TANG, Kwok Kwong

Full time tertiary teaching

  • 中國文學教授,澳門大學中文系。2007-2020
    Professor of Chinese Literature, 09/2007-06/2020 , University of Macau.
  • 副教授,澳門大學。1998-2007
    Associate Professor, 05/1998-08/2007, University of Macau.
  • 助理教授,澳門大學。1992-1998
    Assistant Professor, 09/1992-04/1998, University of Macau.
  • 講師,香港浸會學院中文系。1991-1992
    Lecturer, 09/1991-07/1992, Department of Chinese, Hong Kong Baptist College.


  • 院長,澳門大學中文學院。09/99-08/00
    Dean, 09/99-08/00, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Macau.
  • 副院長,澳門大學教育學院。09/95-08/99
    Associate Dean, 09/95-08/99, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.
  • 課程主任 ( 教育學士及學位後教育證書與中學教育中、英、數三門學士課程 ),澳門大學教育學院。09/95-08/99
    Coordinator of Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) and Postgraduate Certificate in Education, 02/93-08/96, Faculty of Education, University of Macau.





國際《尚書》學會 [副會長]。

中國孔子基金會 [學術委員]。

中國屈原學會第四屆 [理事]。

香港中國語文學會 [永久會員] 。

美國亞洲研究學會 [會員]。

貴陽孔學堂學術委員會 [咨詢委員]。

安徽社會科學院海峽兩岸唐宋文學研究中心 [副主任]。


香港考評局 (HKCAAVQ) 研究式學位(哲學碩士及博士)中國文史學科課程 評審專員。

澳門特區政府教育暨青年局中學中文科 評審專員。


Editorial broad member of Journal of Chinese Confucian Classics Studies.

Editorial broad member of Association of Chu Ci Study of China.

Academic committee member of Journal of Chinese Philosophers.

Editorial broad and consultant member of Chinese Literary Theory Studies.

Editorial broad member of Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Language and Literature.

  • 一等獎,《唐文治文集》榮獲第二十二届【2018年度】華東地區古籍優秀圖書獎。
  • 2011年度教學人員獎 (傑出研究、教學與服務),澳門大學。The 2011 Academic Staff Award–Excellent Research, Teaching and Service, UM.
  • 長期服務獎(15年) ,澳門大學。Long Service Award of 15 years of service (1992-2007), UM.
  • 長期服務獎(20年) ,澳門大學。Long Service Award of 20 years of service (1992-2012), UM.
  • 長期服務獎(25年) ,澳門大學。Long Service Award of 25 years of service (1992-2017), UM.


  • 饒宗頤教授,榮譽人文學博士學位頒授贊詞撰寫宣讚。澳門大學,2004年。
  • 梁披雲教授,榮譽文學博士學位頒授贊詞撰寫並宣讚。澳門大學,1998年。


  • 《綰經學與文學理論爲一 :訪澳門大學鄧國光教授》,袁明嶸(中央研究院),載《國文天地》第24卷第10期,2009。頁96-100。


  • 《朱子提出「繼天立極」的道統大義》,湖南大學岳麓書院特邀「會講」,鳳凰網國學頻道(guoxue.ifeng.com)全程圖文直播,2019年3月21日。

Books authored


《經學文鈔》(梁鼎芬、曹元弼編),列入北京《清華大學中國經學叢刊》。歐陽艷華、何潔瑩、張濤 輯校。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2020年。




《唐文治集》第一編《唐文治文集》一三五國家重點圖書出版規劃項目、國家重點古籍整理出版資助項目、上海文化發展基金會圖書出版資助項目。陳國明、歐陽艷華、何潔瑩、張濤、吳昊、鄺麗麗、黃耀岷 輯校。上海:上海古籍出版社,2018。(榮獲榮獲第二十二届【2018年度】華東地區古籍優秀圖書獎一等獎)

《唐代文學研究論著集成》第1、2卷,西安:三秦出版社,2004。Collection of Tang’s Literary Studies, vol. 1& II, Xian: San Qin Press. ISBN: 7-80628-883-X/1‧175


《文章體統:中國文體學的正變與流別》(上下冊),上海:上海古籍出版社, 2013。Genre and Stylistics of Literary Writings: Development and divergence of Chinese Stylistics, Shanghai : Shanghai Classics Publishing House. (2 volumes, 732 pages) 2013,ISBN:9787532570683

《〈文心雕龍〉文理研究:以孔子、屈原為樞紐軸心的要義》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2012。A Study of the Literary Theory of Wen Xin Diao Long: Nexus of Literary Development as Fundamentality on Kongzi and Quyuan, Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House. (316 pages) 2012.ISBN:9787532566174

《經學義理 (中華學術叢書) 》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2011。Philosophy of Confucian Classics (Series of Chinese Academics), Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House. (691 pages) 2011.ISBN: 9787532558582

《聖王之道:先秦諸子的經世智慧》,北京:中華書局,2010。The Way of Sage King: Wisdom of Statecraft of Pre Qin Thinkers, Beijing: Zhong Hua Books. (258 pages) ,2010 . ISBN: 9787101072228

《文原:中國古代文學與文論研究》,澳門:澳門大學出版中心,1997。An Origin of Literary Genre and Mind: Study on Chinese literature and Criticism, Macau: Publication Center of University of Macau. (356 pages) ,1997.ISBN: 9729705070

《中國文化原點新探:以〈三禮〉的祝為中心的研究》,廣州:廣東人民出版社,1993。A Study for the Origin of Chinese Culture, Guangzhou: Guangdong People’s Press. (168 pages) ,1993. ISBN: 7218010881/G177

《韓愈文統探微》,臺北:文史哲出版社,1992。A Study of Literary Theory of HanYu, Taipei: Liberal Arts Press. (144 pages),1992. ISBN: 9575471628

《摰虞研究》,香港:學衡出版社,1990。A Study of Zhi Yu, Hong Kong: Academic Press. (295 pages),1990.


《清代經學》,香港:香港公開大學,1998。(2002再版,2006修訂)Confucian Classics Studies in Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong : The Open University of Hong Kong. (Reprinted in 2002, revised in 2006)

《兩漢經學》,香港:香港公開大學,1997。(2002再版,2006修訂)Confucian Classics Studies in Han Dynasty, Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong. (Reprinted in 2002, revised in 2006)

Journal and Academic Papers 學術論文


120區大典《論語通義》政治倫理探義,載《中華智慧的當代啓示》,陳來、劉愛君主編,濟南:山東人民出版社及中國孔子基金會,2020年6月,頁484-489。On the Concept of the Political Ethics in the Analects of Confucius , The Contemporary Enlightenment of Chinese Wisdom, The Kongzi Foundation of China.


119.《周書·洪範》《呂刑》與朱熹「繼天立極」的道統義原論,載《出土文獻與經學古史國際學術研討會論文集》,黃人二主編,臺中:高文出版社,2019年10月,頁65-77。A Study of The Prototypical and Structure of Thought of Zhu Xi’s Following Heaven’s Decree of Upmost Conduct thuough the Study of the Grant Principle and Lv Xing in the Book of Documents.

118.世界視野之經義拓殖:陳煥章《孔教經世法》稿本研究,載《新經學》第四輯,鄧秉元主編,上海:上海人民出版社,2019年9月。Confucian Statecraft World- Horizon Reconstruction: A Study of the Manuscript of “Administering State Affairs Under the Instructions of Confucius” by Master Chen Huan-Chang. Xin Jingxue IV, 2019.

117.會通與知類:唐文治與曹元弼先生經教法要初探,載《第八屆中國經學國際學術研討會論文集》,北京清華大學經學研究院、湖南大學嶽麓書院合辦,2019年9月。A Primary Study of the Methodology of the Confucian Classics Learnings of  Masters Tang Wenzhi and Cao Yuanbi, Sellected Papers of the 8th International Conference of Chinese Confucian Classics Study, Qinghua University and Hunan University, 2019.

116.積厚流光:唐文治先生與南菁精神之發揚,載《南菁書院與近世學術》,吳飛主編,北京:三聯書店,2019年7月。The relationship between Master Tang Wen-zhi and the Development of the Spirit of Nan Jing College.  Nanjing School and Contemporary Chinese Academies, Beijing.

115.曹元弼先生《尚書》學初識,載《中國經學》第24輯,北京清華大學經學研究院編,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2019年6月,頁147-154。A Primary Study on The Theory of The Book of Docement of Master Cao Yuanbi. Zhongguo Jingxue 24.

114.《四庫提要·經部總敍》「公理」義初識,載《2019年中國四庫學研究高層論壇論文集》,南京師範大學文學院、南京圖書館、江蘇省古籍保護中心合辦,2019年6月。A Primary Study of the concept of the Gongli in the prefect of the Classics Sector of the Siku Quanshu, Nanjing Normal University and Nanjing Library.


