(853) 8822 8919
Consultation Hours
Tuesdays/Wednesdays 14:00-15:00
Matthew P. WALLACE
Matthew P. Wallace is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of English. His current research interests include second language listening comprehension, language assessment fairness, and individual differences in language learning. He currently serves as Deputy Director of the Macau Centre for Linguistics (https://linguistics.fah.um.edu.mo/home/) and co-Director of the Language Assessment Studies Research (LASeR) Group (https://fah.um.edu.mo/laser/).
- PhD, Applied Linguistics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- MA in TESOL, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
- BA in Business Administration, Piedmont University, USA
Research Interests
- second language listening comprehension
- language assessment fairness
- learner motivation
Courses Regularly Taught
- AHGC7308 Special Topics in Applied Linguistics
- AHGC7396 Applied Thesis/AHGC7399 Academic Thesis
- ENGL4001 Graduation Project
- ENGL781 Methodology of Teaching English as a Second Language
- ENGL891 Practice of Scholarship
- ENGL7001 Linguistics Research Methods
- ENGL7015 Special Topics in Linguistics
- ENGL7533 Understanding and Interpreting Research
- LING702 Language and Linguistics
- LING704 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- TESOL International Association
- International Language Testing Association (ILTA)
- Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA)
- Japanese Association for Language Teachers (JALT)
- Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (SAAL)
Chen, S., Wallace, M.P., Ho, S.I., Chen, Y., Wong, K.L., & de Oliveira, S.C. (2023). Foreign language listening comprehension and listening anxiety. TESL-EJ, 27(2). https://doi.org/10.55593/ej.27106a9
Wallace, M.P., & Ke, H. (2023). Examining the content alignment between language curriculum and a language test in China. TEFLIN, 34, 116-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.15639/teflinjournal.v34i1/116-135
Wang, X., Liu, Q., Pang, H., Tan, S.C., Lei, J., Wallace, M.P., & Li, L. (2023). What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human interactions using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis. Computers & Education, 194, 104703. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104703
In’nami, Y., Koizumi, R., Cheung, M.W.-L., & Wallace, M.P. (2022). Examining second language listening and metacognitive awareness: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach. Language Learning. Early view online. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12548
Li, L., Wang, X., & Wallace, M.P. (2022). I determine my learning path, or no? A study of learner control in online video-based learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 973758. https://www.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.973758
Liwei, N., Wang, X., Wallace, M.P., Pang, H., & Xu, Y. (2022). Digital learning of EFL among young learners: How are approaches to learning linked to digital competence and technostress. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Early view online. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12679
Wallace, M.P. (2022). Individual differences in second language listening: Examining the role of knowledge, metacognitive awareness, memory, and attention. Language Learning, 72, 5-44. https://www.doi.org/10.1111/lang.12424
Wallace, M.P. & Ng, J.S.W. (2022). Fairness of classroom assessment approach: Perceptions from EFL students and teachers. English Teaching and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42321-022-00127-4
Wang, X., Pang, H., Wallace, M.P., Wang, Q., & Chen, W. (2022). Learners’ perceived AI presences in AI-supported learning: A study of AI as a humanized agent from Community of Inquiry. Computer Assisted Language Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/09588221.2022.2056203
Zeng, Y., Lu, Q, Wallace, M.P., Guo, Y., Fan, C-W, & Chen, X. (2022). Understanding sustainable development of English vocabulary acquisition: Evidence from Chinese EFL learners. Sustainability, 14, 6532. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116532
Zeng, Y., Wallace, M.P., Fan, C-W., & Guo, Y. (2022). University students’ attitudes towards English as a lingua franca in a multilingual sustainable society. Sustainability, 14, 4435. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084435
Wallace, M.P. (2021). Exploring the relationship between L2 listening comprehension and metacognition after controlling for vocabulary knowledge. Journal of Language and Education, 7(3), 103-116. https://doi.org/10.17323/jle.2021.12685
Wallace, M.P. (2021). Metacognitive awareness for listening. In M. Reed & T. Jones (Eds.) Listening in the classroom: Teaching students how to listen (pp. 1-12). New York, NY: TESOL Press.
Wallace, M.P., & Qin, C. Y. (2021). Language classroom assessment fairness: Perceptions from students. LEARN Journal, 14, 492-521.
Wallace, M., Chen, W., Zhou, S., & Fu, S. (2021). Self-identity changes among Chinese EFL undergraduate students. Language Related Research, 12(5), 53-78. https://doi.org/10.29252/LRR.12.5.3
Wallace, M.P., Li, V.M., Cuishi, T.H., & He, N.C. (2021). Metacognitive strategy use for EFL readers: Differences in gender and reading ability. TESL-EJ, 25(2), 1-22. https://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume25/ej98/ej98a8/
Yao, D., & Wallace, M.P. (2021). Language assessment for immigration: A review of validation research over the last two decades. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 773132. https://www.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.773132
Wallace, M. P., & Lee, K. (2020). Examining second language listening, vocabulary, and executive functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(1122). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01122
Wallace, M.P., & Leong, E.I.L. (2020). Exploring language learning motivation among primary EFL learners. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(2), 221-230. http://www.doi.org/10.17507/jltr.1102.10
Wallace, M. P. (2018). Fairness and justice in L2 classroom assessment: Perceptions from test takers. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15, 1051-1064. http://www.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2018.
Goh, C. C. M., & Wallace, M. (2018). Lexical segmentation in listening. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. http:www.doi.org/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0603
Wang, X., Wallace, M. P., & Wang, Q. (2017). Rewarded and unrewarded competition in a CSCL environment: A coopetition design with a social cognitive perspective using PLS-SEM analyses. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 140-151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.045
Shintani, N., & Wallace, M.P. (2014). The effectiveness of listening support on L2 learners’ L2 listening comprehension ability: A meta-analysis. English Teaching and Learning, 38(3), 73-103. https://doi.org/10.6330/ETL.2014.38.3.03
Underwood, P., & Wallace, M. (2012). The effects of instruction in reduced forms on the performance of low-proficiency EFL university students. Asian EFL Journal, 14(4), 1-24.
Wallace, M. (2012). Searching for a new approach to listening. Accents Asia, 5(1), 8-22.