Consultation Hours
Quinta-feira: 15:45 – 16: 45
Sexta-feira: 11:15 – 12: 15
ZHANG, Jianbo
- Zhang, J.B. & Ye, Z.L. (2014).《走遍巴西1,学生用书》 (Speaking, Reading and Writing Portuguese, A Course for Foreigners 1, textbook for students), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Zhang, J.B. (2017). 《从若热亚马多作品在中国的译介看翻译与权力的关系》(The relationship between translation and power in the translation of Jorge Amado’s works in China). In《外国文学》 (Foreign Literature), V.1, 48-56.
- Zhang, J.B. (2015). Viagens ao Oriente: Jorge Amado e suas obras na China antes da Revolução Cultural (Travel to the East: Jorge Amado and His Works in China Before the Cultural Revolution). In Oriente e Ocidente, 2015, 53-60.
- Zhang, J.B. (2014). A recepção das obras de Jorge Amado na China (The reception of the works of Jorge Amado in China). In Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, 2014 (14), 23-48.
- Zhang, J.B. (2012).《从课堂走进对象国》 (From Classroom to the Portuguese-speaking Countries). In《欧洲语言教与学(第一辑)》 (European language teaching and learning, Vol.I), 98-104.
- Zhang, J.B. (2012). Conheça o mundo lusófono na sala de aula (Meet the Portuguese-speaking Countries in Classroom), In Atas do 1º Fórum Internacional de Ensino de Língua Portuguesa na China (Collection of articles of the 1st International Forum of Portuguese Language Teaching in China), 113-124.
Chapters in Books
- Zhang J.B. (2018). 《2017年巴西文学概览》(Overview of Brazilian Literature in 2017), In Jin L. & Wang L.Y. (Ed.), 《外国文学通览》(Overview of Foreign Literatures: 2017). (pp. 109-128). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Zhang J.B. (2016). 《巴西语言生活状况》(Language Life in Brazil), In Wang K.F. (Ed.), 《世界语言生活状况》(Reports on Language Life in Foreign Countries: 2016). (pp. 195-203). Beijing: The Commercial Press.
- Zhang, J.B. (2012).《巴西外语教育纵览》(Foreign Language Teaching in Brazil), In Wang K.F. (Ed.),《国外外语教育研究》(Research on Foreign Language Education) (pp.394-422). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Zhang, J.B. (2007).《巴西八年制小学葡萄牙语课程标准译介》(Curriculum Standards of Portuguese Language in Brazilian Primary School). In Hong Z.L. (Ed.),《母语教材研究》(Research on Native Language Textbooks) (pp.424-442). Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Publishing House.