(853) 8822 8209
Consultation Hours
Tuesday: 15:00-16:00
Wednesday: 16:00-17:00
LI, Defeng
Associate Dean of FAH; Director of Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (CSTIC)
Dr. Defeng LI is Distinguished Professor of Translation Studies and Director of the Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (CSTIC) at the University. Previously he taught at School of Oriental and African Studies of University of London, where he served as Chair of the Centre for Translation Studies. He also taught at the Department of Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong for a decade. He also served ,in adjunct or visiting capacity, as Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University during 2006-2011 and Visiting Chair Professor of Translation Studies at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Prof. Li is currently President of World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (WITTA), President of International Association of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (IATIC), vice president of Chinese Corpus Translation Studies Association and vice president of Chinese Cognitive Translation Studies Association.
He is also chief/co-editing the following book series and welcomes proposals at defengli@um.edu.mo :
Springer New Frontiers in Translation Studies [SCOPUS-indexed; https://www.springer.com/series/11894]. He welcomes book proposals from all interested parties; Routledge Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Approaches to Chinese Literature [https://fah.um.edu.mo/wp-admin/post.php?post=3740&action=edit&lang=en]; Interpreting Studies [Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 上海外语教育出版社].
He supervises PhD students in Translation Education, Cognitive Translation Studies, Corpus-Assisted Translator Style, Corpus-Assisted Literary Studies and so on.
Ph.D. in Second Language Education (1994-1997), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
MA in Translation Studies (by research) (1987-1990), Nanjing Normal University, China
B.A. in English Language and Literature (1983-1987), Nanjing Normal University, China
Research Interests
- Neuro-cognitive and psycholinguistic investigation of translation processes
- Corpus applications in translation studies
- Curriculum and material development in translation education
- Data-based empirical translation studies research methods
- Specialized translation (e.g. journalistic, legal, financial, business translation)
- Second Language Education
Courses Regularly Taught
Translation Studies; Research Methods in Translation Studies; Research Design and Writing for Translation Studies
Business Translation; Journalistic Translation; Media Translation; Applied Translation
Translation Theory; Translation Project
- President, World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (WITTA)
- President of International Association of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (IATIC)
- Vice-President, Pacific Computer-assisted Language Learning Association
- Member, Academic Committee of National Committee of MTI Education 全国翻译专业硕士教学指导委员会学术委员
- Vice-President, Chinese Cognitive Translation Studies Association 中国认知翻译研究会副会长.
- Vice-President, Chinese Corpus Translation Studies Association中国语料库翻译研究会副会长
- Vice-President, Chinese Association of Corpus and Intercultural Studies Association中国语料库翻译与跨文化研究会副会长
- VLC Lei, TI Leong, CT Leong, L Liu, CU Choi, MI Sereno, D Li, RS Huang (2024). Phase‐encoded fMRI tracks down brainstorms of natural language processing with subsecond precision. Human Brain Mapping 45 (2), e26617. (Corresponding author)
- W Su, D Li (2024). Cognitive load and interpretation quality of technology-assisted simultaneous interpreting. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 56(1). 125-135. (Corresponding author)
- Li, J. Zhang, E. Zhang, H. He, X. Li, D. and Cao, H. (2023). Neural correlates of retrieval practice on the learning and memory retention of L3 French vocabulary. International Journal of Multilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2023.2166943 [British Education Index]
- W Su, D Li (2023). The effectiveness of translation technology training: a mixed methods study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1), 1-12. (Corresponding author)
- 刘晓东,李德凤 & 贺文照. (2023).认知导向的翻译语料库研制与评析. 外语学刊,233(4):52-60. [Liu, X., Li, D. and He, W. (2023). Cognition-oriented Translational Corpus: Construction and Comments. Foreign Language Research, 233(4):52-60.](CSSCI expanded)
- Gao, F., Hua, L., He, Y., Xu, J. Li, D., Zhang, J. and Yuan, Z. (2023). Word Structure Tunes Electrophysiological and Hemodynamic Responses in the Frontal Cortex. Bioengineering 2023, 10(3), 288; https://doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering10030288 (registering DOI) [SCIe]
- 刘晓东,李德凤 & 周祥艳.(2023).翻译过程中省译策略的运用及其认知研究. 外国语文(01),143-150.[Liu, X. Li, D. and Zhou, X. (2023). A Study of Omission as a Translation Strategy from a Cognitive Perspective. Foreign Languages and Literature, 2023 (1), 143-150.](CSSCIe)
- Zhang, E., Li, X., Zhang, X. Li, D. & Cao, H. (2022). Electrophysiological correlates of masked orthographic and phonological priming in Chinese–English bilinguals. Scientific Report 12, 16648 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21072-z (WoS, Scopus, SCIe)
- 苏雯超 & 李德凤.(2022).认知视角下的译者行为特征研究. 中国外语(04),91-96. [Su, W., & Li, D. (2022). The cognitive approach to behavioral patterns of translators and interpreters. Foreign Languages in China, 19(04):91-96.] (CSSCI)
- Zhang, E., Li, J., Li, D., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, X. and Cao, H. (2022). An event-related potential study of cross-modal translation recognition in Chinese–English bilinguals: the role of cross-linguistic orthography and phonology. Language and Cognition, Cambridge University. Pp. 1-22. [SSCI]
- Lu, W. and LI, D. (2022). Media accessibility: Historical development and current research trends. Journal of PL University of Foreign Languages, 45(4), 88-95. [CSSCI-Expanded]
- 苏雯超, 招晓杏 & 李德凤.(2022).计算机辅助口译技术在翻译实践中的可用性研究. 外语教学(04),69-75. [Su, W., Zhao, X. & Li, D. (2022). Exploring the usability of computer-assisted interpreting technology in English-Chinese translation. Foreign Language Education, 43(04):69-75.] (CSSCI)
- Cao, H., Zhang, E. Xiang, X., Li, D. and Lei, V. (2022). Lexico-semantic Activation of Translation Equivalents During the Attentional Blink. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1-13. (SSCI).
