LU, Chunhui

2015.09-2018.07 Zhejiang International Studies University: Portuguese Teacher

2013.09-2015.06 Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Laboratory (NLP2CT) , University of Macao: Research Assistant

  • 11.13 Participated in the “‘海洋广东’论坛暨广东历史学会成立70周年学术研讨会 [Marine Guangdong” Forum and Academic Symposium on the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Guangdong Historical Society]” and announced a paper 1627年:澳门翻译规范化的肇始 [1627: The beginning of the standardization of translation in Macao].
  • 10.13 Participated in the “澳门历史文化研究会2020年学术年会 [Macao History and Culture Research Association 2020 Academic Annual Conference]” with a conference paper titled清代粤澳公牍:一部澳门学百科全书 [Chapas Sínicas: an Encyclopedia of Macao Studies].
  • 7.10 Participated in the “IV International Forum of Portuguese Language Teaching in China” hosted by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and announced a paper Mapa Mental: uma Ferramenta Auxiliar na Aprendizagem e no Ensino da Língua Portuguesa [Mind Map: An Auxiliary Tool in Learning and Teaching Portuguese Language].
  • 10.24-2017.10.25 Participated in the “International Conference for the Continuous Improvement of Portuguese Teaching for Native Speakers of the Chinese Language” hosted by Macao University of Science and Technology and announced a paper Aplicação da didática híbrida e prática no ensino de PLE – Um exemplo da apresentação da cultura portuguesa para alunos chineses [Application of hybrid and practical teaching in teaching PLE – An example of the presentation of Portuguese culture to Chinese students].
  • 10.24 Participated in the IV World Symposium on Portuguese Language Studies in Samtarém, Portugal and the paper, Modelo da Aprendizagem de PLE dos Aprendentes Chineses no Estrangeiro [Chinese Learners’ PLE Learning Model during Exchange Program], was announced by somebody else.
  • 7.23-2017.7.29 Participated in the 12thAIL(Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas)and announced an paper to publish soon. This paper is Um estudo sobre a situação atual dos jovens professors de português na China [A study on the current situation of young Portuguese teachers in China].
  • 11.3 Participated in the “The International Seminar to Improve Portuguese Teaching Quality” hosted by Macao University of Science and Technology and announced a paper.
  • 9.20 Participated in the 1st Latin America relationship seminar hosted by Beijing International Studies University.
  • 5.5 Participated in the 1st conference for Portuguese course coordinators in Chinese universities. The conference was hosted by Portugal embassy in China.
  • 11.4-2014.11.6 Participated in the 10th China workshop on machine translation with a work displayed and later published.


  • LU C. H. 2020, “Mapa mental: uma ferramenta auxiliar no ensino e aprendizagem da gramática de português língua estrangeira por aprendentes chineses [Mind map: an auxiliary tool in the teaching and learning of the grammar of Portuguese as a foreign language by Chinese learners]”, Letras de Hoje. v.55, n.4, pp.514-527. e-ISSN: 1984-7726 | ISSN-L: 0101-3335.
  • LU C. H. 2017, “从句法角度比较汉语时间方位短语和葡语前置词短语 [A Comparison Between Chinese Temporal Localizer Phrases and Portuguese Prepositional Phrases: From the Perspective of Syntax]”, 课程教育研究 [Course Education Research], n. 39, pp.79-81.
  • WANG M. Y., LU C. H. 2015, “江沙维《汉字文法》序言 [The Preface of Diccionario China-Portuguez by J.A.Gonçalves]”, 或问 (WAKUMON), n.28, pp.177-186. ISSN 13459899

Books / Chapters in Books 

  • LU C. H. 2020, “Confúcio em Portugal: análise de O Boneco e da perceção da morte a olhos orientais e ocidentais [Confucius in Portugal: analysis of O Boneco and the perception of death in eastern and western eyes]”. In Confúcio, Macau: Instituto Internacional de Macau, pp. 37–48. ISBN: 9789895469611
  • LU C. H., ZHANG W. Q. 2019, “巴西高等教育的历史发展与现状 [The History and Current Situation of Brazilian Higher Education]”, in 巴西投资环境研究报告 [Brazil Investment Environment Report], Beijing: Economic and Science Press. ISBN:9787521804454
  • SONG Y. N., LU C. H., RODRIGUES P. 2018, 初级商务葡语 [Portuguese for Business – Primary Level], Beijing: Economic and Science Press. ISBN:9787514195279
  • LU C. H. 2018, “中国内地葡语教学的现状与未来 [The Current Situation Analysis and Future Prospect of Portuguese Teaching in Mainland of China]”, in葡语国家发展报告(2016-2017) [Reports on the Development of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (2016-2017)], Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp.50-63. ISBN:9787520126373

Translation Works

  • CASTELO A. 2018, Fonética e Fonologia para o Ensino do Português como Língua Estrangeira [Phonetics and Phonology for Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language], (trans. LU C. H. et al.), Macao: Macao Politecnic Institute. ISBN: 978996522017
  • MATEUS I. 2014, Contos do Portugal Rural [Portugal Rural Tales], (trans. LU C. H. et al.), Coimbra: Gráfica de Coimbra Press, pp.65-78. ISBN978-972-603-552-7.

Conference Proceedings

  • LU C. H. 2020, “清代粤澳公牍:一部‘澳门学’百科全书 [Chapas Sínicas: an Encyclopedia of Macao Studies]”, in Tang K. J. (eds) 澳门历史研究(第19期)[Studies on Macao History (Issue 19)], Macao: Macau History, Religion and Culture Research Association, pp. 305-316.
  • LU C. H. 2019, “Um Estudo sobre a Situação Atual de Ensino dos Jovens Professores de Português na China [A Study on the Current Teaching Situation of Young Portuguese Teachers in China]”, in De Oriente a Ocidente: Estudos da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas – Volume V Estudos da AIL sobre Ciência da Linguagem (Língua, Linguística, Didática), Coimbra: ANGE LUS NOVUS, pp. 211-230. ISBN: 9789728827960
  • LU C. H., LEAL A. L., SCHMALTZ M. 2014, “Analysis of the Chinese – Portuguese Machine Translation of Chinese Localizers Qian and Hou”, in Shi X., Chen Y. (eds) Machine Translation. CWMT 2014. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 493, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer,70-79. Print ISBN978-3-662-45700-9, Online ISBN978-3-662-45701-6.


  • SILVA J. M., LU C. H. 2017, O Movimento 4 de Maio e o Papel da Juventude na Construção da Nação Chinesa [The May 4 Movement and the Role of Youth in Building the Chinese Nation], Xinhua News (Portuguese Version). Access in 21/5/2020.
  • LU C. H. 2016, “百日维新后,特梅尔转正巴西总统 [After “Hundred Days Reform”: President Temer Took Office in Brazil]”, China Newsweek, pp.48-50. ISSN 1673-1735.