113.道濟天下:唐文治與曹元弼二先生經學大義比論,載《中國經學》第23輯,北京清華大學經學研究院編,桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2018年12月,頁69-84。Saving the World by the Dao: A Compare Study of the Principle Concept of Confucian Classics Learnings of the two great masters Tang Wenzhi and Cao YuanbiZhongguo Jingxue 23.pp.69-84

112.道樞之應:《莊子》經世要義初識,載《諸子學刊》第17輯,上海:上海古籍出版社,2018年12月。頁59-67。Adapting to the Pivot of the Way: A Preliminary Study of Zhuangzi’s Essential Principles of Governance. Journal of Chinese Philosophers, 17. pp. 59-67

111.超越學術話語霸權壟斷:唐文治先生「性理學」重建儒家話語典範意義初識,載《第七屆「新子學」國際學術研討會論文集》,上海華東師範大學中文系,2018年11月10日。Crossover the Western Academic Monopoly: A Primary Study of the Reconsturction of Confucian Theory by the Study of Xing Li by Master Tang Wen-zhi. The Seventh International Conference on New Study of Chinese Philosophers. Shanghai.

110.生命禮學的構建:杜佑《通典禮典》義理初探,載《第四屆中國禮學國際學術研討會論文集》,北京清華大學中國禮學研究中心,2018年8月。A Primary Study of the Significance of the Life Ritual in the Section of  Li Dian of Tong Dian, Selected Papers of the 4TH International Conference of Chinese Ritual Study, Qinghua University,2018.


109.近代儒學的開拓:陳煥章《孔門理財學》的思想史意義,《東亞儒學研討會論文集》,曲阜師範大學孔子研究所編,2017年11月。The Expansion of Contemporary Confucianism: Significance of History of Thought of Chen Huan-Chang’s The Enconimic Principles of Confucius and His School . Conference on East Asian Confucianism. Qu Fu.


108.斯文在茲:唐文治先生論文王之德爲《大學》綱領原型要義,載《周代禮樂文明學術研討會論文集》,北京大學哲學系禮學研究中心、北大考古學系周原考古所基地,2017年10月。Human Way as such: Master Tang Wen-zhi’s Commendation on the Prototype of the Three Principles of Da Xue as the Moral Practice of Zhou Wen Wang. International Conference on Ritual and Musical Cultural of Zhou Dynasty.

107.繼天立極:牟宗三先生順繹「堯舜之道」正義,載《鵝湖月刊》第507期,2017年9月。頁2-8。Following Heaven’s Decree of Upmost Conduct: Master Mou Zongsan’s Positive Interpretation of the Way of Yao and Shun. Legein Monthly, 507. pp. 2-8.

106.甘鵬雲《經學源流考》、曹元弼《復禮堂述學詩》經論勘議,載《第七屆中國經學國際學術研討會論文集》,北京清華大學、華中師範大學合編,2017年9月。A Comparative Survey on Master Gan Peng-yun’s “The Source of Confucian” and Master Cao Yuan-bi’s “Poetries of Confucian Expounding of Fu Li Tang” . The 7th International Conference on Chinese Confucian Classics Study. Wuhan.

105.《春秋》懼亂義探,載《春秋經傳的政治哲學及其歷史影響學術工作坊論文集》,復旦大學哲學系,2017年7月。A Study of Significance of the Concept of Fear in the Spring and Autumn. Academic Workshop on Political Philosophy of the Spring and Autumn and the Historical Effects. Shanghai.

104.翁方綱《四庫提要》稿本的文論意義,載《湖南大學學報(社會科學版)》第31期第1卷,2017年1期,頁5-8。On the Meaning of Literary Theory of The Draft of The Abstract of Si Ku Qian Shu by Weng Fanggang. Journal of Hunan University (Social Sciences), 31(1). pp. 5-8.

選入《中國四庫學》第一輯,北京:中華書局,2018年,頁81-90。Study on The Draft of The Abstract of Si Ku Qian Shu by Weng Fanggang. The Study of China Si Ku Study, 1. pp. 81-89.

103.中和之道:唐文治先生《詩經大義》詩教旨要,載《中國文學研究》第29輯,復旦大學中文系編,2017年6月。頁88-103。A Survey on the Poetry Education of Master Tang Wenzhi’s “The Grand Principles of the Book of Odes”. Study of Chinese Literature, 29. pp. 88-103.

102.人道與文明:反思韓愈文道論的意義,載《文化中國》第93期,溫哥華文化更新中心編,2017年6月。頁56-63。Humanitarianism and Civilization: A Rethinking on the Meaning of Hanyu’s Literary Mind. Cultual China, 93. pp. 56-63.

101.人道:唐文治先生與曹元弼先生論《尚書》旨要,載《經學研究集刊》第22期,高雄師範大學經學研究所編,2017年5月。頁81-98。Human Principle: The Significance of Confucian Shangshu Learnings of Master Tang Wenzhi and Master Cao Yuanbi. Bullentin of Studies on Traditional Chinese Canons, 22. pp. 81-98.


100.《楚辭》文體生成要論,載《第五屆中國文體學國際學術研討會論文集》,廣州中山大學中文系中國文體學研究中心、北京《文學遺產》,2016年11月。A Primary Study of the Generation of Literary Genre and Style of  Chu Ci. The Fifth International Conference of Chinese Literary Style Theory. Guangzhou

99.曹元弼先生《經學文鈔》禮說初識,載《湖南大學學報(社會科學版)》第30卷第5期,2016年5期。頁14-20。A Primary Study of The Anthology of Confucian Learning  by Master Cao Yuanbi. Journal of Hunan University Social Sciences, 30 (5). pp. 14-20.

98.南北朝國史《魏書》《宋書》《南齊書》三書《經》論勘議,載《魏晉南北朝經學國際研討會論文集》,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2016年11月,頁867-897。A Comparative Survey on Confucian Classics Study in the Official Historical Records of Southern and Northern Dynasties: Wei Shu, Song Shu and Nan Qi Shu. In Yang Chin-Lung, Liu,Po-hung (eds). Selected papers of the International Conference on the Study of Confucian Classics in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties. Taipei: Academia Sinica. pp.867-897.

97.禮樂之復:唐順之經學義理研究,《中國經學》第18輯,2016年6月。頁131-148。On TANG Shunzhi’s Studies of Confucian Classics. Zhongguo  Jingxue  18. pp. 131-148.

96.唐代文學精神之開拓:互融三教的主體轉化,載《饒學與華學》, 上海:上海辭書出版社,2016年。頁933-938。On Widening the Searching Approach of Literary Mind in Tang Dynasty. In Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong (Eds). Study of Prof. Jao Tsung-i and Sinology. Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographic Publishing House. pp.933-938.

95.充實之謂美:孔、孟精神與《大學》之道,兩岸四地儒學研討會,香港中文大學國學中心 ,2016年4月。To be Perfection: A Interpretation to the key concept of Da Xue . Cross-strait Four-region’s Confucian Conference. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

94.《尚書·虞書》「王道」原型義探:兼論唐文治先生《尚書大義》五著三微論及清華簡《保訓》,載《中國經學》第16輯,2016。頁37-52。 “On Search of the Significance of  Wangdao Prototype of statecraft in Yushu of Shangshu: with a discussion on the Five Outlines and Three Underlines in Yushu of Master Tang Wenzhi’s the  Principles of Shangshu with the Qinghua’s bomboo BaoxunZhongguo  Jingxue 13. pp.37-52

93.《文心雕龍》文體通義,載《蘭州大學學報(社會科學版)》2016年第1期,2016。頁5-12。A Comprehensive Understanding of Stylistics Addressed in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 44(1). pp. 5-12. A. 載《中國〈文心雕龍〉學會第十三次年會論文集》,孫興義主編,雲南大學出版社,2017年7月。頁267-278。


92.唐文治先生《論語大義》義理體統探要,載《嶺南學報》2015年。頁133-190。 A Study of the Entity Framework of Philosophy of The Grand Principles of The Analects of Confucius by  Master Tang Wenzhi, Journal of Lingnan University ,2015. Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House.pp.133-190.

91.香港早期經學議題的反思與專論:區大典《論語通義》義理要詮,載《香港經學研究回顧與前瞻國際學術研討會論文集》,新亞研究所、香港浸會大學中文系合編。2015。An Introspection and Monograph of the Confucian Classics topics in early Hong Kong: Philosophy Commentary of Au Taidin’s  The Common Principles of the Analects of Confucius. An International Conference on “A Review and Expectation of Studies of Hong Kong Confucian Classics”. Hong Kong Baptist University.

