UM-FAH-DPORT: Seminar by Professor Manuel Loff on “A revolution to end a colonial war? Uses of history in literary and media narratives of Portuguese democratisation”
E21-G040Dear Professors and Students, We are most pleased to invite all to attend the following Seminar on “A revolution to end ...
【Macao Humanities Forum】Unidirectionality of Grammaticalization and Scope by Prof. Heiko Narrog from Tohoku University, Japan
E21B-G016We are delighted to announce that the 2nd Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2024/2025) will be held on 29 Octob ...
Preparation Workshop for CAPLE-ULisboa Exams
FAH-DPORT: Palestra “Revolução vs. Transição: a Revolução Portuguesa no contexto das democratizações do final do século XX”, pelo Professor Manuel Loff, Professor Associado na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
E21-G035Convidamos todos os Professores e Alunos a estarem presentes na Palestra “Revolução vs. Transição: a Revolução Portugues ...
Clairvoyance of the Small – 於微小處: 感知、狀態與方法
FAH/DPHIL: The Mario Echano Prize for the Best Undergraduate Philosophy Essay
The Mario Echano Prize for the Best Undergraduate Philosophy Essay is awarded for excellence in philosophy. Students enr ...
FAH-DPORT: Palestras Organizadas pelo Centro de Investigação para Estudos Luso-Asiáticos (CIELA) do Departamento de Português, Universidade de Macau
Convidamos todos os interessados a estarem presentes nas Palestras Organizadas pelo Centro de Investigação para Estudos ...
FAH-DENG Guest Lecture: ‘From adversarialism to antagonism: challenges to the broadcast accountability interview in an age of conflict’
E21-G040Abstract: The accountability interview in which a public figure is held to account for their statements or actions is a ...