LIU, Hongyong
香港中文大學, Ph.D. in Linguistics (2003-2007)
北京大學, MA in English Linguistics (1998-2001)
北京大學, BA in English Language and Literature (1994-1998)
Research Interests
1. Formal syntax
2. Sino-Tibetan languages (Sinitic, Tibeto-Burman, Miao-Yao, Zhuang-Dong)
2. Sino-Tibetan languages (Sinitic, Tibeto-Burman, Miao-Yao, Zhuang-Dong)

Research Projects 研究項目
1. 漢藏語句法研究項目
- 2016 年澳門大學 MYRG 項目:漢藏語量詞型關係從句的句法研究 (Syntax of classifier relative clauses in Sino-Tibetan languages) (MYRG2016-00051-FAH)
- 2019 年澳門大學 MYRG 項目:漢藏語等比句的句法研究 (Syntax of equative constructions in Sino-Tibetan languages) (MYRG2019-00001-FAH)
- 2023年澳門大學MYRG項目:漢藏語程度結構的對比研究(A contrastive study of degree constructions across Sino-Tibetan languages)(MYRG-GRG2023-00020-FAH)
- 2024年澳門大學MYRG項目:语言接触视角下的彝族漢話形态句法研究(A study of the morphosyntax of the Chinese variety spoken by the Yi ethnic group: a case study of ethnolinguistic contact)(MYRG-GRG2024-00059-FAH)
2. 湘西苗歌研究項目
- 2017 年澳門大學 MYRG 項目:湘西苗歌的記錄與語言分析(A linguistic documentation and analysis of Xiangxi Miao folk songs) (MYRG2017-00064-FAH)
- 2020年澳門大學MYRG項目:湘西苗歌的整理與出版 (Collation and publication of a collection of Xiangxi Miao folk songs) (MYRG2020-00185-FAH)
Courses Regularly Taught
- CHLL 4001 Graduation Project I 畢業專題 I
- CHLL 4003 Graduation Project II 畢業專題 II
- GELH1001 Chinese languages and Chinese communities 中國語言與華人社會
The complete publication list at Google Scholar
專著 Books
- 吳芳、劉鴻勇. 2022.《湘西鳳凰苗歌譯注及語言學研究》,上海教育出版社。
- 劉鴻勇. 2020. 《漢藏語名詞性結構的對比研究》,上海教育出版社。
- 劉鴻勇. 2016. 《粵北乳源過山瑤勉語研究》,文化藝術出版社。
論文 papers
- 龍仙梅、劉鴻勇. 2024. 石洞侗語名詞性結構中的度量短語,《民族語文》(6): 116-127。[CSSCI]
- 劉鴻勇. 2024. 論時態與限定範疇——以監利贛語的句末詞“在”為例,《漢語學報》(3): 85-95。[CSSCI]
- 卜維美、劉鴻勇. 2024. 臘羅彝語的度量短語,《語言暨語言學》(3): 351-369。[SSCI]
- 卜維美、劉鴻勇. 2020. 臘羅彝語的分裂式數量短語,《中國語文》(5): 609-624。[CSSCI]
- 劉鴻勇. 2020. 英漢名詞性結構中度量短語的句法語義對比研究,《外語教學與研究》(4): 508-518。[CSSCI]
- 李旭平、劉鴻勇、吳芳. 2016 湘西苗語中的大稱和小稱標記,《中國語文》(4): 426-437。[CSSCI]
- 劉鴻勇、張慶文、顧陽.2013. 反復體的語義特徵及形態句法表現,《外語教學與研究》(1): 24-35。[CSSCI]
- Liu, Hongyong. (Accepted).A formal analysis of the Chinese excessive resultative construction. Journal of Chinese Linguistics.[SSCI]
- Li, Xuping, Wei Huan Gan, and Liu Hongyong. 2024. Counting and countability in classifier languages: Evidence from Donglan Zhuang. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 33: 191-228.[SSCI]
- Li, Xuping, and Liu Hongyong. 2019. Root and phrasal diminutive markers in Gan Chinese. Studia Linguistica 73 (1): 37-65.[A&HCI]
- Liu, Hongyong. 2016. The emergence of reduplicative polar interrogatives. Language Sciences 54: 26-42.[SSCI]
- Liu, Hongyong, and Li Xiao. 2016. On evidentiality in Nuosu Yi. Language and Linguistics 17(1): 113-132.[SSCI]
- Liu, Hongyong. 2012. Lexicalization of Mensural Classifiers in Chinese. Linguistics 50 (5): 929-954.[SSCI]
- Liu, Hongyong. 2023. Two types of classifier relative constructions in Cantonese. 第九屆句法語義前沿研討會, University of Macau.
- Wu, Fang, and Liu Hongyong. 2021. Why some bare nouns in Xiangxi Miao cannot be used as syntactic arguments. 第二屆《亞洲語言與語言學》編委會會議暨2021亞洲語言國際圓桌論壇, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai).
- Liu, Hongyong. 2019. Split numeral classifiers in the Chinese variety spoken by the Lalo Yi people [彝族漢話中的分裂式數量短語]. Workshop of Language Diversity, Contact and Change, The University of Chicago Center in Beijing.
- Liu, Hongyong, and Bu Weimei. 2018. The syntax of Lalo Yi relative clauses. The 51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSLL51), Kyoto University.
- International Association of Chinese Linguistics (life member)
- 中國民族語言學會會員