90.體證生命之學:唐文治先生的「性理學」及其《性理救世書》研究,載《第二屆諸子學國際學術研討會論文集》,2015年4月。A Scholarship of Realization of Spiritural Life: A research on Master Tang Wen-zhi’s moral philosophy and his A Book of Saving the World by Moral Volition . The Second International Conference on “New Study of Chinese Philosophers”. Shanghai. A. 修訂本載《唐文治學術思想國際研討會會議論文集》,上海交通大學,2017年4月。

89.文以明道:孔子「盡美盡善」的文化體現與弘揚,載《清明弘揚民族獨特傳統文化學術交流會論文集》,西安:陝西人民出版社,2015年4月。Present the substance by Arts and humanities: the cultural Embodiment and Promotion of Kongzi’s concept of “To be perfect on morality”. An International Conference on Huang-di Culture 2015.

88.《春秋》與素王:漢代「經學義理」旨釋,選入《中日韓經學國際學術研討會論文集》,臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2015。頁653-668。On The Book of Spring and Autumn with the Concept of the Initial King: A Search of Meaning of Classics’ Thought on Fair Statecraft in Han Dynasty. In Lin Ching-chang, Chiang Chiu-Hua (Eds). Collection of Selected Papers of the First Conference on Study of Confucian Classics of China, Japan and Korea by Hong Kong Baptist University(Series of Advanced Chinese Academics on Classics Study). Taipei: Wan Juan Lou Publish House. pp.653-668.

87.《尚書洪範》義周秦之際流播的考察,選入《嶺南大學經學國際學術研討會論文集》,臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2015。頁243-270。A Survey on the Diversification and Development of Concept of Statecraft in The Chapter of Hong Fan in The Book of Document in Pre Qin Period. In LEE Hung-kai, Lin Ching-chang (Eds). Collection of Selected Papers of the First Conference on Study of Confucian Classics by Hong Kong Lingnan University(Series of Advanced Chinese Academics on Classics Study)Taipei: Wan Juan Lou Publish House. pp.243-270.


86.《虞書》與王道:禮治的王制原型研究,載《揚州大學學報(人文社會科學版)》2014年第6期。On the Records of Yu and the Wang Dao Statecraft: A Study of the Archetype of Ritual Ruling Institution, Journal of Yangzhou University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), vol.VI.

85.杜佑《通典·禮典》探要,載《清明弘揚民族獨特傳統文化學術交流會論文集》陝西省公祭黃帝陵工作委員會辦公室編。西安:陝西人民出版社,2014。頁505-521。A Study of Duyou’s Li Dian in Tong Dian, in Selected  Papers of the Academic Forum for Promotion of the Unique of Traditional Culture in the Qingming Festival, ed. by the Working Commission Office of Public Memorial Ceremony for the Mausoluem of Huangdi of Shanxi Province, Xian: Shaanxi People’s Publishing House.pp. 505-521.

84.唐文治先生《陽明學術發微》探要,載《諸子學刊》第11輯。上海:上海古籍出版社,2014。頁361-374。A Study of Tang Wenzhi’s Yangming xueshu faweiZhu-zi Xue-kan, vol.11.Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House. pp. 361-374.

83.《孟子》性善原論,載《國學學刊》2014年第3期,北京中國人民大學國學院編,2014。頁33-40。A Research of Mengzi’s Prototype about the Goodness of Human Nature, Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. III.  pp. 33-40.

82.孔穎達《毛詩正義》徵述劉勰《文心雕龍》初探,載《儒學視野中的文心雕龍》,山東大學儒學高等研究所戚良德教授編。上海:上海古籍出版社,2014頁259-261。A Primary Search of Cong Ying-da quoting Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long in his Mao Shi Zheng YiWen Xin Diao Long in Confucian Horizon, Shanghai : Shanghai Classics Publishing House..pp.259-261.


81.唐文治《論語大義》的淑世意義,載《經典閱讀與應用》,高雄義守大學方俊吉教授、臺灣中華文化教育學會編。高雄,義守大學,2013。頁49-59。 On the Significance of Common Good Promotion of Master Tang Wen-zhi’s The grand principles of the Analects of ConfuciusThe Classics learning and application, ed. by Kaohsiung I-Shou University. pp. 770-779.

80.文雅辭令:總集與文體學的向度,載《第四屆中國文體學國際學術研討會論文集》。中山大學中文系及北京中國社會科學院《文學遺產》編。廣州,2013。頁7-12。Elegant Expression: The Dimension of Literary Anthology and Literary Stylistic, Selected papers of the Fourth International Conference of Chinese Literary Style Theory ,ed. by the Department of Chinese of Sun Yat-sen University and Literary Heritage, Guangzhou. pp.7-12.

79.因祭之義而汎說禮:《周禮》九祭探要,載《經學與中國文獻文化國際學術研討會會議論文集》。南京大學文學院編。2013。頁347-355。The Meaning of ‘Li’ from Point of Sacrifice: A Study of ‘Nine Sacrificial Rites’ in the Book of ZhouliSelected Papers of the International Conference on Confucian with Chinese Ancient Documents and Chinese Culture, ed.by Nanjing University, Nanjing. pp.347-355.

78.回歸孔子:司馬光文章道論研究,載《清明弘揚民族文化與培育社會主義核心價值觀學術交流會論文選集》,陝西省公祭黃帝陵工作委員會辦公室編。西安:陝西人民出版社,2013。頁151-164。Back to Confucius: A Primary Search to the Concept on Dao in Sima Guang’s Literary Writing, Selected Papers of the International Conference on Huang-di Culture 2013, ed. by the Working Commission Office of Public Memorial Ceremony for the Mausoluem of Huangdi of Shanxi Province, Xian: Shanxi People’s Press. pp.151-164.

77.盡善盡美:格義大學之道,載《禮樂》,北京清華大學禮學研究中心編。北京:金城出版社,2013。頁20-36。To be Perfect on Morality: Interpretation of the Inwardness of Da Xue’ Thought on Fair Statecraft, Rites and Music, Beijing: Gold Wall Press. pp. 20-36.

76.唐文治古文批評探要,載《視角與方法:復旦大學第三屆中國文論國際學術研討會》,上海復旦大學黃霖、周興陸教授編。南京:鳳凰出版社,2013。頁770-779。On Classical Prose Criticism of Tang Wenzhi, Viewpoint and Method, ed. by Wang Lin, Zhou Xinglu, Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, pp. 770-779.

75.司馬光文章論探要,載《宋代都市文化與文學風景》,北京大學中文系張鳴教授(編)。北京:北京語言大學出版社,2013。頁360-369。A Primary Study of Criticism of Classical Prose of Sima Guang, Urban Culture and Literary Scene of Song Dynasty, ed. by Zhang Ming, Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press, pp. 360-369.

73.《儀禮》饋食禮的祝嘏研究,載《第二屆禮學國際學術研討會論文集》,清華大學中國禮學研究中心編。北京:清華大學中國禮學研究中心,2013。頁226-238。A Study of Zhu and Gu’s Functions in Ceremonies of Offering Sacrifices to Gods and Ancestors in the Book of YiliSelected papers of the Second International Symposium on Ritual Studies, ed. by Center of Chinese Ritual Studies of Qinghua University, Beijing: Center of Chinese Ritual Studies of Beijing Qinghua University. pp.226-238.

72.唐文治禮學及其《禮記大義》初探,載《禮樂中國:首屆禮學國際學術研討會論文集》,清華大學中國禮學研究中心編。上海:上海書店出版社,2013。頁457-498。A Primary Search of Confucian Ritual Study of Tang Wenzhi and his The Principles of Lij, Selected papers of the First International Symposium on Ritual Studies, ed. by Center of Chinese Ritual Studies of Beijing Qinghua University, Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House. pp. 457-498.

71.體用:從佛學判教到經學義理,載《亞洲禪學研討會論文集》,(香港)中國文化研究院編。香港:中國文化研究院,2013。頁407-416。Substance and Function: from Classification of Teachings in Buddhism to Connotations in Classic Scholasticism,Selected papers of the International Conference on Meditation and Zen in Asian, ed. by Academy of Chinese Studies (H.K.), Hong Kong: Academy of Chinese Studies. pp. 407 – 416.

70.新子學筆談:從全球文化脈絡的角度看新子學的意義,載《諸子學刊》第8輯,頁406-406。Conversation on New Studies of Rarely Chinese Philosophers: The Meaning of ‘New Study of Chinese Philosophers’ under a Viewpoint of Global Culture Context ”, Zhu-zi Xue-kan, vol. 8, ed. by the Editorial Committee of Zhu-zi Xue-kan, Shanghai : Shanghai Classics Publishing House. pp. 406-406.


69.民國時代「禮教救國」論的強音:唐文治先生禮學及其《禮記大義》的新禮教初探,載《國學學刊》2012年第3期,北京中國人民大學國學院編,2012。頁1-27。The Strongest Theme of Li-jiao Saving Country in modern KMT period: On Tang Wenzhi’s Contribution to the Study of Li and his Neo-Lijiao in The Principles of Liji ”, Research in the Traditions of Chinese Culture(Quarterly), Issue No 3, 2012 .pp.1-27.

