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JIA, Jinhua
Jinhua Jia is an adjunct professor. She has been an associate professor/professor at Xiamen University, City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and University of Macau. She specializes in early to medieval Chinese humanities.
PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
M.A., Xiamen University, China
Research Interests
Early to medieval Chinese humanities, including philosophy, religion, literature, women and gender, philology, and the interaction between them.
Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Fellow, National Humanities Center, USA
Research Associate and Visiting Faculty, Harvard Divinity School
Vice President of World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures (2016–2018)
Steering Committee Member, Daoist Studies Group, American Academy of Religion (2014–2020)
Editorial Board Member, Philosophy Forum
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Daoist Studies
Editorial Board Member, Chinese Buddhist Review
- Traditional Chinese State Ritual System of Sacrifice to Mountain and Water Spirits. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 12/2022 (editor).
- New Perspective in the Study of Early Chinese Cosmology 早期中國宇宙論研究新視野. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing, 02/2021 (ed. Jia Jinhua and Cao Feng).
- From Ritual Culture to Classical Confucianism 從禮樂文明到古典儒學. Shanghai: Oriental Publication Center, 2020 (author).
- New Perspective in the Study of Chinese Religion 中國宗教研究新視野. Beijing: Zongjiao wenhua chubanshe/China Religious Culture Publisher, 05/2020 (ed. Jia Jinhua and Bai Zhaojie).
- Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018 (author).
- Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2018 (ed. Roger T. Ames & Jinhua Jia).
- New Philology and the Study of Early China 新語文學與早期中國研究. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing, 2018 (ed. Jia Jinhua, Chen Wei, Wang Xiaolin, Lai Guolong).
- Traces of Integration: Buddhism and the Chinese Tradition 融合之跡:佛教與中國傳統. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing, 2017 (editor).
- Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject, Identity, and Body. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014 (ed. Jinhua Jia, Xiaofei Kang, Ping Yao).
- Study of Classical Chan Buddhism 古典禅研究. Tokyo: Kyūko shoin 汲古書院, 2018; Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing, 2013; Oxford and Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2010 (author).
- The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China. Albany: State University of New York Press, August 2006 & 2007 (author).
- Anthologies of Gathering and Groups of Poets in the Tang Dynasty 唐代集會總集與詩人群研究. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2001 & 2015 (author).
- Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in Hong Kong Collections 香港所藏古籍書目. Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Book Publishing 上海古籍出版社, 2003 (editor in chief)
- Chronology of Tang and Five-Dynasties Literature: Volume of Five Dynasties 唐五代文學編年史: 五代卷. Liaoning: Liaohai chubanshe 遼海出版社, 1998 & 2013 (author).
- Chronology of the Buddhist Monk-Poet Jiaoran 皎然年譜. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 1992 (author).
- “Translation and Interaction: A New Examination of the Controversy over the Translation and Authenticity of the Śūraṃgama-sūtra.” Religions 2022, 13, 474, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13060474
- “Shu-Considerateness and Ren-Humaneness: The Confucian Silver Rule and Golden Rule,” Journal of Value Inquiry1 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10790-021-09879-x.
- “From Ritual Culture to the Classical Confucian Conception of Yì.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy4 (2021): 531–547.
- “Formation of the Traditional Chinese State Ritual System of Sacrifice to Mountain and Water Spirits.” Religions, 2021, 12, 319, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12050319.
- “The Classical Confucian Conception of Heaven’s Mandate.” Philosophy Compass. 16.5 (2021): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/phc3.12737.
- “Writings, Emotions, and Oblations: The Religious-Ritual Origin of the Classical Confucian Conception of Cheng (Sincerity).” Religions 2021, 12, 382, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12060382.
- “Li Zehou’s Reconception of the Classical Confucian Concepts of Autonomy and Individuality.” Asian Studies1 (2020): 59-75.
- “Redefining Enlightenment Experience: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Dunhuang-Version Platform Sūtra.” In Youru Wang and Sandra A. Wawrytko, eds., Dao Companion to Chinese Buddhist Philosophy. New York: Springer, 2019; 351-67.
- “New Poetry from the Turquoise Pond: Women Poets in Eighth and Ninth Century China.” T’ang Studies 1 (2019): 59-80.