- 刘晓东 & 李德凤. (2022).翻译认知过程加工路径:基于汉英双语平行语料库的实证研究. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报)(02),102-110.[Liu, X. and Li, D. (2022). Cognitive Processing Routes in Translation: An empirical study based on the self-built Chinese-English Parallel Corpus. Journal of Foreign Languages, 45(2). 102-110.] (CSSCI).
- Chen, F. and Li, D. (2022). Patronage and ideology: A corpus-assisted investigation of Eileen Chang’s style of translating herself and the other. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Online publication in May and hard copy coming out later. (SSCI) [Q1;0.4]
- He Y, Hu Y, Yang Y, Li D and Hu Y (2021) Optical Mapping of Brain Activity Underlying Directionality and Its Modulation by Expertise in Mandarin/English Interpreting. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 649578. 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.649578 (Scopus; SCIe) (Corresponding author) [Q1;1.13]
- Su, W., & Li, D. (2021). Exploring the effect of interpreting training: Eye-tracking English-Chinese sight interpreting. Lingua, 256, 103094. (A&HCI, SSCI) [Q1; 0.42]
- 刘晓东,李德凤,李丽青 & 何元建. (2021). 翻译认知加工路径研究. 外语教学,42 (4): 83-87. [Liu et al. (2021). Research on Cognitive Processing Routes in Translation. Foreign Language Education, 42(4): 83-87.] (CSSCI)
- Zhang, E., Lai, X. Lai, Li, D., Lai, V., Chen, Y. and Cao, H. (2021). Electrophysiological correlates of character transposition in two-character Chinese word identification. JOURNAL OF NEUROLINGUISTICS. 60: 101024. 1-12. (SSCI/SCI) [Q1; 0.63]
- Zhang, , Lai, X. Lai, Li, D., Lai, V., Chen, Y. and Cao, H. (2021) Electrophysiological Correlates of Character Transposition in the Left and Right Visual Fields. Frontiers Psychology. 12:684849. 1-11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.684849. (SSCI) [Q2; 0.95]
- 苏雯超,李德凤 & 曹洪文.(2021).论口译认知负荷的眼动研究. 外语学刊(03),109-114. [Su, W., Li, D., & Cao, Hongwen (2021). Eye-tracking Studies of Cognitive Load in Interpreting Processes. Foreign Language Research (3), 109-114.](CSSCI expanded)
- 苏雯超 & 李德凤.(2021).同声传译视觉信息加工中的眼动研究. 中国科技翻译(02),17-20. [Su, W., & Li, D. (2021). Eye-tracking Research on Visual Information Processing in Simultaneous Interpreting. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 34 (02), 17-20.]
- Ning, J. Li, D. and Lei, V. (2021). New advances in Cognitive Translation Studies: Summary report of presentations and discussions at the 7th International Conference on Congnitive Research of Translation and Interpreting. Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal. 34(4). 28- 31.
- Yang, S. , Li, D. & Lei, V. (2020). The Impact of ST Presence on Simultaneous Interpreting Performance in Fast Speeches: Will the ST Help Trainees or not?. Babel special issue 66:4-5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/babel.00189.yan (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- 刘晓东 & 李德凤.(2020).COCA英语语料库在英汉商务翻译教学中的应用. 中国科技翻译(01),29-32+61. [Liu, X. & Li, D. (2020). Using the Monolingual English Corpus COCA in Chinese-English Business Translation Teaching. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 33(1), 29-32+61.]
- 何妍,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2020).方向性与视译认知加工——基于近红外脑功能成像技术的实证研究. 外语学刊(02),95-101. [He, Y., Li, D. & Li, L. (2020). Directionality and the cognitive processing in sight translation—An fNIRS-based empirical study. Foreign Language Research, 2, 95-101.] (CSSCI expanded)
- Su, W.C. & Li, D. (2020). Exploring processing patterns of Chinese-English sight translation: An eye-tracking study. Babel 66:6. 999-1024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/babel.00192.su (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- Liu, X., Chang, A., & Li, D. (2019). Alignment in Interpreting Corpus Building: Problems and Prospects. Translation Research and Teaching, Vol.2 (1), 111-116.
