(853) 88228932
Consultation Hours
Wed, 13:00- 14:00
Thurs, 18:00-19:00
Programme Coordinator of MA in English Studies
Jeremy De Chavez joined the University of Macau in 2018. Before joining UM, he held teaching appointments at De La Salle University, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Queen’s University. His work could be found or is forthcoming in journals such as Critical Arts, ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, JMMLA, The Explicator, ANQ, Kritika Kultura, Kemanusiaan, Masculinities and Social Change, Text Matters, and Food, Culture, & Society. While his research and teaching areas are primarily in Postcolonial Studies, Global Anglophone Literature, and Critical/Cultural Theory, he is committed to being a strategic generalist with wide-ranging interests across literary periods, genres, and cultural forms.
Currently, Jeremy is working on a scholarly monograph entitled Positive Affects and Postcolonial Critique (under contract with Routledge) and on compiling and annotating a research guide on “Positive Affects” and on “Aesthetic Theory” (co-authored with Asha Varadharajan, Queen’s University), which are included in the series Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory (under contract with Oxford University Press). He is also editor of the forthcoming edited volume Archipelagothic: Studies in the Philippine Gothic (under contract with Anthem Press) and co-editor of a special issue of ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature on Postcolonial Affect.
Jeremy received his PhD in English Literature from Queen’s University, Canada under the supervision of Asha Varadharajan.
Research Interests
Jeremy’s work attends to the connections between Postcolonial Studies, Cultural Studies, and Affect Theory. In particular, he examines the enabling and inhibiting capacities of positive affects/feelings/emotions in relation to cultural criticism, broadly and to conditions of postcoloniality, specifically.
He would be eager to supervise graduate students interested in pursuing research in the areas of Global Anglophone Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Contemporary Literature, and Critical/Cultural Theory, more so if their proposed project engages Psychoanalytic and/or Affect Theory.
Courses Regularly Taught
Teaching Areas: Colonial and Postcolonial Writing, Literary Theory and Criticism, Cultural Studies, Global Anglophone Literature, World Literature in English, Literary Research
Jeremy also teaches the general education course GELH2001: “Sex and the Arts”
Member, Postcolonial Studies Association
Member, Modern Language Association
Member, American Comparative Literature Association
Member, The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love
Consulting Editor, The Explicator
Academic Editor, Asia-Pacific Social Science Review
Associate Editor, Akda: The Asian Journal of Literature, Culture, Performance
Section Editor (Southeast Asia), Rupkatha
Reviewer, Postcolonial Text
Reviewer, LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
Reviewer, Kritika Kultura
Featured Speaker. “Postcolonial Paranoia, Reparative Reading, and World(ing) Literature”. UNITAS 100 International Lecture Series. May 2021.
Plenary Speaker. 1st Bhatter College International Conference on Recent Advances in English Studies. Virtual Conference. July 2021.
Moderator. Panel on Postcolonial Affect: Positive Affects and Alternative Futures. 2021 MLA Convention.
Plenary Speaker. “’And beyond/ Frighted the Reign of Chaos and old Night’: On the Humanities (in times of ) Crisis”. Philosophy: Beyond. Philippine Philosophical Association. University of the Philippines. Los Baños, Philippines. November 2019.
Plenary Speaker. “Dreaming of Optimistic Futures: Postcolonialism, Positive Affect, Critique”. 7th International Conference on English and American Literature. Shanghai International University, Shanghai. April 2019.
Positive Affects and Postcolonial Critique (under contract with Routledge)
Edited Book
Archipelagothic: Studies in the Philippine Gothic (forthcoming).
Falling Leaves: Identities, Subjectivities, Mobilities, and the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia. with J. Velasco and C. Miao (under contract with Brill, anticipated 2024).
Articles/ Book Chapters
“Can Asians Feel? Affect Theory and the Decolonial Politics of Untranslatability.” Can Asians Critique?: Theory, Criticism, Creolisation, special issue of Forum for World Literature Studies, edited by Alex Lee (forthcoming June 2025).
“Seized by Sensation, Learning by Heart: On Weil’s “Essay on the Notion of Reading.” The Interpretive Imagination: Literature in the Light of Philosophy. Edited by Garry Hagberg. Palgrave (forthcoming 2025).
