FAH-ELC EWCC: Spring 2022 EWCC Critical Thinking Workshops
2022-03-07 @ 6:00 pm ~ 2022-03-10 @ 7:30 pm
Workshop 1 – Business Email Writing: Communication in Real-Life Situations and Challenges
Email is an important method of communication in the workplace, and many of you will write English emails for business and workplace communication after entering the workforce. This workshop will enhance your writing skills and email etiquette. Meanwhile, this workshop aims to help you apply your English to real-life situations and improve your critical thinking abilities while identifying, evaluating, and solving real-life situations and challenges.
Date: 7 March 2022
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Venue: E6-2113
Facilitator: Regina Zeng
Language: English
Quota: 15 UM students
Purposes of this workshop:
- Students will enhance their English writing skills.
- Students will improve their email etiquette.
- Students will apply their English to real-life situations.
- Students will improve their critical thinking abilities while identifying, evaluating, and solving real-life situations.
Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3WYfqtfLvv6O5g2
*This workshop targets UM students.
* Participants will be awarded 1 Smart Point and 15 CS on “Interpersonal Relation and Teamwork”.
Workshop 2 – Did They Say It Right? – Spotting Stereotypes in Your Favourite Movies
Stereotype is usually defined as presumptions that people hold against others based on prior experience and others’ different behaviors from self (Cherrington, 2004). When stereotypes are hold against particular groups of people according to their characteristic differences (e.g. categorized by gender, nationality, ethnicity or even sexuality), this could be fundamentally detrimental to people’s intercultural competence and their ability to communicate globally and boundlessly, which are specifically important for any language learners. Likewise, as an effective English user, students should be aware of any inappropriate presumptions in the language that they use and other people use while being able to question, analyze, criticize and correct these prejudices. In other words, to identify stereotypes essentially involves critical thinking skills as students will need to challenge a widely-believed presumption which may possibly also be believed by themselves. This workshop is to develop an intercultural awareness in students and also foster their critical thinking skills through spotting stereotypes in English media.
Date: 10 March 2022
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Venue: E6-2113
Facilitator: Elizabeth Leong
Language: English
Quota: 15 UM students
Cherrington, R. (2004). Stereotypes. In M. Byram (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 574-576). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203219300
Purposes of this workshop:
- To foster students’ critical thinking abilities through addressing critical issues that involve stereotypes and prejudices.
- To let students understand that critical thinking abilities are one of the most important components for being an intercultural citizen in the globalized society.
- To equip students with critical literacy when absorbing information from mass media
- Students will be able to discover the stereotyped assumptions that exist in media such as movies and TV shows
- Students will be able to relate the stereotypes found to familiar situation in their context
- Students will be able to switch from different perspectives and think from others’ positions, in order to minimize inappropriate preconceptions against other people and cultures.
- Students will be able to think of any actions that they can take to resolve issues raised by stereotypes in their community
Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6gULAAGbpiBwlNA
*This workshop targets UM students.
* Participants will be awarded 1 Smart Point and 15 CS on “Interpersonal Relation and Teamwork”.