- W. & Li, D. (2019). Identifying Translation Problems in English-Chinese Sight Translation: An Eye-tracking Experiment. Translation and Interpreting Studies,14:1 , pp. 110–134. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.45]
- 卢信朝,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2019).同声传译译员能力要素与层级调查研究. 外语教学与研究(05),760-773+801. [Lu, X., Li, D. & Lei, V. (2019). An investigation of layers of components and subcompetences of professional simultaneous interpreter competence. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 51(5): 760-773.] (CSSCI)
- 李智 & 李德凤.(2019).人工智能时代口译员信息技术素养研究. 中国翻译(06),80-87. [Li, Zhi & Li, D. (2019). Interpreter Competence in Translation Technology in the AI Era. Chinese Translators Journal, v.4, 59-65.] (CSSCI)
- 冉诗洋 & 李德凤.(2019).翻译律令“译讯人诈伪”的历史变迁及其启示. 中国翻译(04),59-65. [Ran, S. and Li, D. (2019). Legalization of translation in China: A historical investigation and its implications. Chinese Translators Journal, v.4, 59-65.] (CSSCI)
- 王家义,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2019).学习者口译产出中的停顿——一项基于中国大学生口译语料库的研究. 外语教学(05),78-83. [Wang, J., Li, D. and Lei, V. (2019). Invetigating pause in interpreting trainees: A corpus-assisted approach. Foreign Languages Teaching, v.5.] (CSSCI)
- He, W. and Li, D. (2019). A Critical Review of Machine-Translated Chinese of English Relative Clause. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 31(4), 1-5.
- Ren, H., Wang, M. He, Y. , Du, Z., Zhang, J. Li, D. , & Yuan, Z. (2018). A novel phase analysis method for examining fNIRS neuroimaging data associated with Chinese/English sight translation. Behavioural Brain Research 361, 151-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2018.12.032 (SCI). (Corresponding author) [Q2; 1.11]
- X., Lei, V., Li, D . & Yuan, Z. (2018). Which is more Costly in Chinese to English Simultaneous Interpreting, “Pairing” or “Transphrasing”? Evidence from an fNIRS neuroimaging study. Neurophotonics. (SCI) (Corresponding author) [Q1; 1.12]
- Lin, X., Lei, V., Li, D. Hu, Z., Xiang, Y. & Yuan, Z. (2018). Mapping the small-world properties of brain networks in Chinese to English simultaneous interpreting by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. Vol. 11, No.3. pp. 1840001- 1840012. (Web of Science, Scorpus) [Q3;0.42]
- Li, D., He. W. & Hou. L. (2018). A corpus-assisted analysis of the style of Julia Lovell as a Translator of Chinese Literature. Foreign Languages Teaching, vol. 1, 70-76. (CSSCI)
- 王家义,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2018).大数据背景下的互联网翻译——开源理念与模式创新. 中国翻译(02),78-82. [Wang, J. Li, D. & Lei, V. (2018). Big Data and Internet-based Translation . China Translator’s Journal , 2/38, pp. 78-82.] (CSSCI)
- 王华树,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2018).翻译专业硕士(MTI)翻译技术教学研究:问题与对策. 外语电化教学(03),76-82+94. [Wang, H., Li, D. & Lei, V. (2018). Teaching of Translation Technology to MTI Students: Problems and Prospects. Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education, 181, 76-94.] (CSSCI)
- 王家义,李德凤,李丽青 & 何妍.(2018).译员阅读加工的认知机制——基于眼动追踪技术的实证研究. 外语电化教学(04),84-90. [Wang, J. Li, D., Lei, V. & He, Y. (2018). How translators read when translating: An eye-tracking investigation. Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education, Vol.182, 84-90.] (CSSCI)
- 王华树,李智 & 李德凤.(2018).口译员技术应用能力实证研究:问题与对策.上海翻译(05),70-77. [Wang, H. Li, Z. & Li D. (2018). Technological competence in interpreting: An empirical investigation . Shanghai Translation, Vol. 142. pp.70-77.] (CSSCI)
- Wang J. & Li, D. (2018). A method of lexical analysis based on BNC web. Foreign Language and Literature, 6, 102-110.
- 杨帆 & 李德凤.(2018).翻译过程研究的方法:问题与展望. 中国科技翻译(04),1-5. [Yang, F. & Li, D. (2018). Methods in Translation Process Research: Problems and Prospects . Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 31 (4), 1-5.]