68學術史的轉捩: 王官之學德性自覺,載《西北大學學報》(哲學社會科學版),2012年第5期。頁95-99。A Turning Point of Chinese Academics: Between the Authority′s Academics and the Ethical Self-realization, Journal of Northwest University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2012, v.42; n175 (05). pp. 97-101.

A: 轉載於北京中國社會科學院《中國社會科學文摘》2013年第2期。A: Reserved in The Digest of Chinese Social Sciences (2) 2013, ed. by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

B: 轉載於深圳大學文學院《哲學學科:學術論文精選10篇》2013第1期。B: Reserved in Philosophy Subject: 10 fine Selected Academic Papers (1) 2013, ed. by Shenzhen University.

67.保民:《春秋穀梁傳》義理探要,載《中國經學》第10輯(十期專號),2012。頁53-64。For the People: A Core Ethnic Concern of The Annotation of Gu Liang to the Book of Spring and AutumnZhongguo Jingxue 10 , Special Issue of 10 vol. s’ commemoration. pp. 53-64.

66唐文治古文批評探要,載《中國文學研究》(最新改版)第19輯,上海復旦大學中國古代文學研究中心/教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地/黃霖教授主編。上海:復旦大學出版社,2012。頁145-154。On Classical Prose Criticism of Tang Wenzhi, Study of Chinese Literature (New Version), vol.19,ed. by Research Center of Chinese Classical Literature of Shanghai Fudan University, 2012.pp.145-154.

65唐文治《尚書》學及其《洪範大義》的經世關懷,載《首屆國際〈尚書〉學學術研討會論文集(臺灣高等學者經學研究論集叢刊)》,臺北中央研究院編。臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版社,2012。頁161-186。On Study of The Book of Document and Tang Wenzhi ’s statecraft concern of The Great Meaning of Chapter of Grand PrincipleSelected Papers of the First Conference on Study of The Book of Document ,(Series of Advanced Chinese Academics on Classics Study), Academia Sinica , Taipei: Wan Juan Lou Publish House. pp.161-186.

64.清代經學生發的考察,載《古文獻研究集刊(第4輯)》,南京師範大學文學院編。南京:鳳凰出版社,2012。頁17-26。A Search for the Germinal Development of Study of Confucian Classics in Qing Dynasty, Collection of Classical Documentary Studies, Issue 4, 08/2012. pp.17-26.

63.學術的真色:評梁濤《郭店竹簡與思孟學派》,載《諸子學刊》第6輯,2012。頁393-396。The True Color of Scholarly Works : On Guodian bamboos and the School of Zisi and Mengzi by Liang Tao, Zhu-zi Xue-kan, vol. 6, ed. by Editorial Committee of Zhu-zi Xue-kan, Shanghai : Shanghai Classics Publishing House.pp.393-396.

62.唐文治經學研究:20世紀前期朱子學視野下的經義詮釋與重構,載《中國經學》第9輯,北京清華大學經學研究中心編。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2012。頁1-39。On Confucian Classics Studies of Tang Wenzhi (1865-1954) : Rebuild and Annotation of 20th Century’s Confucian Political and Ethnic Statecraft with Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, Zhongguo  Jingxue 9。pp.1-39.

A: 選入《變動時代的經學與經學家:民國時期(1912-1949)經學研究》(經學研究叢書‧臺灣高等經學研討論集叢刊),臺灣中央研究院經學研究室林慶彰、蔣秋華教授等編,臺北:萬卷樓圖書出版公司,2014。第六冊,頁237-289。Reserved in Confucian Classics Study and Confucian Scholars in the Changing Period: Study of KMT Period’s Confucian Classics StudySeries of Advanced Chinese Academics on Classics Study, ed. by Academia Sinica, Taipei: Wan Juan Lou Publish House, 2014, Vol. VI。pp. 237-289.


61.先秦兩漢載籍「理」義探勘:中國思想史的基礎研究,載北京中央文史館編《中央文史研究館首屆國學論壇論文選》,北京:中華書局,2011。An Investigation into the Meaning of ‘Li’ in Pre Qin and Han Period’s Philosophical Works: A Basic Research on Chinese Thought, Selected Papers of the First Conference on Chinese Studies of the Central Research Chamber of Literature and History, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.

60.聖王:先秦「王道」義背景中的道術型範,載香港中文大學中文系編《先秦兩漢古籍國際學術研討會論文集》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2011。頁422-455。Sage King: An Ideal Ruler of Pre Qin Period’ Statecraft, Proceedings of International Conference of Pre Han and Han Traditional Chinese Texts, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.pp.422-455.


59漢代經學家法論,載《國學學刊》2010年第4期,北京中國人民大學國學院編,2010。頁22-37。On Approach of Confucian Classics Exegesis in Han Dynasty, Journal of Chinese StudiesIV.pp.22-37.

58.明代前期古文辭風變遷初探,載《文學與文化》2010年第3期,南開大學文學院編。天津:南開大學出版社,2010。頁15-19。A Primary Search of the Alteration of Genre Style of Literary Writings in Early Ming Period, Literature and Culture, vol.3.pp.15-19.

57《春秋》與「王道」:先秦學術觀念的基礎考察(修訂版),載《中國文化研究》2010年第1期,春之卷。北京語言大學編,2010。頁34-39。The Classic of Spring and Autumn with Concept of Fair Statecraft (revised version), Chinese Culture Research, Spring ,vol. 1.pp.34-39.

56.明史論明文:明史乘敘論八股及明代文學復古歧議研究,載《東華中文學報》第3期,2010年4月,臺灣東華大學中文系編。臺灣:東華大學,2010。頁1-40。A Study of Literary Concept and Criticism in Historical Records of Ming Dynasty: On the Opposite Commentaries on Eight Paragraph Prose and Literary Fundamentalism in Ming Biographical Historical Texts in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, Journal of Chinese Literature and Language, vol. 3. pp.1-40.


55.《春秋》與王道,載《〈春秋〉三傳與經學文化》,北京語言大學方銘教授主編。長春:長春出版社,2009。頁29-34。The Classic of Spring and Autumn with the Concept of Fair StatecraftThe Three Annotations of The Classic of Spring and Autumn and Confucian Classics Culture, Changchun: Changchun Press.pp.29-34.

54.先秦諸子聖王論,載《國學學刊》2009年第4期,北京中國人民大學國學院編,2009。頁75-91。On the Theories about Sage King in Pre Qin Thinkers, Research in the Traditions of Chinese Culture (Quarterly), Issue No. 4,2009.pp.75-91.

53周秦至漢初之際《尚書洪範》王道義的流衍:先秦道術原論,載《中國經學》第5輯,北京清華大學經學研究中心編。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2009年10月。頁25-54。A Search of Statecraft Well-being: Development of the Pursue of the Ideal Ruling attributing in Chapter of Grand Principle in The Book of Document to period of Pre Qin to Early Han, Zhongguo Jingxuepp.25-54.


52.《文心雕龍》徵聖的思想史意義〉,載臺灣高雄中山大學中文系編《2007文心雕龍國際學術研討會論文集》,臺北:文史哲出版社,2008。頁29-39。A Study of the Sage Concept of Chapter Zhen Sheng in Wen Xin Diao Long, Collection of 2007’ International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Taipei: Liberal Arts Press.pp.27-35.

51顏師古的《論語》注解及其在思想史上的意義:唐代貞觀經學探要之一,載《中國經學》第3輯,2008。頁74-132。A Study of Philosophical Contribution of the Notes on The Analects by Yan Shi Gu’s Annotations: A Primary Research on The Confucian Diversification in the Early Tang’s Zhengguan Emperor,Zhongguo Jingxue 3.pp.74-132.

50總集的性質及其兩種形態的遞變,載《華學》第9輯,香港大學、中山大學、清華大學、泰國華僑崇聖大學合編,上海:上海古籍出版社,2008。頁1883-1888。An Inquiry of Diversification of Literary Anthology, Chinese Classics Study,9, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Works Publishing House. pp.1883-1888.

49先秦兩漢載籍義探勘,載《江蘇文史研究》58期,江蘇文史館編,2008第2期。南京:江蘇省文史館,2008。頁23-47。A Study of the Concept of Li in Pre Qin and Han Dynasties, Study of Literature and History in Jiang Su, 58, Nanjing: Jiangsu Province Institute of Literature and History. pp.23-47.


48《文心雕龍》神理義探〉,載日本福岡大學編《日本福岡大學〈文心雕龍〉國際學術研討會論文集》,臺北:文史哲出版社,2007。頁9-44。A Search of Meaning of Creative Mind in Wen Xin Diao LongCollection of Selected Papers of Fukuoka University’s Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Taipei: Liberal Arts Press.pp.9-44.

