》(The Journal of Xuzhou Normal University), CSSCI journal,Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 76-83;
- 2011, <導言:近代臺灣的歷史命運與臺灣問題研究的新視野〉,(”Introduction: The Historical Fate of modern Taiwan and the New Perspective in Studying the Taiwan Issue”), 《東方外交與臺灣》(Asian Diplomacy and Taiwan), edited by C.X. George Wei & Chen Fenglin, Publication Center, University of Macau, 2011, pp. vii-xvi;
- 2011, <歷年來海内外辛亥革命研究概述>, (“A Survey of the Studies on the Revolution of 1911 in China and Abroad”), 《神州交流》(Chinese Cross Currents), October, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 61-80;
- 2011, <淺析奧巴馬政府的對朝政策> (“A Brief Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Policy toward North Korea”),《當代韓國》(Contemporary Korea), March;
- 2010, <在美國發現第三种歷史:从“本歷史” 到“它歷史”再到“大歷史”> (“Discover the Third History from America: From ‘the Own History’ to ‘the Other History’ and ‘the Grand History’”),《在美國發現歷史:旅美中國歷史學者反思錄》(Discover History in America: The Reflection by Chinese Historians in the United States), eds. by Wang Xi 王希& Yao Ping 姚平, Beijing University Press;
- 2010, <化解歷史恩怨:從龍應台的《大江大海:一九四九》說起> (“Reconcile Historical Hostility: An Analysis from Long Yingtai’s Big River, Big Ocean: 1949”), 《九鼎》 (HOBBS Journal), Volume 31, No. 5;
- 2010, <兩岸關係中的博弈和選擇:誤區在哪裏?> (“The Game Played and the Choice Made in the Cross-Strait Relations: Where is Misleading To?”)《九鼎》 (HOBBS Journal), Volume 29, No. 3;
- 2009, <研究跨国历史的挑战:海外研究南京大屠杀的争议综述> (“Challenge to Studying Transnational History: An Overall Historical Count of the Research Abroad on the Nanking Massacre”), 《歷史研究》(History Research), The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, October, No. 5;
- 2009, <美國戰後對華經濟政策的演變〉(“The Evolution of the American Postwar Economic Policy toward China”),《東方外交史之發展》(The Development of Asian Diplomatic History), eds. by Chen Fenglin & C.X. George Wei, Publication Center of the University Macau;
- 2009, <東方歷史上的文明交流與融合> (“The Interactions and Integration of Civilizations in Eastern History”), 《歷史教學》 (Journal of History Teaching), 天津古籍出版社 (Tianjin Press for Classic Books), Tianjin, May;
- 2009, <歷史回顧> (“Historical Recollection”), 《中國改革開放三十年: 變與常》 (Thirty Years of Reform in China: Discontinuity and Continuity), edited by Cheng Yu-shek and Kam-yee Law, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong;
- 2008, <澳美關係所面臨的機遇和挑戰>(“The Opportunity and Challenge Faced in the Macau-U.S. Relations”),《九鼎》 (HOBBS Journal), No. 8 and 9;
- 2008, <挑戰傳統史學觀:美國中國城市史史學的發展> (“The Challenge to the Traditional Approaches: The Development of the American Historiography on Chinese Urban History”), 《史林》 (Historical Review), Vol. 104, No. 1, The Institute of History Research, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai;
- 2008, <文化民族主義在現代國家構建中的作用:臺灣文化民族主義的歷史角色、困境和突破>(“The Role of Cultural Nationalism in Modern State Building: The Dilemma and Breakthrough that Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism had as a Historical Actor”), 《国家认同与两岸未来》 (National Identity and the Future of the Two Sides of the Straits), edited by Zhidong Hao, The Center for Contemporary China Studies, University of Macau;
- 2007, “文化大革命及其對中共第四代領導人的影響”(“The Cultural Revolution and Its Impact on the Fourth Generation of the Chinese Communist Leaders), «文化大革命:歷史真相和集團記憶»(The Cultural Revolution: Historical Truth & Collective Memories), edited by Yongyi Song, Hong Kong, 田园书屋 (Greenfield Bookstore Press), ISBN: 962-339-066-1, Vol. 2, 2007, p. 904-915;