- He, Y., Wang, M., Wang, Li, D. & Yuan, Z. (2017). Optical mapping of brain activity underlying translation asymmetry during Chinese/English sight translation. Biomedical Optics Express. 8(12). 1-12. (SCI) (Corresponding author) [Q1; 1.36]
- 何妍,李德凤 & 李丽青.(2017).同声传译方向性问题研究的设计与方法. 外语学刊(05),92-96. [He, Y. Li, D. & Lei, L. (2017). Research design and methods in the investigation of directionality in simultaneous interpreting. Journal of Foreign Languages, 5, 92-97.] (CSSCI)
- 李德凤.(2017).翻译认知过程研究之沿革与方法述要. 中国外语(04),1+11-13. [Li, D. (2017). Translation Process Research: A Brief Account of Development and Methods . Foreign Languages in China, 4, 1-5.] (CSSCI)
- Li, D., Lang, Y. & Liu. X. (2017). Corpus Translation Studies: Past Present and Future . Corpus and Intercultural Studies, 1. 46-53. (INVITED CONTRIBUTION)
- 贺文照,李德凤 & 何元建.(2017).“中国梦”英译的历时演变与共时差异——基于网络语料的考察. 外国语文(01),110-118. [He, W., Li, D. and He, Y. (2017). A diachronic and synchronic survey of English translations of the Chinese term ‘zhongguomeng’, assisted with a web-based corpus . Foreign Language and Literature, 33 (1) :110-118.]
- 冉诗洋,李德凤 & 杨青.(2016).国内《红楼梦》英译研究论文知识图谱分析. 中国外语(05),98-105. [Ran, S., Li, D. and Yang, Q. (2016). A Citespace Analysis of Studies on English Translations of Hongloumeng (tr. The Story of the Stone). Chinese Foreign Languages, 2016(5), 98-105.] (CSSCI)
- 苏雯超,李德凤 & 何元建.(2016).商务翻译的内涵与外延. 中国科技翻译(01),26-28+21. [Su, W., Li, D. & He, Y. (2016). Defining Business Translation: Denotation and Connotation. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 1/29, 26-28]
- Li, D., Zhang, C. & He, Y. (2015). Project-based learning in teaching translation: Students’ Perceptions. Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 9/1, 1-19. (SSCI) [Q1; 1.43]
- 洪捷 & 李德凤.(2015).武侠小说西行的困境与出路. 东南学术(03),222-228. [Hong, J. & Li, D. (2015). Journey to the West: English Translations of Chinese Martial Arts Novels. Dongnan Academic Journal, Vol 7, 222-228.] (CSSCI)
- 鲁伟 & 李德凤.(2015).财经金融翻译研究在中国:回顾与展望. 中国科技翻译(04),31-34+45. [Lu, W. & Li, D. (2015). Financial Translation Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 28/4, 31-34.]
- Li, D. (2013). Teaching Business Translation: A task-based approach. Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 7/1, 1-26. (SSCI) [Q1; 1.43]
- Liu, Y., Ran, S. & Li, D. (2013). Eye-tracking in Translation Process Research: Applications and Prospects. Journal of Foreign Languages, 36/5, 59-65. (CSSCI)
- 李德凤 & 鄢佳.(2013).中国现当代诗歌英译述评(1935-2011). 中国翻译(02),26-38+127. [Li, D. & Yan, J. (2013). Translating Chinese Poetry into English (1935-2011). Chinese Translators’ Journal, 2/34, 26-38.] (CSSCI)
- 鄢佳 & 李德凤.(2013).评价意义在奥运新闻标题编译中的改写. 中国科技翻译(01),52-55. [Yan, J. & Li, D. (2013). Translation of News Headlines: A Perspective of Appraisal Theory. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 1/26, 52-55.]
- 冉诗洋 & 李德凤.(2012).翻译研究“文化转向”再思考. 中国科技翻译(03),38-41. [Ran, S. & Li. D. (2012). Cultural Turn in Translation Studies: A Revisit. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 25/3, 38- 41.]
- Wang, Q. & Li, D. (2011). Looking for Translator’s Fingerprints: A Corpus-based Study on Chinese Translations of Ulysses. Literary and Linguistic Computing (now Digitial Scholarship in Humanities), 27/1, 81-93. (SSCI) [Q1;0.4]
- Li, D. and Zhang, C. (2011). Knowledge Structure and Training of Translation Teachers: An Exploratory Study of Doctoral Programmes of Translation Studies in Hong Kong. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 56/3, 693-712. (A&HCI) [Q2; 0.26]
- Li, D., Zhang, C. & Liu, K. (2011). Translation Style And Ideology:A Corpus-Assisted Analysis Of Two English Translations Of Hongloumeng. Literary and linguistic computing (now Digitial Scholarship in Humanities), 26(2), pp. 153-166. (SSCI) [Q1;0.4]
- 冉诗洋 & 李德凤.(2011).翻译研究的广度延伸. 中国科技翻译(01),29-32+40. [Ran, S. & Li, D. (2011). Extensional Dimensions of Translation Studies. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 24/1, 29-32.]
- 鲁伟 & 李德凤.(2010).中国特色的翻译学:误区还是必然?——兼评《中西翻译思想比较研究》. 中国科技翻译(02),11-14+29. [Lu, W. & Li, D. (2010). On the So-called Translation Studies with Chinese Characteristics. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 23/2, 11-15.]