47.《文心雕龍》徵聖詮義〉,載四川大學中文系編《文心永寄:楊明照先生紀念文集》,成都:巴蜀書社,2007。頁287-306。On Philosophical Annotation of Chapter of Zheng Sheng in Wen Xin Diao LongThe Memorial Issue for Professor Young Ming Zhao, Chengdu: Ba Shu Publication House.pp.287-306.

46孔穎達《五經正義》體用義研究:經學義理營構的思想史考察,載《中國經學》第2輯,2007。頁87-130。A Study of Theory of Ti & Yong in Wu Jing Zheng Yi by Kong Wing Da: A Survey of Thought Transformations and the Awareness of Philosophical Domination in Reconstruction of Confucian School, Zhongguo Jingxue II, p.87-130.

選入新加坡國立大學中文系勞悅強、梁秉賦編《經學的多元脈絡:文獻、動機、義理、社群:文獻與詮釋研究論叢/4》,臺北:學生書局,2008。頁1-50。Selected in Study of Confucian Canons Development: Document, Motivation, Philosophy and Society, Taipei: Student Books, 2008.pp.1-50.

45魚龍變化非一狀:澳門中文科分科視學的期盼,載《教師雜誌》16 期,澳門特區政府教育與青年局編。2007。頁30-33。A Foresee of School Inspections on Chinese Language in Macau”Teacher Magazine 16.pp.30-33.

44邱世友教授的學術風采,載《中山大學學報 (社會科學版)》第47卷4期,2007年7月。頁18-19。A Review of Academic Achievement of Prof. Qiu, Shi You”, Journal of Sun Yat Sun University (Social Sciences Edition), 47(4).pp.18-19.

43先秦兩漢諸子義研究,載《諸子學刊》創刊號,華東師範大學先秦諸子研究中心編。上海:上海古籍出版社,2007。頁265-314。A Study of the Concept of ‘Li’ form Pre Qin to Han period, Zhu-zi Xue-kan, vol. 1, ed. by the Editorial Committee of Zhu-zi Xue-kan.pp. 265 -314.


42.古文批評的本色論:明茅坤《唐宋八大家文鈔》本色批評初探,載復旦大學中國文學研究所編《追求科學與創新:復旦大學第二屆中國文論國際學術會議論文集》,北京:中國文聯出版社,2006。頁269-289。On Concept of Style in Criticism of Classical Prose: A Primary Survey of Criticism of Style in The Anthology of Classical Prose of Great Masters of Tang& Song edited by Mao Kun in Ming Dynasty, Collection of Selected Papers on Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism of the Second Conference of Fudan University, Beijing: Chinese Writers Association Press.pp. 269-289.

41.古文批評的神論:明茅坤《史記鈔》初探,載《文學評論》2006第4期,北京中國社會科學院文學研究所編。頁43-49。On Concept of Creative Mind in Criticism of Classical Prose: A Primary Survey of The Selective Anthology of the History Record edited by Mao Kun in Ming Dynasty(Full text), Literary Review, vol. IV.pp.43-49.

簡本載《首都師範大學學報》168期,2006,第1期,北京首都師範大學編。頁83-88。Simplified version ,Journal of Capital Normal University(issue of social science), vol.168, issue 1.pp.83-88.

收錄於《中國古代文藝思想國際學術研討會論文集》,北京首都師範大學編,北京:學苑出版社,2006。頁439-453。Selected in (2006) Collection in International Conference on Chinese Classical Literary Thought, Beijing: Xue Yuan Press.pp.439-453.


40.《明史》論明文:明史乘敘論八股及明代文學復古歧議初探,載《中國文學研究(輯刊)》第7輯,上海復旦大學中國古代文學研究中心/教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地/黃霖教授主編,2005。頁27-61。On Ming Shi’s Comments on Ming’s Literature: On the Opposite Commentaries on Eight Paragraph Prose and Literary Fundamentalism in Ming Biographical Historical Texts Published in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties”, Study of Chinese Literature, vol.7, ed. by the Research Center of Chinese Classical Literature of Shanghai Fudan University, 2005.pp.27-61.

39.《文心雕龍·原道》天地之心義的啟示,載《中國文化研究所學報》第45期,香港中文大學中國文化研究所編,2005。頁183-201。On The Significance of Mind of Heavens and Earth in Wen Xin Diao LongJournal of Institute of Chinese Studies, vol.45.pp.183-201.

38.《文心雕龍原道》與韓愈《原道》勘議,載北京首都師範大學中國詩歌研究中心編《中國中古文學研究》,北京:學苑出版社,2005。頁596-602。A Comparison on Dao of Wen Xin Diao Long with Han Yu, Collection of Literature from Han to Tang Dynasty, Beijing: Xue Yuan Press.pp.596-602.

37評姚萬波《春秋考論》(學術書評),載《東方文化》38卷1、2期合刊號,香港大學中文系、美國史丹福大學中華語言文化研究中心合編,2005。頁251-252。A Review of The Study of Book of Spring and Autumn by Yao Wan Bo, Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 38, nos. 1 / 2.pp.251-252.

36.唐史論唐文,載《古代文學理論研究》23輯,中國古代文論學會編。上海:華東師範大學出版社,2005。頁213-234。A Study on the Commentary on Tang’s Literature by Tang’s Imperial Historical Text, Studies of Classical Chinese Literary Theory, vol. 23.pp.213-234.

35康熙與乾隆的皇極漢、宋義的抉擇及其實踐─清代帝皇經學初探〉,載《清代經學與文化》,清華大學歷史系彭林教授編。北京:北京大學出版社,2005。頁101-155。On the Praxis and Alternation by Emperor Kang Xi and Emperor Qian Long in Running the Orthodox Annotation of Huang Ji as a Prime Symbol of Sovereignty : A Primary Study of Imperial Confucian Ideology in Qing Dynasty, Confucian Classics and Culture in Qing Dynasty, Beijing: Peking University Press.pp.101-155.

34蘇輿《春秋繁露義證》初探,載《中國經學》創刊號,北京清華大學經學研究中心彭林教授編。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2005。頁266-287。A Primary Survey of Chun Qiu Fan Lu Yi Zheng by Su Yu, Zhongguo Jingxuepp.266-287.


33港澳地區當代唐代文學研究史敘,載中國唐代文學學會、安徽大學、臺灣大學合編《唐代文學研究論著集成》,第1, 2卷,西安:三秦出版社,2004。第1卷,頁298-316。第2卷,頁116-134。A Review of Studies of Tang’s Literature in Hong Kong and Macau, Collections of Studies in Tang’s Literature, Xian: San Qin Publication House, vol. I, p.298-316 , vol. II.pp.116-134.

32.重建中國文學研究的尊嚴,載《全球化語境下的中國文學》,香港:香港教育學院,2004。頁54-60。A Critical Review of Chinese Literature Studies, Chinese Literature in Global View, Hong Kong Institute of Education.pp.54-60.


31.《宋史》論宋文,載《第2屆宋代文學國際學術研討會論文集》,南京:江蘇古籍出版社,2003。頁650-677。A Survey to Song Shi’s Commentary on Song Dynasty’s Literature, The Second International Conference Selected Collection on Song Literature, Nanjing: Jiangsu Ancient Books Press.pp.650-677.

30.杜佑《通典》經世的本質,載《新亞學報》(新亞研究所50周年紀念專號)卷22,2003。頁379-397。 On Confucian Statecraft in Tong DianJournal of New Asia(Issue of 50’ anniversary), vol. XXII.pp.379-397.

29《離騷》珵美義蘊考論,載《文學遺產》2003第4輯,中國社會科學院文學研究所編。頁122-124。On Symbolic Meanings of Jade in Qu Yuan’s Li Sao , Literary Heritage, vol.4.pp.122-124.


28.《文心雕龍》本經制式文體論研究〉,載《〈文心雕龍〉研究》第5期,北京中國《文心雕龍》學會編,2002。頁55-76。On Genre Theory of Wen Xin Diao Long, Study of Wen Xin Diao Long, vol. V.pp.55-76.

27中國古代文論研究管見,載《古代文論的回顧與前瞻國際學術會議論文集》,上海:復旦大學出版社,2002。頁72-76。A Review and Expectation of Studies of Chinese Classical Literary TheoriesCollection of International Conference on Studies of Chinese Classical Literary Theories, Shanghai: Fudan University Press.pp.72-76.

26. 儒家經學的成立和意義,載《新亞研究所通訊》15期,2002年3月。頁17-21。On Confucian Classics and its SignificanceLiaison of the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, issue 15.pp.17-21.


