To help students prepare for the final exams, the ECAC hosted a workshop on “Exam Relaxation Tips and Self-Care” by Ms. Joan Leong, ELC Senior Instructor, on 27 April 2002 in E3-G033 participated by undergraduate students.

The workshop started with students discussing their exam stresses and how they handle them. They were then divided into two groups to watch a video that demonstrated six self-care tips.  Students answered the prepared questions, and shared and discussed the importance of self-care as a way of alleviating their exam stresses. Students were then engaged in activities such as taking a mindful walk, doing the warrior poses, anti-stress colouring and dancing, etc., to experience the effects of these relaxation tips.  It is hoped that these activities will help reduce students’ stresses and restore their inner peace and calmness during the exam period. Students were also reminded to seek professional support should there be a need.  Each participant received a self-care pack.

This is the 3rd session of the Global Skills Study series.

Written by Alan Chan, ELC Instructor