- 夏云 & 李德凤.(2009).评价意义的转换与小说人物形象的翻译效果——以《飘》两个译本为例. 外语与外语教学(07),44-47. [Xia, Y. & Li, D. (2009). Shifts of appraisal meaning and character depiction in translation: comparing two versions of Gone with the Wind. Foreign Languages and Foreign Languages Teaching, 7, 44-47.] (CSSCI)
- 李新云 & 李德凤.(2009).流散写作的社会性别身份研究. 东岳论丛(07),102-105. [Li, X. & Li, D. (2009). Social Identity in Diaspora Writing. Dongyue Tribune, 30/7, 12-16.] (CSSCI)
- 李德凤 & 胡牧.(2009).翻译教学研究:回顾与展望(上). 中国科技翻译(02),32-34. [Li, D. & Hu, M. (2009). Research on Translation Teaching: Progress, Problems and Prospects (A). Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal 22/2, 32-34.]
- 李德凤 & 胡牧.(2009).翻译教学研究:回顾与展望(1980-2006)(下). 中国科技翻译(03),44-47.[Li, D. & Hu, M. (2009). Research on Translation Teaching: Progress, Problems and Prospects (B). Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 22/3, 44-47.]
- Li, D. & Cheng, Maria. (2007). Monologue vs dialogue verbal reporting: Research subjects’ perceptions. Journal of Translation Studies, 10/1, pp. 43- 56.
- Li, D. (2007). Translation Curriculum and Pedagogy. Views of Administrators of Translation Services. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 19:1, 105–133. (SSCI)
- Li, D. (2006). Translators as well as Thinkers: Teaching of Journalistic Translation in Hong Kong. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 51/3, 611-619. (A&HCI) [Q2; 0.26]
- 李德凤 & 胡牧.(2006).法律翻译研究:现状与前瞻. 中国科技翻译(03),47-51. [Li, D. & Hu, M. (2006). Research on Legal Translation: A Review. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 19:3, pp. 47-51.]
- 李德凤 & 胡牧.(2006).学习者为中心的翻译课程设置. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报)(02),59-65. [Li, D. & Hu, M. (2006). Curriculum Development in Translation Education: A Learner-Centered Approach. Journal of Foreign Languages, 162/2, 59-65.] (CSSCI)
- Li, D. (2006). Making Translation Testing More Teaching-oriented: A Case Study of Translation Testing in China. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 51/1, 72-88. (A&HCI) [Q2; 0.26]
- Li, D. (2005) Teaching of specialized translation courses in Hong Kong. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 51/1, 62-77. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- Li, D. (2004) Trustworthiness of think-aloud protocols in the study of translation process. International journal of applied linguistics, 14/3, pp. 301-313. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.71]
- Li, D. (2003) Compilation of English-Chinese Dictionaries: The User’s Perspective. Journal of Translation Studies, 8, 91-115.
- 李德凤.(2003).新词翻译与译名统一. 中国科技翻译(03),21-24. [Li, D. (2003). Translation and Standardization of Neologisms. Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal, 16:3, pp. 21-24.]
- Li, D. (2003). Translator Training: What Translation Students Have to Say. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 47:4, pp. 513-531. (A&HCI) [Q2; 0.26]
- Li, D. (2002). Teaching Information Technology in Translator Training Programs in Hong Kong. ATA Chronicle, April, pp. 29-33.
- Li, D. (2002). Adaptive Translation of International News from English into Chinese: An Exploration of Methods. Journal of Translation Studies, 6, pp. 47-60.
- Li, D. (2001). Language Teaching in Translator Training. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 47:4, pp.343-354. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- Li, D. (2001). Needs Assessment in Translation Teaching: Making Translator Training More Responsive to Social Needs. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 46: 4, pp.289-99. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- Li, D. (2001). Translation of Meaning: A Philosophical Discussion. Journal of Translation Studies, 5, pp. 31-49.
- Li, D. (2000). Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 12:1, pp. 127- 49. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.77]
- Li, D. & Chan, L. (2000). Translation of International News in Hong Kong: A Brief Survey. Foreign Languages and Translation, 3. pp 52-56.
- Li, D. & Lin, S. (1999). Thought, Comprehension and Translation. Foreign Languages and Translation, pp 1-5.
- Li, D. (1999). Teaching Commercial Translation in Hong Kong: Problems and Perspectives. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 45:3, pp. 193-204. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.32]
- Li, D. (1999). Reflective Journals in Translation Teaching. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 6:2, pp. 225-34. (SSCI) [Q1; 0.83]
- Li, D. (1999). Connecting Theory with Practice: A Critical Inquiry into the Teaching of Translation Theory. Translation Quarterly, No. 11 & 12, pp. 191-206.
