(853) 88228272
Consultation Hours
Monday 16:00 – 17:00
Thursday 16:00 – 17:00
Manuela Carvalho joined the University of Macau in September 2018 as Assistant Professor of Literature. Previsouly, she was visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon and research member of the Centre for Comparative Studies in the same institution, where she coordinated the Interarts and Intermedia Research Group. She has been working on two research projects in the area of theatre translation, intermediality and performace studies, one of them funded by the Portuguese national funding agency (FCT).
Manuela completed a B.A. in Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Coimbra and was awarded her PhD from the University of Birmingham, UK.
Research Interests
Carvalho’s main research interests lie in the area of comparative studies in general, with a particular emphasis on theatre translation, performance studies and studies in intermediality. She was the PI of a Portuguese funded project on “Theatre and Translation: Towards a History of Theatre Translation in Portugal”, which generated the database TETRA-Base: http://tetra.fl.ul.pt/base/.
Courses Regularly Taught
Research Design and Writing (MA)
Literature and Cultural Studies Method I (MA)
Literature and Cultural Studies Method II (MA)
Manuela Carvalho did her postdoctoral research at the Centre for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon (2003-2006) and was a Research Fellow in the same Centre (2009-2015), where she served as co-vice-director between 2013-2015. She was a Lecturer in Portuguese Studies at the University of Edinburgh (2006-2009). She was also a Visiting Professor at the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Indiana, Bloomington in 2014.
ed. with Marta Pacheco Pinto and João Ferreira Duarte, Revista Cadernos de Tradução. Special Issue on Moving Bodies Across Transland, v. 37, n. 1 (2017).
ed. with Daniela Di Pasquale, Depois do Labirinto: Teatro e Tradução (After the Labyrinth: Theatre and Translation), Lisboa: Nova Vega, 2012.
“The TETRA Project: Preliminary Results and Perspective”, in How Peripheral is the Periphery? Translation Studies in Portugal. A Tribute to João Ferreira Duarte, ed. Marta Pacheco Pinto, Rita Maia, Sara Ramos Pinto, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015, pp.45-61.
“A Arte de Prospero”, in Palco da ilusão. Ilusão teatral no teatro europeu, org. Ana Clara Santos, Paris: Le Manuscrit, 2013, pp.19-42.