Sharing Session – ‘Cybernetics and Poetical Truth: Weak Technologies in the Age of Chatbots’ by Prof. Alex Taek-Gwang Lee
2024-02-01 @ 1:00 pm ~ 2:30 pm
In this talk, I will intervene in the anxieties surrounding contemporary technology, particularly AI, mainly shaped through the lens of Heidegger‘s concern about how it might replace human thought and “poetical truth.” While acknowledging the historical shift from mythical views of technology to the scientific paradigms of today, I argue that we need to move beyond dominant, “strong technologies” like ChatGPT and embrace the potential of “weak technologies.” These adaptable tools, open to diverse uses, offer an alternative to the control-oriented cybernetic model that threatens to enslave us. Instead of fearing AI’s dominance, we should explore its “minor uses,” diversifying its capabilities and breaking free from the predetermined algorithms that could lead to voluntary servitude. Ultimately, rethinking our relationship with technology is crucial to preserving our agency and navigating a future where humans and machines coexist, not compete. I investigate the concept of “planetary cybernetics” by bridging the insights of Simondon’s work on individuation and Deleuze’s theory of unique technological assemblages. This will contribute to a nuanced understanding of how technology shapes and is shaped by our planetary environment.