- Li, D. (1999). Modernization and Teacher Education in China. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies. Oxford; New York: Pergamon, 15/2. 179-92. (SSCI) [Q1; 1.97]
- Li, D. (1998). “It’s Always More Difficult than You Plan and Imagine”: Teachers’ Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach. TESOL Quarterly. Washington, D.C., pp. 677-703. (SSCI) [Q1; 1.74]
Authored books
- Li Defeng (2017) . News Translation: Principles and Methods(Revised edition). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Ji,M. Oakes, M. Li, D., Hareide, L. (2016). Corpus methodologies explained: An empirical approach to translation studies. UK: Routledge. [Co-authored but Routledge mistakenly printed the book as “ed.”]
- Li, Defeng (2012). Curriculum Design, Needs Assessment and Translation Pedagogy. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press.
- Li, Defeng (2009). Translating Journalistic Texts: Principles and Methods. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. pp 276.
- Li, Defeng (2007). Translating Financial Texts: Theories and Applications. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. pp 274.
- Lu, J. and Li, D. (1994). English vs. Chinese Translation: Theory and Practice. Nanjing: Hohai University Press. pp 470.
- Li, D. & Zhang C. (1993). An English Speaking Course for College Students. Nanjing: Hohai University Press. pp 342.
Edited books
- Jiao, D. Li, D. Meng, L. and Peng, Y. (2023). Understanding and Translating Chinese Martial Arts. Springer.
- Morrato, R. and Li, D. (eds.) (2022). Advances in Corpus Applications in Literary and Translation Studies. Routledge.
- Zhao, J,, Li, D. and Morrato, R. (2022). Chinese literature in the world. Springer.
- Cui, F. and Li, D. (eds.). (2022). Medio-translatology: Concepts and Applications. Springer.
- Morrato, R. & Li, D. () (2021). Global Insights into Public Service Interpreting: Theory, Practice and Training. Routledge.
- Vincent X. Wang Lily Lim, and Defeng Li ()(2021). New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Zhao, J. Li, D. and Tian, L.()(2020). Translation Education: A Tribute to the Establishment of World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (WITTA). UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Lim, L. and Li, D. ()(2020). Key Issues in Translation Studies in China. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Han, Z. and Li, D. () (2019). Translation Studies in China: The State of the Art. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Li, D. Lei, V. and Y. He () (2018). Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation Processes. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Li, Defeng, Mu Hu and Li Li (eds.) (2007). Legal Translation. Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press. pp 482.
Translated Books
- Sun, S. and Li, D. (2022). [trans] Protocol Analysis: Verbal Reports as Data. Beijing: Science Press.
- Li, D. et. al. (2014). [trans] Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications (3rd Edition). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Li, D. et. al (trans.) (2007). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications (trans. Traditional Chinese version). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. pp 320.
- Li, D. et. al (trans.) (2007). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications (trans. Simplified Chinese version). Beijing: Commercial Press. pp 330.
- Li, D. and Xia,Y. (trans) (1990). Wives of the Presidents (trans). Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House. pp 215.
Book Chapters
- Yang, Z. & LI, D. (c.2021). Translation Competence Revisited: Toward a Pedagogical Model of Translation Competence. In Munoz, R. Sun, S. and LI, D. (eds.). Advances in Cognitive Translation Studies. Springer.
- Su, W., Li, D., Zhao, X., Li, R. (2021) Exploring the Effectiveness of Fully Online Translation Learning During COVID-19. In: Pang, C. et al. (eds) Learning Technologies and Systems. SETE 2020, ICWL 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12511. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66906-5_33 [EI]
- Lang, Y. & Li, D. (2020). Cognitive Processing Routes of Culture-Specific Linguistic Metaphors in Simultaneous Interpreting: A Corpus-Assisted Study. In Lim, L. & Li, D. (eds.), Key issues in translation studies in China: Reflections and new insights. Singapore: Springer-Nature. 91-110.
- Li D., Lei V.L.C., Chen K. (2020) Group Research Project in Translator Training: Students’ Perceptions. In: Zhao J., Li D., Tian L. (eds) Translation Education. New Frontiers in Translation Studies (pp21-44). UK, USA & Germany: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7390-3_3
- Wang, Q. and Li, D. (2019). Looking for translator’s fingerprints: a corpus-based study on Chinese translations of Ulysses, In Hu, K. (ed.), Corpus-based translation and interpreting studies in the Chinese context: Present and future. USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Han, Z. & Li, D. (2019). Translation Studies as a Young Established Discipline in China. In Han, Z. & Li, D. (eds.) Translation Studies in China: The State of the Art. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Li, D. & Lei, V. L.C. (2019). Introduction. In Li, D. Lei, V. C. and Y. He (eds.), Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation Processes. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Li, D. and Yan, J. (2016). Translating Chinese Poetry into English (1935-2011). In Jianbing Yao (ed.). Translation and Reception of Contemporary Chinese Literature. Beijing: Beijing University Press.
