Ph.D.: (1990) University of Strathclyde, Programme in Literary Linguistics
M.A.: (By Research) (1977) University of Birmingham, Department of English
B.A. Hons.: (1971) English Language and Literature, Department of English, University of Birmingham.
Research Interests
Martin conducts research on the analysis of discourse, particularly mediated forms of discourse. Most recently his main focus has been upon news discourse as the dominant public genre of our age, one which reflects changes in technologies of mediation as well as larger social, political and cultural shifts. This research builds upon his long-standing interest in language and the media, which has included work on a wide variety of media genres and events from press reports of civil disorder to radio D-J talk. He is currently editing (with Michael Higgins and Joanna Thornborrow) a special issue of the journal Journalism on Broadcast Talk and Journalism