26.強化大中小學的文學教育,載澳門大學教育學院編《澳門教育如何邁進新紀元》,2000。頁91-93。On Strengthen Literary Education in School System,Macau EducationHow step to New Era, University of Macau.pp.91-93.


25.儒家精神的再認:澳門在中西文化交流中的抉擇,載香港《明報月刊》,《澳門回歸特輯》3輯,1999年 12月號。頁21-28。On Stepping into Confucianism: Choice of Macau in East West Cultural Touching, Ming Po Monthly, vol. XXII.pp.21-28.


24唐代詩論抉原:孔穎達詩學,載《中華文史論叢》56期,上海古籍出版社編,1998。頁209-225。Foundation of Poetry Theory of Tang Dynasty :An Investigation to the Poetry Criticism of Kong Ying DaCollection of Essays on Chinese Literature and History, vol.56.209-225.

收錄於南開大學羅宗強教授編《20世紀中國學術文存(古代文學理論研究)》專號。武漢:湖北教育出版社,2002。頁281-296。On Selected in Collection of Research Papers in 20th Century of China  (Study of Chinese Classical Literary Theory), Wuhan: Hubei Education Press, 2002.pp.281-296.

23摯虞《文章流別論》,載《古代文論名篇選讀》,韓湖初、陳良運編。北京:中國書籍出版社,1998。頁125-129。On Annotation on Zhi Yu’s Literary Theory and Criticism, Selected in Readings of Chinese Classical Works for Literary Criticism, Beijing: China Shuji Publication House.pp.125-129.

22.黃佐《六藝流別》的文體論,載《人文科學論叢》第6輯,韓國漢城順天鄉大學中文系編,1998。頁261-276。On Literary Genre Theory of Huang ZuoCollection of Humanities, vol. VI, Seoul: Soon Chun Hyang University.pp.261-276.


21.黃佐《六藝流別》文體論初探,載《嶺南古代文藝論叢》第2期。廣州:廣東人民出版社,1997。頁84-94。 On Genre Theory of Huang Zuo’s Liu Yi Liu Bie, Collection of Classical Literary Criticism of Lingnan Region, vol. II.pp.84-94.

20.本世紀中國古代文論研究回顧鄧國光、羅宗強合撰,《文學評論》1997年第2期,中國社會科學院文學研究所編。頁10-23。A Review of Studies of Classical Literary Criticism in 20’th Century Great China, Literary Review, vol. II.pp.10-23.

19.《文心雕龍》「假緯立義」初探,載《〈文心雕龍〉研究》第3輯。北京:北京大學出版社,1997。頁67-83。A Survey of the Transformations of Wai Elements into Literary Critical Theory in Wen Xin Diao Long, Study of Wen Xin Diao Long, vol. III, pp.67-83.

收錄於北京大學張少康教授編《20世紀中國學術文存(《文心雕龍》研究)》專號,武漢:湖北教育出版社,2001。頁227-244。Selected in Collection of the Research Papers in the 20th Century of China (Study of Wen Xin Diao Long), Wuhan: Hubei Education Press, 2001.pp.227-244.

18.魏晉南北朝文論的經學演繹,載《魏晉南北朝文學論集》,南京:南京大學出版社,1997。頁439- 447。A Study of Confucian Canons’ Interpretation on Constructing of Literary Theory in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern DynastiesCollection of Literature in Wei , Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.pp.439-447.

17.劉壎《隱居通義》的賦論,載《文學遺產》1997第5期,中國社會科學院文學研究所編。頁72-80。On Fu Criticism of Liu Xun’s Yin Ju Tong Yi, Literary Heritage, vol. IV.pp.72-80.


16.漢魏六朝辭賦與緯學,載臺灣政治大學文學院、美國華盛頓大學合編《國際賦學研討會論文集》,1996。頁51-67。On the Relationship of Fu and Wei in Han, Wai and Six Dynasties, Collection of Study of Fu, The National Cheng Chi University and Washington University of U.S.A..pp.51-67.

15.澳門教育四百年的文化風貌,載《澳門教育、歷史與文化論集》,廣州:《學術研究》雜志社,1996。頁55-59。A Cultural Survey to 400 years Development of Macau Education, Collection of Macau Education, History and Culture, Guang Zhou : Academics Magazine.pp.55-59.


14祝堯《古賦辯體》的賦論(下),載《故宮學術季刊》第12卷1期,臺北故宮博物院編,1995。頁119-132。 On Criticism of Fu of Gu Fu Bian Ti (II), Bulletin of Palace MuseumXII, no.11,Taipei National Palace Museum.pp.119-132.


13魏晉南北朝的文原論,載《漢學研究》第12卷2期,臺北國際漢學研究中心編,1994。頁221-228。On Theory of Origination of Literary Genre in the Wei, Jin , Southern and Northern DynastiesChinese Studies, vol. XII, no.2.pp.221-228.
收錄於《魏晉南北朝文學論集》,香港中文大學中文系編。臺北:文史哲出版社,1994。頁485-494。 Selected in Collection of Literature of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties ,Taipei: Liberal Arts Press, 1994.pp.485-494.

12.方綱《四庫提要》稿本初探,載《澳門研究》第2期,1994。頁56-58。On the Manuscript of The Abstract of Siku Quanshu by Weng Fang Gang in the Library of Sir Robert Ho Tung , Macau , Journal of Macau Studiesno. II.pp. 56-58.

11.祝堯《古賦辯體》的賦論(綱要本),載《新亞學術集刊》第13期,香港中文大學新亞書院編,1994。頁363-382。On Criticism of Fu of Gu Fu Bian Ti, New Asia Academic Bulletin, no.13, p.363- 382.

收錄於《1950-2000香港中國古典文學研究論文選粹-文學評論篇》,南京:江蘇古籍出版社,2003。頁368-393。Selected in Collection of Selected Research Papers of Chinese Classical Literary Studies in Hong Kong, 1950-2000 (issue of Literary Criticism and Theory), Nanjing: Jiangsu Classics Publishing House, 2003.pp.368-393.

10.祝堯《古賦辯體》的賦論(上),載《故宮學術季刊》第11卷2期,臺北故宮博物院編,1994。頁157-186。On Criticism of Fu of Gu Fu Bian Ti (I), Bulletin of Palace Museumvol. XII, no.1.pp.157-186.


9.《周禮》六辭初探,載《中華文史論叢》第51輯,上海古籍出版社編,1993。頁137-158。A Preliminary Survey of the Six Ci in The Book of Zhou LiCollections of Essays on Chinese Literature and History, vol.51.pp.137-158.

8.《周禮》六辭初探:中國古代文體原始的探討,載《漢學研究》第11卷1期,臺北國際漢學研究中心編,1993。頁339-360。  On The Six Ci of The Book of Zhou Li: A study of the Origin of Chinese Literary Genre, Chinese Studies, vol. XI, no.1, series 21.pp.339-360.

7明道與為戲:韓愈文心表微,載《九州學刊》第6卷1期,美國、臺北及香港同時發行,1993。頁15-32。 On Literary Theory of Han Yu, Chinese Culture Quarterly,VI, no.1.pp.15-32.

6.《尚書顧命》冊儀的討論:關於《曲禮》六大和小盂鼎三左三右的抉疑,載《中國文化》第8期,北京中國藝術研究院編,北京、臺北、香港同時發行。香港:中華書局,1993。頁98-103。A Discussion of Appointment Rites in The Chapter of Guming of The Book of DocumentChinese Culture, no.8.pp. 98 -103.


5.道的本質和承傳:辨韓愈傳道觀和程朱道統論的分野,載《孔孟月刊》第31卷2期,臺北孔孟學會編,1992。頁15-21。On Origin of the Doctrine and its Inheritance: A Discussion of Concepts of Confucian Inheritance between Han Yu and Cheng Zi & Zhu Zi, Kong Meng Monthly, vol. 31,no 2.pp.15-21.

4修辭明道:論韓愈安身立命的歸向,載《香港浸會學院中文系集刊》第1期,1992。頁71-73。On Literary Expression and the Confucian Doctrine:A Review of the Foundation of Han Yu’s Literary Thought, Bulletin of Chinese Department of Hong Kong Baptist College, vol. I.pp.71-73.

3.中國古代總集和文論,載《新宇》第30期,1992。頁26-27。On The Literary Anthology and Literary Criticism of Classical Chinese literature, The Sunyu, vol.30. pp.26-27.


2.《周禮》九拜考,載《東方文化》第29卷2期,香港大學中文系及亞洲研究中心編,1991。頁237-252。A Research of the Nine Ways of Bow in The Book of Zhou LiJournal of Oriental Studies, vol. XXIX, no.2.pp.237–252.


1.〈評金德建《經今古文字考》〉,載香港大學《東方文化》1988年。A Review of Prof.Jin Dejian’s Study of the Jinwen & Guwen in Confucian Classics, Journal of Oriental Studies, 1988.