- 2006, <美國戰後對華經濟政策的演變>(“The Evolution of American Postwar Economic Policy toward China, 1944-1949”),《史林》 (Historical Review), No. 2, The Institute of History Research, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai;
- 1999, <冷戰與臺灣的戰後重建:美國經濟總署對國民黨政府經濟政策的演變>(“The Cold War and Taiwan’s Reconstruction: The Changing Economic Policy of the Economic Cooperation Administration of the U.S. toward the Nationalist Government”),《留美歷史學家協會論文集》(The Theses on Taiwan by Chinese Historians in the United States), Hong Kong: Asian Press for Science;
- 1987, <試論世界歷史上影響文化發展的幾個重要因素> (“Important Factors Affecting Cultural Cultivation in World History”),《上海文化發展戰略論文集》 (The Selected Theses on the Strategy of Cultural Development of Shanghai), Shanghai People’s Press, Shanghai;
- 1987, <第二次世界大戰對強權政治和世界歷史的影響> (“The Impact of the Second World War on Power Politics and in World History”) ,《國際關係理論研究》(Research on Theories of International Relations),Chinese Social Sciences Press, Beijing;
- 1987, <近代美國經濟中外資的作用與發展〉(“The Effect and Development of Foreign Investment in Modern America”),《世界經濟情況》(Information on World Economy), no. 143, Shanghai;
- 1987, <近代美國外資引進及成功原因> (“Foreign Investment in Modern America and the Reasons for Its Success”),《社會科學》(The Journal of Social Sciences), no. 4, Shanghai;
- 1987, <戰後美國對日政策的演變> (“The Evolution of American Policy towards Japan since World War II”),《世界歷史研究》(The Journal of World History Studies), no. 1, Beijing;
- 1986, <試論二戰對中美關係的影響> (“The Impact of the Second World War on Sino-American Relations”),《戰後國際關係論文選集》 (The Selected Theses on the Postwar International Relations,1986), The Shanghai Association for International Relations, Shanghai.;
- 1986, <第二次世界大戰給美國對華政策的影響> (“The Impact of the Second World War on American Policy toward China”) ),《史林》 (The Journal of History Field), no. 2, Shanghai;
- 1986, <存在主義史觀評價> (“Review of the Existentialist Concept of History”), 《世界歷史論文選》(The Selected Theses on World History),The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, Shanghai;
- 1986, <試論兩二次大戰期間美國的軍事戰略和軍備政策> (“U.S. Military Strategy and Armament Policy between the Wars”), 《二戰起源論文集》(The Selected Theses on the Origin of the Second World War),East China Normal University Press, Shanghai;
- 1986, <英國病、法國病及其它> (“The Problems of Britain, France, and Others”) ,《新觀點》(New Points Bulletin), no. 128, Liberalization Daily Press, Shanghai;
- 1985, <史迪威事件> (“The Stilwell Incident and Its Cause”), 《近代史研究》(The Journal of Modern History Studies),no. 1, Beijing;
- 1985, <試論五卅運動期間美英外交之異同> (“The Similarities and Differences between the American and British Diplomatic Moves towards China during the May 30th Movement”),《社會科學》(The Journal of Social Sciences), no. 5, Shanghai;
- 1985, <試論第二次世界大戰對對戰後國際關係的影響—兼談世界結構的演變〉(“The Impact of World War II on the Postwar International Relations—The Evolution of the Global Structure in History”),《戰後國際關係論文集》 (The Selected Theses on the Postwar International Relations,1985), The Shanghai Association for International Relations, Shanghai.
- 2012: <晚唐中國的觀音女性形象>(“Female Images of Kuan-Yin in Post-T’ang China,” by Chün-fang YÜ, Journal of Chinese Religions), 《西方中国宗教史研究论文集》(Western Essays on Chinese Religious History), ed. by Yao Ping, Shanghai Guji Chubanshe (Shanghai Press for Classic Books), Shanghai;
- 2005, 26 pages of English translation of tour guide speech for the Qingpu Museum, Shanghai;
- 1989, co-translator, 《歷史的起源與目標》(The Origin and Goal of History), by Karl Jaspers (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1953), China Press, Beijing.