- Chou, J. , Lei, L.C. Li, D. & He, Y. (2015) Translational Ethics and Cognition: A Corpus-based Study on Multiple English-Chinese Translations. In Teresa Seruya & José Justo (eds.), Culture, Cognition and Translation: Re-reading Schleiermacher. Key issues in translation studies in China: Reflections and new insights
- Wang Q. Li, D. and He, Y. (2015). Normalization in Translating Personal Collocations: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Chinese Translation of Ulysses. In Ji, M. (ed.), Empirical Translation Studies: interdisciplinary methodologies explored (75-88). UK: Equinox.
- Li, D. and Zhang, C. (2010). Sense-Making in Corpus-Assisted Translation Research: A Review of Corpus-Assisted Translation Research in China. In Xiao, Z (ed.). Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.235- 254.
- Xia, Y. and Li, D. (2010). Specialized Comparable Corpora in Translation Evaluation: A Case Study of English Translations of Chinese Law Firm Advertisements. In Xiao, Z (ed.). Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp 62-78.
- Li, D. (2004). Tailoring Translation Programs to Social Needs: A Survey of Professional Translators. Hung. E. (2004), Among the Best: Stephen C Soong Chinese Translation Studies Awards (1999-2004) Vol 2 (pp. 101-125). Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Li, D. and Lin, S. (2003). Thinking in English in the Process of English to Chinese Translation. Lou, Xuaning (2003), Deconstruction and Interpretation. pp. 37-45.
- Li, D. (2003). Translator Training: A Survey of Administrators of Translation Agencies. In Hassan, A. (ed.) Terjemahan dalam Bidang Pendidikan.492-508.
- Li, D. (2003). Teaching of Specialized Translation Courses in Hong Kong: A Curricular Analysis. English Language Teaching and Translation for the 21st Century. Macau: Macau Polytechnic Institute. pp. 476-90.
- Li, D. (2002). Information Technology in Translator Training: Reflections on an Aborted Comprehensibility Test of Machine-translated Texts. In Chan Sin-wai (ed.), Translation and Information Technology (pp. 165-76). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
- Li, D. (2000). Teachers’ Perceived Difficulties in Introducing the Communicative Approach in South Korea. In Hall, D.(ed.) Innovation in English language teaching : A reader (149-65). London & New York: Routledge.
- Li, D. (2000). Translator Training: What professional translators can tell us. In Chan Sin-wai (ed.), Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future (pp.85-96). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
- Li, Defeng (1998). Teaching of Commercial Translation in Hong Kong. Asian Babel. Seoul, S. Korea. pp. 123-132.
Book Reviews and Newspaper Articles & Others
- Ning, J. & Li, D. (2021). 提升国际传播能力 讲好讲美讲信中国故事。 中国新闻出版广播电报。
- Li, D. (2020). 增强国际学术话语权的现实路径。<社会科学报>。Jan 10, 2020.
- Xu, R. & Li, D. (2020). Trends and topics in cognitive translation studies: An interview with Prof. Li Defeng. East Journal of Translation, 71-75. (an interview)
- Liu, X. & Li, D. (2020). Review of the Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35(1): 227-230.
- Liu, X. & Li, D. (2019). Review of Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 65(5): 719–724.
- Su, W. & Li, D. (2018). Translation Process Research: Issues and Methods—A conversation with Arnt Jakobsen. Foreign Languages in China. 5/15, 17-24. (an interview; CSSCI)
- Su, W. & Li, D. (2016). Review of Corpus-based studies of translational Chinese in English-Chinese translation by Xiao, R. and HU, X. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, No.3, 516-19.
- He, Y. & Li D. (2015). Translation? Cognition? UMagazine, Vol. 12, 52-57.
Chief Editor (2014-), Springer New Frontiers in Translation Studies Series. UK, USA & Germany: Springer.
- Abdel Latif, Muhammad M. M (2020). Translator and Interpreter Education Research: Areas, Methods and Trends
- Zhao, Junfeng, Li, Defeng, Tian, Lu (2020). Translation Education: A Tribute to the Establishment of World Interpreter and Translator Training Association (WITTA)
- Lim, Lily, Li, Defeng (2020). Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New Insights.
- Su, W. (2020). Eye-Tracking Processes and Styles in Sight Translation.
- Dybiec-Gajer, J., Oittinen, R.& Kodura, M. (2020) Negotiating Translation and Transcreation of Children’s Literature.
- G. (2020). Eco-translation: Towards an eco-paradigm of translaton studies.
- Han, Z. & Li, D. (2019). Translation Studies in China: The State of the Art
- Berk Albachten, Özlem, Tahir Gürçağlar, Şehnaz (2019). Studies from a Retranslation Culture: The Turkish Context.
- Li, D. Lei, V. and He, Y. (2018). Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation.
- Chi, L. (2018). Modern Selfhood in Translation: A Study of Progressive Translation Practices in China (1890s–1920s).