Papers for International Conferences 國際學術研討會論文
















86.〈斯文在茲:唐文治先生論文王之德爲《大學》「三綱領」原型要義〉, 「周代禮樂文明學術研討會」,北京大學哲學系禮學研究中心、北大周原考古所基地合辦,2017年10月。

85.〈甘鵬雲《經學源流考》、曹元弼《復禮堂述學詩》經論勘議〉, 「第七屆中國經學國際學術研討會」,北京清華大學經學研究中心、武漢華中師範大學古籍研究中心合辦,2017年9月。

84.〈《春秋》懼亂義探〉, 「《春秋》經傳的政治哲學及其歷史影響學術工作坊」,上海復旦大學哲學系主辦,2017年7月。

83.〈道樞之應:《莊子》經世要義初識〉, 「第二屆《莊子》國際學術研討會」,上海華東師範大學中文系先秦諸子研究中心主辦,2017年4月。







77.〈充實之謂美:孔、孟精神與《大學》之道〉,「兩岸四地儒學研討會」,香港中文大學國學中心主辦 ,2016年4月。












2014.“ Filial Piety and Abdication: A Compare Reading on The Records of Yu of Shangshu and  Baoxun of The Qinghua’s Bamboos ”, The 2014 International Conference on The Shangshu  and  The Qinghua’s Bamboos,  by The International Association of Shangshu Studies and The School of History and Politics of Guiyang Normal University, Guiyang in Guizhou, China.


2014.“ A research of Mengzi’s Prototype about the Goodness of Human Nature ”, An International Conference on the Study of Mengzi and the Culture of Zou-cheng” by The Association of Mengzi Study of China, The Advanced Institute of  Humanities of Peking University, The School of Chinese Studies of Beijing Qinghua University, The Research Institute of Qilu Culture of The Shangdong Normal University and The People Government of Zou-ching in Shangdong,  Shangdong,China.

66. 〈唐文治先生《論語大義》義理體統探要〉經學的承傳與開拓』國際學術研討會,嶺南大學中文系主辦。香港,2014。

2014A study of the Entity Framework of Philosophy of The Grand Principles of The Analects of Confucius by  Master Tang Wenzhi, International Conference on the Study of Confucian Classics, by the Chinese Department of Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


2014, On The Records of Yu and the Wang Dao statecraft: A study of the Archetype of ritual ruling institution, The Third International Conference on the Study of The Book of History, by The International Association of Shangshu Studies and Qufu Normal University, Qufu, China.

64. 〈 唐文治先生《陽明學術發微》探要〉諸子學現代轉型高端研討會,上海華東師範大學諸子研究中心主辦。上海,2014。

2014A study of Study of Wang Yang-ming’s Academic Thought  by  Master Tang WenzhiAn International Summit Conference on  the New Transformations in Zhuzi Study , by the Research Center of Pre-Qin Thinkers of The Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai, China.


2014A primary  study of The Chapters of Li-dian of Tong-dianAn International Conference on Huang-di Culture, by the Research Center of Chinese Thought and Culture of Xian Northwest University, Xian, China.



2013, On Widening the Searching Approach of Literary Mind in Tang DynastyThe 2nd International Conference of Prof. Jao Tsung-i and Sinology con 10th Anniversary of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, by the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


2013,The significance of common good promotion of Master Tang Wenzhi’s The grand principles of the Analects of Confucius , Confucianism and Taoism character education for youth literacy upgrading International Academic Seminar, by the I-Shou University, Kao Hsiung.


2013, Elegant expression: The dimension of Literary Anthology and Literary StylisticsThe Fourth International Conference of Chinese Literary Style Theory, by the Department of Chinese of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.


2013,A Primary Search of Cong Ying-da quoted Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long in his Mao Shi Zheng YiAn International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long for Celebration to the 30′ anniversary and twelfth annual meeting of The Association of Wen Xin Diao Long Study, by The Association of Wen Xin Diao Long Study, Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies of Shangdong University, Jinan.


2013, The meaning of ‘Li’ from point of sacrifice: A Study of ‘Nine Sacrificial Rites’ in the Book of ZhouliAn International Conference on Confucian with Chinese Ancient Documents and Chinese Culture, by the Faculty of Arts of Nanjing University, Nanjing.


2012,A Study of Zhu and Gu’s fucions in the ceremonies of offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors in the Book of Yili , The Second International Symposium on Ritual Studies, by the Center of Chinese Ritual Studies of Tsinghua University, Hangzhou.


2013, ‘Substance and Function’: from Classification of Teachings in Buddhism to Connotation in Classic Scholasticism, International Conference on Meditation and Zen, by the Academy of Chinese Studies (H.K.), Hong Kong.


2013Back to Confucius: A Primary Search to the Concept on Dao in Sima Guang’s Literary Writing , International Conference on Huang-di Culture, by the Research Center of Chinese Thought and Culture of Xian Northwest University, Xian.



2012, A Primary Study of Criticism of Classical Prose of Sima GuangInternational Conference on Urban Culture and Literary Scene of Song Dynasty, by the Chinese Department of Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Peking University, Hong Kong.

53.〈新時代儒教的宣言:陳煥章《孔門理財學》的經學意義〉紀念陳煥章博士創立孔教總會 (1912-2012年):國際儒學研討會,香港孔教學院主辦,香港,2012。

2012, A Declaration of New Era’s Confucianism: The Confucian Classics Meaning of The Economic Principles of Confucius and His School by Dr. Chen Huan-Chang , International Conference on Confucianism for Celebration to 100 years of foundation of The Confucianism Chief Association(1912-2012) by Dr. Chen Huan-Chang, by Hong Kong Confucianism College, Hong Kong.


2012, A Study of Confucian Ritual Study of Tang Wenzhi and his The Principles of LijiThe First International Conference on the Study of Confucian Li, by the Research Center of Confucian Ritual Study of Beijing Qinghua University, Beijing.


2012, A Nexus of Academic Thought: The Central Official Academics and the Awareness of MoralityAn International Conference on Huangdi Culture, by the University of Northwest, Xian, China.



2011A Primary Survey to Criticism of Classical Prose of Tang WenzhiThe Third International Conference on Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism, by the Research Center of Chinese Classical Literature of Shanghai Fudan University, Shanghai.


March 2011,Caring People: A core ethnic concern of the Annotation of Gu Liang to the he Book of Spring and AutumnThe 4th International Conference on Chinese Confucian Classics Study, National Taiwan University/ Academia Sinica / Beijing Qinghua University, Taipei.



2010, On Initial Motions of the development of Qing Dynasty’s Confucian Classics Studies, Academics of Qing Dynasty2010 International Conference on Zhonghua Confucian Classics Study, Nanjing Normal University / Academia Sinica, Nanjing.


2010, On Wang Guo Wei’s Depiction to the Three Stages of Classics Academics of Qing Dynasty, First International Conference on Zhonghua Confucian Classics Study and the Third National Conference on Confucian Classics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung.


2010, On Approach of Confucian Classics Exegesis in Han Dynasty, International Forum on Chinese Confucian Classics: Knowledge and Value, Chinese People University,Beijing.


 2010, On the Alteration of Literary Style of Early Ming Literary Writing . An International Conference on History of Literary Thought, Nan Kai University, Tianjin.


2010, On the Statecraft Concerns in the Study of the Book of Documents and The Grand Principles of the Chapter of Hong Fan by Tang Wen Zhi. A First International Conference on The Book of Documents, Yangzhou University / Academia Sinica, Yangzhou.


2010, Beyond the Interpretation of the Violence in Literary  Criticism : A Study of Official Historical Critics of Li Meng Yang and Literary Fundamentalism. An International Conference on Chinese Literary Criticism, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


2010, On The Classic of Spring and Autumn with the Concept of the Initial King : A Search of Meaning of Classics’ Thought on Fair Statecraft in Han Dynasty “ , An International Conference on Thought of Confucian School of China, Hong Kong Baptist University / Academia Sinica, Hong Kong.


41.〈先秦諸子聖王論〉國際儒學論壇2009, 北京中國人民大學、韓國高等教育財團合辦,北京,2009

2009, On the Theories of the Sage King of Pre Qin Thinkers, The 2009 International Forum on Confucian Study , Chinese People University / The Consortium of Higher Education of Korea, Beijing.


2009, A Fundamental Examination of the Academic Concepts in the Pre Qin Period Conference on the Book of Spring and Autumn and Thought of Confucian School, Beijing Language University/ The University of Hong Kong / Academia Sinica, Beijing.


2009, A Search of Statecraft Well-being: Development of the Pursue of the Ideal Ruling Ways attributing in the Chapter of The Grand Principle in the Book of Document to period from Pre Qin to Early Han,  The Third International Conference on Chinese Confucian Classics Study, Qinghua University / Fujian Normal University, Xiamen.