“Repairing Repair: Postcolonial Paranoia, Affective Temporalities, and Reparative Reading”. ARIEL: a review of international English literature. (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/ari.2023.a905715 [A&HCI]
“Unhomeliness and Human Agency in Translational Encounters: Exploring the Negotiation of Identities of the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia.” With Miao Chi. Asia Pacific Social Science Review. (2023). [Scopus]
“Rethinking the Humanities (in Time of) Crisis.” With Asha Varadharajan. Humanities Reloaded: Addressing Crisis. Edited by Keyan Tomaselli. Routledge (2023).
“Consumed by Affects: Kwentong Jollibee, Happy Objects, and the Formation of Intimate Publics.” Kritika Kultura (2022). https://ajol.ateneo.edu/kk/articles/545/7042 [A&HCI]
“The Symbolic Fiction of Mr. Stevens: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day“. The Explicator (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00144940.2021.2005521 [A&HCI]
“Happiness” in “Keywords for Our Moment”. Critical Asia Archives: Events and Theories (2022).
“Introduction: Rethinking, Narrating, Consuming Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asia.” Special issue on East and Southeast Asian Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies, edited by J. De Chavez and Y. Zhang. Rupkatha, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n1.01 [Scopus]
“‘…in the extremity of an impotent despair’: “Whatever Singularity,” Postcolonial Ab-Use, and Erik Matti’s On the Job.” With V. Pacheco. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature (2022). muse.jhu.edu/article/866363 [A&HCI]
“Enduring Fears: The Monstrosity of Chinese Filipinos in Chito Roño’s Feng Shui”. With J. Velasco. Asian Ethnicity (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14631369.2021.1941754 [Scopus]
“Marlow’s “delicious sensations”: On the Persistence of Affect in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness“. ANQ, Vol. 24, No.3 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0895769X.2019.1696177 [A&HCI]
“the faithful work of drowning.”: A Reparative Reading of Ocean Vuong’s “Telemachus”. With C. Lin. The Explicator (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00144940.2020.1732280 [A&HCI]
“Masculinity in the Age of Philippine Populism”. With V. Pacheco. Masculinities and Social Change (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17583/MCS.2020.5157 [Scopus]
“Hybridities and Awkward Constructions in Philippine Locavorism: Reframing Global-Local Dynamics Through Assemblage Thinking”, With M. Montefrio, et al. Food, Culture, & Society (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2020.1713428 [SSCI]
“Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me: Rethinking the Humanities (in times of) Crisis”. With A. Varadharajan. Critical Arts (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02560046.2019.1665693 [A&HCI/ SSCI]
“Love in the Visual Field: Cinephiliac Moment, Truth-Event, Movement of Thought” JMMLA, Vol. 51, No. 1 (2019). DOI: 10.1353/mml.2018.0009 [A&HCI]
“The Political Subject is a Lover not a Fighter, or Reading Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club as a Love Story” ANQ: Articles and Notes Quarterly, Vol. 31, No. 2. (2018). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0895769X.2017.1369863 [A&HCI]
“Millennial Work Ethic: A Preliminary Examination of the Work Ethic Profile of Filipino University Students”. With J. Velasco. MJSS, Vol. 9, No. 6 (2018). [Scopus]
“It’s More Fun in the Philippines: Positive Affects and the Post-Colonial Condition” Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities, Vol. 24. No. 2 (2017). [Scopus]
“The Traditional and the Modern in Jessica Hagedorn’s Dogeaters” The Explicator, Vol. 75, No. 2 (2017). [A&HCI]
“On Love and Thought’s Intimate Connivance” Eidos, Vol. 26, No.1. (2017). [Scopus]
“The Breakdown of White Masculinity in the Period of Colonial Decline in Anthony Burgess’s Time for a Tiger” The Explicator, Vol. 75, No. 1. (2017). [A&HCI]
“Religion as False Resolution: Exploring the Religious Ideologeme in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe”. With X. Selman. ANQ, Vol. 29, No. 4. (2016) [A&HCI]
“‘Love is….’: An Inaesthetic Inquiry on Love and Attention in Aureus Solito’s The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros.” Kritika Kultura, Vol. 27. (2016). [A&HC]
Chapters in Books
“Interview”. With D. Bayot and R. Bowlby. Talking Walking: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press.
UM Teaching Excellence Award 2020/2021
FAH Best Teacher Award 2020