- Yan, J. Pan, J. & Wang, H. (2018). Research on Translator and Interpreter Training : A Collective Volume of Bibliometric Reviews and Empirical Studies on Learners
- Russo, Mariachiara, Bendazzoli, Claudio & Defrancq, Bart (2017). Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies
- Borodo, Michał, House, Juliane & Wachowski, Wojciech (2017). Moving Texts, Migrating People and Minority Languages
- Laviosa, A. Pagano, H. Kemppanen, M. Ji. (2017). Textual and Contextual Analysis in Empirical Translation Studies
- Seruya, Teresa, Justo, José Miranda (2016). Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture. ISBN 978-3-662-47949-0
- Carl, Michael, Bangalore, Srinivas, Schaeffer, Moritz (2016). New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research Exploring the CRITT TPR-DB
- Dai, G. (2016). Hybridity in Translated Chinese: A Corpus Analytical Framework. •ISBN 978-981-10-0742-2
- Carrió-Pastor, María Luisa (2016). Technology Implementation in Second Language Teaching and Translation Studies. •ISBN 978-981-10-0572-5
- Hu, K. (2016). Introducing Corpus-based Translation Studies. ISBN 978-3-662-48218-6
- Xiao, R. & Hu, X. (2015). Corpus-Based Studies of Translational Chinese in English-Chinese Translation: ISBN 978-3-642-41363-6
- Chan, S. (2015). Identity and Theatre Translation in Hong Kong. ISBN 978-3-662-45541-8.
- Huang, L. (2015). Style in Translation: A Corpus-Based Perspective. ISBN 978-3-662-45566-1
- Li, D. & Lei, V. (2021). Interpreter Training: Implications from Neuro-cognitive Interpreting Studies. Translation and Interpreting Education and Assessment Forum. Xiamen University, China 02/04/2021
- Li, D. & Lei, V. (2021). Researching Translation and Interpreting Cognition: Methods and Issues. Interdisciplinary Translation Studies Forum. Rizhao: Qufu Normal University. 18-09-2021.
- Li, D. & Lei, V. (2021). An MRI-based Investigation of Executive Functions in Simultaneous Interpreting. 8th CATIC International Conference on Translation and Interpreting Cognition. Changsha, Hunan. 18-09-2021.
- Li, D. (2021). New Frontiers in Translation Studies. Online lecture. 21/03/2021.
- Li, D. (2021). 翻译认知加工路径之研究: 语料库与实验方法。三峡大学。11/04/2021
- Li, D. (2021). Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. Online at YGYM.
- Li, D. (2021). Introducing Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. Online. Beijing Language and Culture University. 18/04/2021. (Dr. Xu Ming)
- Li, D. & Xu. Y. (2021). Use of Corpus Tools in Interpreting Training. Hong Kong Baptist University. 05/06/2021
- Li, D. & Lei, V. (2021). Words of Warning: Translation in Times of Prosperity. Hunan Normal University. 05/06/2021
- Li, D. & Lei, V. (2021). Investigating Chunking as a Technique in Simultaneous Interpreting. Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 11/06/2021.
- Li, D. (2021). Research on Translation Studies in the Era of AI. Guangdong Foreign Studies University. 05/07/2021.
- –(joint, 2020). 翻译中的认知努力与认知负荷:跨学科的探讨。[Cognitive effort and cognitive load: An interdisciplinary discussion.] WITTA Interdisciplinary Translation and Interpreting Studies. Xiangtan: Hunan University of Engineering. Aug 29 2020. [via Tencent]
- –(joint 2020). 翻译阅读的认知努力:眼动研究。[Cognitive efforts in Reading for Translation: An eye-tracking study]. Roundtable Seminar on Translation and Interpreting Cognition. Studies. Xiangtan: Hunan University of Engineering. Aug 28 2020. [via Tencent]
- –(2020). Translating Public Signage: Principles and Practice. Forum on Standardization of English Translations of Public Signage in Zhangjiajie. Zhangjiajie: Jishou University. Aug 26 2020.
- Li, D. (2020). Trends in Translation Studies. Summer School on Contemporary Translation Theories and Research (online). Shanghai: Shanghai International Studies University. Aug 8, 2020.
- Li, D. (2020). Contemporary Translation Theories: A Quick Survey (online). Summer School on Contemporary Translation Theories and Research. Shanghai: Shanghai International Studies University. Aug 6 2020.
- Li, D. (joint, 2020). Translation Process Research: An Introduction (online). Shandong University Summer School on Cognitive Translation Studies, July 16 2020.
- Li, D. (Joint, 2020). Researching Neurocognitive Processes of Translation and Interpreting: Experiments with fNIRs (online). Shandong University Summer School on Cognitive Translation Studies, July 20, 2020.
- Li, D. (2020). Design of Experimental Research on Translation and Interpreting Process Using Eye-Tracking Technology. Invited talk at School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, May 15 2020.
- Li, D. (2020). 翻译技术能力与翻译技术能力培养[ Defining and Developing Translation Technology Competence] (online). Organized by WITTA Translation Technology Education Society (TESS), March 27, 2020.
- Li, D. (2019). Conference Interpreting for the Financial Sector: An Eye-tracking Study of Glossary Preparation. Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Finance. Dec 25 2020.
- Li, D. (2019). Needs Assessment in MTI Curriculum Design. Zhangjiajie: Jishou University, Dec 14 2020.