2009, The Concept of Sheng Wang in Pre Qin Period’s Philosophy by the Cult of Wang Dao , The International Conference on Pre-Han and Han Traditional Chinese Texts , The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


2009, A Survey on the Diversification and Development of the Concept of Statecraft in the Chapter of Hong Fan in the Book of Document in Pre Qin Period, International Conference on the Study of Confucian Classics, Department of Chinese , Hong Kong Ling Nan University / Academia Sinica, Hong Kong.


2009, A Study of Literary Concept and Criticism in Ming Dynasty Historical Records: On the Opposite Commentaries on Eight Paragraph Prose and Literary Fundamentalism in Ming Biographical Historical Texts Published in Late Ming and Early Qing DynastiesThe Second International Conference on Scope and Strategy on Cultural Development , National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.


35.〈唐文治(1865-1954)經學研究:二十世紀前期朱子學視野下的經義詮解與重構(二)〉變動時期的經學和經學家(1912-1949):第四次學術研討會, 臺灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所主辦,臺北,2008

2008, On Confucian Classics Studies of Tang Wenzhi (1865-1954) : A Rebuild and Annotation of 20 Century’s Confucian Political and Ethnic Thought with the Principal of Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, The Fourth Conference on Changing Period (1912-1949)’s Classic Studies and Scholars, Academia Sinica , Taipei.


2008, An Inquiry into the Core Concept of Dao Shu of Zhuang Zi , The First International Conference on the Study of Zhuang-zi , East China Normal University , Shanghai.


2008, A Comparative Survey on Confucian Classics Study in the Official Historical Records of Southern and Northern Dynasties: Wei Shu, Song Shu and Nan Qi Shu , International Conference on the Study of Confucian Classics in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties , Academia Sinica , Taipei.



2007, On the Sage Theory of The Chapter of Zhen Sheng in Wen Xin Diao Long, An International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung.

31.〈《采菽堂古詩選》初探:中國古代文論失落的奇葩〉第二屆中國文學思想國際研討會, 臺灣淡江大學‧中文系主辦,臺北2007

2007, On Cai Shu Tang Anthology of Classical Poetry: Discover a Lost Treasure of Chinese Classical Poetic Criticism, The Second International Conference on Chinese Literary Thought, Tam Kang University, Taipei.

30.〈唐文治(1865-1954)學研究:二十世紀前期朱子學視野下的經義詮解與重構(一)〉變動時期的經學和經學家(1912-1949):第二次學術研討會, 臺灣中央研究院‧中國文哲研究所主辦,臺北,2007

2007, On Classic Studies of Tang Wen Zhi (1865-1954) : A Rebuild and Annotation of 20 Century’s Confucian Political and Ethnic Thought with the Principal of Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, The Second Conference on Changing Period (1912-1949)’s Classic Studies and Scholars, Academia Sinica ,Taipei.


2007, An Investigation into the Meaning of “Li” in Pre Qin and Hans Periods’ Philosophical Works : A Basic Research on Chinese Thought, The First Conference on Chinese Studies, Central Research Chamber of Literature & History of The State Council of People’s Republic of China, Beijing.



2006, On Diversification of Literary Anthology, International Academic Meeting For Celebration to Professor Yao Tsung I’ s 90 Birthday, University of Hong Kong.


2006, On Creative Mind in Wen Xin Diao Long,  International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Capital Normal University, Beijing.

26.〈還經以經:廖平經學的思想史意義〉四川學者的經學研究第二次學術研討會, 臺灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所經學研究室主辦,臺北,2006

2006, Recall the Classics: The Thought Significance of the Contribution of Liu Ping’s Confucian Study, The Second Conference on Sichuan Scholars Contribution to the Study of Confucian Classics, Academia Sinica, Taipei.



2005, On Philosophical Annotation of Chapter Zheng Sheng in Wen Xin Diao LongInternational Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Chongqing Normal University /Sichuan University, Chongqing.


2005, On Creative Mind in Wen Xin Diao Long,  International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan.


2005, On Theory of Creative Mind in Criticism of Classical Prose : A Primary Survey of The Anthology of the Book of Record edited by Mao Kun in Ming Dynasty International Conference on Chinese Literary Thought, Capital Normal University, Beijing.


2005, On Concept of Style in Criticism of Classical Prose: A Primary Survey of Criticism of Stylistics in the Anthology of Classical Prose of the Eight Master in Tang & Song Dynasties by Mao Kun in Ming Dynasty. International Conference on Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism,  Fudan University, Shanghai.


2005, On Theory of Ti & Yong in Wu Jing Zheng Yi by Kong Wing Da: A Survey to the Theory Transforming and Reconstruction of Confucian School in Early Tang, International Conference on Confucian School’s Classics Study, Qinghua University, Beijing.


2005,On the Commentary on Tang’s Literature by Tang’s Imperial Histories, International Conference on Classical Literary Theory and Criticism, North West University, Xian.



2004, On the Significance of Mind of Heaven and Earth in the Chapter of Yuen Dao in Wen Xin Diao Long, International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Shenzhen University / The Association of Wen Xin Diao Long Study, Shenzhen.


2004, A Comparison of Wen Xin Diao Long with Han Yu on DaoInternational Conference on Literature in Middle Age (From Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty), Capital Normal University, Beijing.


17.〈康熙與乾隆的“皇極”漢、宋義的抉擇及其實踐:清代帝皇經學初探〉清代經學與文化國際學術研討會, 北京清華大學、臺灣中央研究院合辦,2003

2003, On the Praxis and Alternation by Emperor Kang Xi and Emperor Qian Long in the Orthodox Annotation of Huang JiA Primary Study of Imperial Confucian Ideology in Qing Dynasty, International Conference on Qing Dynasty’s Confucian Classics Studies and Culture, Qinghua University, Academia Sinica, National University of Singapore, Beijing.



2002, On Regaining the Dignity of the Studies of Chinese Literature, International Conference on the Studies of Chinese Literature, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong .


2002, On Widening the Searching Approach of Literary Mind in Tang Dynasty, International Conference on Literature and Religion in Tang Dynasty, Hong Kong Baptist University , Hong Kong.


2002, On Song Shi’s Commentary on Song Dynasty’s Literature, International Conference on Literature of Song Dynasty, held by Nanjing University , Nanjing .


2002, On Confucian Ideas in Tong Dian, International Conference on Chinese Traditional Culture and Modernization, Northwest University,Xian.


2002, On the Opposite Commentaries on Eight Paragraph Prose and Literary Fundamentalism in Ming Biographical Historical Texts Published in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, International Conference on Ming and Qing Dynasties’ Liberal Academics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



On the Bai Hu Tong and the Form of Confucianism in Han Dynasty, International Conference on Great Wall Culture, University of Hong Kong ,Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong.



2000, On the Core Concept of the Genre Theory of Wen Xin Diao Long.International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Zhen Jiang People’s Government of Jiangsu Province,The Association of Wen Xin Diao Long Study, Zhenjiang.


2000, A Review and Survey on the Studies of Chinese Classical Literary Theories and CriticismInternational Conference on the Review and Expectation on Chinese Classical Literary Theories and Criticism, Fudan University, Shanghai.


2000, On Symbolic Meaning of Jade in Li Sao by Qu Yuan , International Conference on Chu CiPeking University / Beijing Language & Culture University, Beijing.



1996, On the Relationship of Fu and Wei in Han, Wai and Six Dynasties, in Collection of Study of Fu, , International Conference on Ci and Fu, National Cheng Chi University / Washington University, U.S.A., Taipei.

6.〈魏晉南北朝文論的經學演繹〉魏晉南北朝文學國際學術研討會, 中國南京大學中文系, 1996

1996, A Study of Confucian Classics’ Interpretation on Constructing of Literary Theory in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, An International Conference on the Literature of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Nanjing University, Nanjing.


1996, On Foundation of Poetic Theory in Tang Dynasty: An Investigation to the Poetry Criticism of Wu Jing Zheng Yi by Kong Wing Da, An International Conference on the Literature of Tang Dynasty, Northwest University, Xian.


1996, On Literary Transforming Processing of Elements of Wei in Wen Xin Diao Long, An International Conference on Wen Xin Diao Long, Re Zhao People’s Government, The Association of Wen Xin Diao Long Study, Shandong.


1996, On Genre Theory of Huang Zuo’s Liu Yi Liu Bie, An International Conference on Chinese Classical Literary Criticism, Foshan University, The Association of Classical Literary Theory & Criticism of Guangdong Province, Foshan.



1993, On The Theory of Genre Foundation in the Six Dynasties, The First International Conference on the Literature of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, The Chinese department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.



1992, On Fu criticism of ZhuYao’s Gufu bianti,  The Second International Conference on Fu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.