Workshop on Examinations of CAPLE-ULisboa
2022-10-26 ~ 2022-10-27
This workshop is designed for Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language that are willing to take the CAPLE Exam. The aim is to familiarize students with the content/ structure of exam tasks, and guide them on the better preparation for the exam.
Time: 14:30-17:30 (1st workshop for Levels B2, C1 e C2), 17:00-18:30 (2nd workshop for Levels A2, B1)
If you would like to have feedback on your oral and written performances, you may write a text on one of the topics provided by CAPLE-ULisboa on the website and send it to josepascoal@um.edu.mo. You may also send a 2-3 minute recorded text on this topic:
Voltamos a viver tempos muito complicados. De que forma é que cada um nós pode / deve agir de modo a que possamos viver o melhor possível? Ignoramos o que se passa à nossa volta? Intervimos? Como?
Alternatively, you may choose an image and talk about it. Please send the image with the recorded text.