Calendar of Events
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大賽主題:澳門大學中國歷史文化中心中國文化節系列活動之“十分澳門”短視頻創作大賽以“十分澳門”為主題,旨在弘揚、繼承中華優秀傳統文化,突顯澳門以中華文化為主流、多元文化並存的獨特性,增進澳門學生對本土文化的理解和認同。參賽者可自行選擇澳門深層次、具有本土文化的事或物進行拍攝,並介紹其歷史內涵; 主辦單位:澳門大學中國歷史文化中心 參賽要求: (a)資格 澳門高校學生及中國文化推廣大使; 參賽者須以個人或不超過五人的隊伍形式組成參賽單位,每一參賽單位只可遞交一份作品,參賽者不可重複組隊; (b)作品要求 參賽視頻長度:5分鐘內; 格式:MPEG/MP4/MOV; 字幕:中文; (c)報名方式 將視頻作品上傳至Bilibili,並確保視頻鏈接有效; 附視頻作品簡介(約150字),語言為中文; 按報名表格填妥相關報名信息 ; 日期: 報名日期:請於2022年9月5日(一)至9月30日(五)期間在網上(填寫及提交Google Form)或親臨澳門大學中國歷史文化中心(E34-G001/G026)提交報名表(附件一及附件二)。報名成功後會獲發參賽序號; 活動章程及報名表格(可下載) 請於2022年10月6日(四)至10月25日(二)將作品上載至Bilibili,並確保視頻鏈接有效;參加視頻需命名爲【“十分澳門”+ 參加隊伍序號 + 參加隊伍名稱 + 作品名稱】; 獎項: 一等獎二名(組),獎金為澳門元2,500 二等獎二名(組) ,獎金為澳門元2,000 三等獎四名(組) ,獎金為澳門元1,500 得獎作品將在安排在Bilibili平台播放,以宣揚澳門文化; 查詢:如欲了解更多有關本中心舉辦之活動,請瀏覽 如對本次比賽有任何疑問,歡迎與中國歷史文化中心何小姐或唐小姐聯絡,辦公電話:88229956/ 88224028,電郵。
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Macao Humanities Forum: Systemic Ecolinguistics and Harmonious Discourse Analysis
Macao Humanities Forum: Systemic Ecolinguistics and Harmonious Discourse Analysis
We are very pleased to announce that the 1st Lecture of the FAH Macao Humanities Forum (2022/2023) will be held on 28 September 2022. The forum aims to provide a platform for world-renowned scholars from diverse humanities fields to share their research with the FAH community and other UM scholars. All members of the UM community are cordially invited to this splendid event. In this upcoming forum, we are honored to have Professor HUANG Guowen deliver a lecture on the topic “Systemic Ecolinguistics and Harmonious Discourse Analysis系統生態語言學與和諧話語分析”. Professor Huang is a Chair Professor of the Changjiang Programme selected by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China. He was awarded the title of “Guangdong Excellent Social Scientist” in 2021. He […]
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ELC-ECAC Student Activities: Empathetic and Powerful Phrases to Resolve Conflicts
ELC-ECAC Student Activities: Empathetic and Powerful Phrases to Resolve Conflicts
ELC-ECAC Student Activities: Empathetic and Powerful Phrases to Resolve Conflicts Dear Students, The English Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECAC), English Language Centre (ELC) of FAH, is inviting to you to our first Global Skills Study Workshop this semester, “Empathetic and Powerful Phrases to Resolve Conflicts”. The workshop will introduce and practice interpersonal communication skills particularly for resolving conflicts in English. Participants will have the opportunity to share their life experience in having conflicts with others. Through different activities like role-play, participants will also learn skills and tips that will help them resolve potential conflicts in their life. Date: 12th October, 2022 (Wednesday) Time: 1:30PM – 3:00 PM Venue: E21-Blackbox Theatre Quota: 24 Registration: Scan the QR code on the poster or […]
FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Dilthey, Individuation, and Self-Awareness” by Prof. Eric Nelson, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Dilthey, Individuation, and Self-Awareness” by Prof. Eric Nelson, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Zoom: Abstract Contemporary philosophy remains ensnared in a dialectic between reifying the subject and reducing it to natural and social forces. Neither approach appears adequate to the first- and second-person perspectives of the lived experience (Erlebnis) of being a relational self with others in the world. This self is in Dilthey's analysis experienced as conditioned and other-dependent and the conditioning world is experienced as "there-for-me" (da-für-mich) in ways that do not appear to merely reproduce and potentially resist and transform its situation. How should we account for these experiences and the phenomenality of being a self? Dilthey has been criticized in subsequent hermeneutics and social theory for prioritizing reflexive self-awareness (Innewerden), self-reflection (Selbstbesinnung), and a structural methodological individualism. In […]
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FAH-DPORT-CIELA: Online Seminar – “WORLD LITERATURE IN PORTUGUESE” by Professor Helena Buescu, 18-21/10/2022
The Department of Portuguese of FAH, through its Research Centre for Luso-Asian Studies (CIELA), is pleased to invite to attend the Online Seminar on "WORLD LITERATURE IN PORTUGUESE" from October 18 to 21, 2022, 19:00 to 21:00.. Introduction: The seminar has the main aim of presenting literature written in Portuguese as part of world literature. It will be of interest both to newcomers to the field as well as those who may already be familiar with it. The sessions will all be based on the volumes that make up the work ‘Literatura-Mundo Comparada: Perspectivas em Portugues’, of which the invited speaker for this seminar is its main coordinator. Albeit carried out mainly if a presentation mode, every session will include […]
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FAH-CCHC : Lu Xun’s Creation of Chinese New Literature
FAH-CCHC : Lu Xun’s Creation of Chinese New Literature
Event Information Event Name : FAH-CCHC : Lu Xun's Creation of Chinese New Literature Categories : Lecture Organizer : The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 19 September 2022 Time : 20:00 Venue : Online Content : VooV / Tencent Meeting ID:902151020 Target Audience : All are welcome Contact Person for Details Name : Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Tel. No : 88222708 Fax : 28822383 Email :
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Workshop on Examinations of CAPLE-ULisboa
This workshop is designed for Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language that are willing to take the CAPLE Exam. The aim is to familiarize students with the content/ structure of exam tasks, and guide them on the better preparation for the exam. Date: Oct 26 2022 (1st workshop for Levels B2, C1 e C2), Oct 27 2022 (2nd workshop for Levels A2, B1) Time: 14:30-17:30 (1st workshop for Levels B2, C1 e C2), 17:00-18:30 (2nd workshop for Levels A2, B1) Speakers: José Lino Pascoal co-founded CAPLE-ULisboa in 1999 and was a member of its board of directors between 2012 and 2019. Currently, he is a member of the Consultative Committee, as a representative of the Faculty of Letters […]