- “Study on Two Daoist Treatises of ‘Sitting in Oblivion’.” Studies in Chinese Religions3 (2016), 265-80.
- “Gender and Early Chinese Cosmology Revisited.” Asian Philosophy 4 (2016): 281-93.
- “Religious and Other Experiences of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China.” T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 102-4-5 (2016): 321-57.
- “Li Zehou’s Reconception of Confucian Ethics of Emotion.” Philosophy East and West3 (July 2016): 757-86.
- “Unsold Peony: Life and Poetry of the Daoist Priestess-Poet Yu Xuanji in Tang China (618 – 907).” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 1 (2016): 25-57.
- “From Human-Spirit Resonance to Correlative Modes: The Shaping of Chinese Correlative Thinking.” Philosophy East and West2 (2016): 449-74.
- “Redefining the Ideal Character: A Comparative Study between the Concept of Detachment in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā and Guo Xiang’s Theory of Eremitism at Court.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy4 (2015): 1-21.
- “Longevity Technique and Medical Theory: The Legacy of Tang Daoist Priestess-Physician Hu Yin.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies1 (2015): 1-31. Institute of Oriental Studies, Germany.
- “Yaochi ji and Three Daoist Priestess-Poets in Tang China.” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China2 (2011): 205-43.
- “Religious Origin of Dao and De and Their Signification in the Laozi.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, series 3, 19.4 (2009): 459-88.
- “From Clan Manners to Ethical Obligation and Righteousness: A New Interpretation of the Term yi.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society1 (2007): 1-10 (first author).
- “Creation and Codification of Monastic Regulations at Mount Baizhang.” Journal of Chinese Religions 33 (2005): 39-59.
- “Modern Interpretations of Liushi: The ‘Hermeneutic Circle’ and Its Dissolution.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 52 (2004): 363-80.
- “An Interpretation of the Term Fu in Early Chinese Texts: From Poetic Form to Poetic Technique and Literary Genre.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 (2004): 55-76.
- “An Interpretation of ‘Shi keyi qun’.” T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 87 (2001): 1-13.
- “A Study of the Jinglong wenguan ji.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 47 (1999): 209-36.
- “The ‘Pearl Scholars’ and the Final Establishment of Regulated Verse.” T’ang Studies 14 (1996): 1-20.
- “Study on Linji Yixuan’s Life” 臨濟義玄生平事蹟考辨. Zen bunka kenkyūjo kiyō 禪文化研究所紀要 34 (Feb. 2019): 133-49.
- “Introduction to Classical Chan Buddhism” 古典禪研究序論. Zen bunka kenkyūjo kiyō 禪文化研究所紀要 33 (2016): 207-48.
- “Duties and Rights: From Ritual Propriety to Classical Confucian View of Yi and Li” 義務和權利:從禮制到古典儒學的義觀念. Confucian Studies 孔子研究 6 (2019): 28-36.
- “Interpretation of Shen and Ming” 神明釋義. Journal of Shenzhen University3 (2014): 5-15.
- “The Author and Compiling Purpose of the Baolin zhuan” 寶林傳著者及編撰目的. Documents 文獻 2 (2011): 10-18.
- “Examination of the Literature of the Hong Zhong School of Chan Buddhism” 傳世洪州禪文獻考辨. Literature and History文史 91 (2): 147-82.
- “The Origin of the Term xing and the Poems of Xing” 興及興詩探源. Journal of Chinese Literature and History 中華文史論叢 82 (2006): 181-99.
- “The Split of the Hongzhou Line and the Rise of the Shitou Linone: Deconstructing the Traditional Genealogy of Chan Buddhism” 洪州系的分化與石頭系的興起: 解構禪宗傳統兩系五宗世系圖. Journal of Chinese Literature and History 中華文史論叢 78 (2004): 54-97.
- “Study on the Author of the Chan Poems Attributed to Baozhi” 傳世寶誌禪偈作者考辨. Journal of Chinese Chan Buddhism 中國禪學 3 (2004): 121-32.
- “A Study of the Authentic Author of the Chan Poems in the Collected Poems of Hanshan” 傳世寒山詩集中禪詩作者考辨, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中國文哲研究集刊 22 (2003): 293-338.
- “Ordinary Mind as the Way and the Middling Hermit” 平常心是道與中隱. Chinese Studies 漢學研究 2 (1998): 317-49.