ELC-EWCC Student Activity: Chess Workshop
ELC-EWCC Student Activity: Chess Workshop
ELC-EWCC Student Activity: Chess Workshop Chess is a game of strategic skills, which is fundamentally helpful in facilitating cognitive skills in players. There are a great deal of cases in which the combination of English education and chess has gained great success by teaching English-relevant skills in such a joyful way. If you are interested in chess and want to enrich your university life by playing chess, but you do not know how to play it, come and join us! We will introduce the basic knowledge of chess, such as understanding the chess pieces, board, the basic moves of chess, etc. If you have a certain chess foundation, and you want to find like-minded friends at the university, you are […]
FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “More and happier women. On the political significance of Wittgenstein and hinge epistemology” by Prof. Annalisa Coliva, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “More and happier women. On the political significance of Wittgenstein and hinge epistemology” by Prof. Annalisa Coliva, University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
Zoom: Abstract In this paper, we consider ameliorative projects, with special emphasis on their bearing onto the concept WOMAN. We start by looking at Haslanger’s proposal. By tracing it to its Carnapian origins, we criticize it for its top-down approach to the issue and for its shortcomings in explaining the possibility of conceptual continuity through change. We then lay out the details of a Wittgenstein-inspired, bottom-up alternative. Key to this approach is to think of WOMAN as family-resemblance concept. It is argued that this approach is better suited than its Carnapian counterpart to account for conceptual continuity through change, and for its ability to include transwomen within that category. It is claimed that the proposed account of conceptual continuity […]
ELC Professional Development Workshop – Supporting Students with Mental Health Problems
ELC Professional Development Workshop – Supporting Students with Mental Health Problems
ELC Professional Development workshop - Supporting Students with Mental Health Problems Student mental health problems are on the rise locally and globally. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of students suffering from mental health problems has increased dramatically, and their problems are becoming more serious as well. Through a mini-lecture and role play, the workshop is designed to increase teachers’ understanding of student mental health conditions and to enhance teachers’ competence in supporting students in need.
Growing in “Disquiet” – Research and Translation of the New Edition of The Book of Disquiet
Growing in “Disquiet” – Research and Translation of the New Edition of The Book of Disquiet
Abstract: The Book of Disquiet written by Fernando Pessoa – Father of Portuguese Modernism, has caused a lot of “unease” to several generations of scholars and translators, which owes much to the uncertainty, plurality, and inherent subversive in the multifaceted corpus. Over four decades, this work has had numerous editions, publications, and translations around the world. The two translators of the new edition of The Book of Disquiet ( Yazhong/Elegance edition, 2022) intend to share the experience of research and translation of this work, underlining, with concrete examples, the patronymic proliferation, the stylistic metamorphosis and the inner artistic quality that mark this modern classic. Registration link (for those who would like to collect Smart Points for the seminar): Zoom […]
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The 2nd Chinese-Portuguese Translation Contest for Higher Education Institutions in China
Please visit the Contest's webpage at for details.
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FAH – CCHC Lecture Series – “Chinese Traditional Festivals in Tang and Song Poetry”
FAH – CCHC Lecture Series – “Chinese Traditional Festivals in Tang and Song Poetry”
Event Information Event Name : FAH - CCHC Lecture Series – “Chinese Traditional Festivals in Tang and Song Poetry” Categories : Seminar / Lecture Organizer : FAH - Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Speaker : Prof. WANG Sihao Date : 2 November 2022 Time : 15:00 ~ 16:00 Venue : The Affiliated School of the University of Macau Target Audience : Students and teachers of The Affiliated School of the University of Macau Contact Person for Details Name : The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Tel. No : 88222708 Fax : 88222383 Email :
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Short Course on Chinese-Portuguese Interpretation (Consecutive Interpretation)
Course Date and Time: 03/11-05/12/2022; 19:00-22:00 Every Mondays and Thursdays Total of 30 hours Eligibility criteria to enroll to the course: Successful completion of the third year (or above) of bachelor program majoring in Portuguese studies or Chinese-Portuguese translation or with C1 level certificate of CAPLE exam. 20 quotas (at least 15) Instructor: Ms. Wu Xinjuan has many years of experiences working as a Chinese and Portuguese Interpreter. She has extensive experiences in the training of interpreters. Course content: Essential knowledge about interpretation; memorization techniques and practice in interpretation; interpretation without taking notes; annotation techniques; numbers; video-interpreting; introduction of the CATTI Examination. Registration: (Deadline: 15:00, 27/10/2022) Participants must attend at least 80% of the all sessions in order to receive […]