(853) 8822 8261
Consultation Hours
Thursdays 13:30 – 14:20
Fridays 14:00 – 15:30
XU, Minhui
Minhui Xu joined the University of Macau as Associate Professor of Translation Studies. Before joining the University of Macau, she was Professor of English at Ocean University of China, where she also served as Associate Director of the Institute of Translation Studies. Her teaching and research focus on translation theory and practice. She has been working on a few research projects, including “A Sociological Study of the English Translations of Shen Congwen’s Stories”, funded by the National Social Science Fund of China.
06/2007-03/2011 PhD in Translation Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
09/1990-07/1993 MA in English Linguistics and Literature, Shandong University, China
09/1983-07/1987 BA in English Linguistics and Literature, Shandong University, China
Research Interests
Prof. Xu’s main research area is translation studies, with special interest in translation theories, literary translation, sociology of translation, and translation and intercultural studies.
Courses Regularly Taught
Translation Studies theories seminar, Introduction to Translation Theory and Practice,
Literary Translation, Language Studies and Translation, Academic Writing
Prof. Xu was a visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University, Canada (08. 2003 – 08. 2004), and also at California State University Fresno, the US (11. 2016 – 09. 2017). She did her postdoctoral research at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (08. 2011 – 07. 2013). She serves as manuscript reviewer for a few refereed journals. She is also a proposal reviewer for the National Social Science Fund of China, and a degree thesis reviewer for Ministry of Education of China.
- Xu, Minhui. 2022. A Sociological Study of the English Translations of Shen Congwen’s Stories 《沈从文小说英译的社会学研究》. Beijing: Commercial Press (商务印书馆). ISBN/ISSN:978-7-100-21175-8
- Xu, Minhui. 2013. English Translations of Shen Congwen’s Stories – A Narrative Persspective. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.
Edited books:
- Chu, Chi Yu and Minhui Xu (eds.). 2015. Current Issues in Translation Studies《当代翻译研究论集》. Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing House.
- Wang, Zhikui, Keyou Wang, Minhui Xu (eds.). 2001. A Collegiate Course in Chinese-English Translation (revised edition)《大学汉英翻译教程》. Jinan: Shandong University Press.
Journal articles:
- Cui, Zihan and Minhui Xu. 2024. From Bildungsroman to historical fiction: The genre variation of the translation of Bronze and Sunflower. Neohelicon. Published online first. (A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2024. Hysteresis of Habitus and Resistance to Cultural Mindsets – Gladys Yang’s Translation of Sexual (Gender) Discourse in Guisheng性(别)话语翻译的文化思维定势及惯习迟滞效应——以戴乃迭的英译本《贵生》为例. Translation and Society《翻译与社会》. (forthcoming)
- Xu, Minhui and Tianze Duan. 2024. Networking in Online Collaborative Translation: An ANT Perspective of Translating Horizon, Bright Moon, Sabre on the Wuxiaworld. FORUM: International Journal of Interpretation and Translation, 22(1): 96-117. (SCOPUS)
- Zhou, Qiyue and Minhui Xu. 2024. ‘Novelty’ through Narrative and Paratextual Voice: The Case of John Minford’s Translation of ‘The Laughing Girl’. Language and Literature, Volume 33, issue 2, 130-151. (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2023. The pivotal role of translators’ research – a case study of Jeffrey C. Kinkley. Babel: International Journal of Translation Studies, 69(2): 266-284. (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2023. The re-exploration of field theory in the sociology of translation (翻译社会学中的场域理论再探). Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Science), 24 (1): 26-33.
- Wang, Bo, Mei Teng and Minhui Xu. 2023. Jian-Rhetorical Seeing, Recognition, and Transnational Reimagining of Rights. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 53(4): 434-450. (SSCI)
- Xu Minhui. 2022. The interdisciplinarity of sociology of translation: Subject, paradigm, and discourse(翻译社会学的学科间性:主题、范式、话语). Chinese Translators Journal, 43(1): 29-38. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui and Tingting Chen. 2022. Foreignized Translation of Onomatopoeia in The Last Lover. Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2022, 1-12. (SCOPUS)
- Xu, Minhui and Wang Yike. 2022. 中国现当代小说译者英语访谈研究(2011-2020)( A Study of English Interviews with Translators of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction (2011-2020)). Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies. 2022 (2): 106-117.
- Xu, Minhui. 2021. The Capital and Consecrating Process of Translated Literature(翻译文学的资本及其神圣化进程). Translation Quarterly 100: 15-24.
- Xu, Minhui. 2020. Intensified foreignness in translated Chinese literary names – A case of Shen Congwen’s stories in English. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 28:5, 792-805, DOI:10.1080/0907676X.2020.1752268 (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Li, Li and Xu Minhui. 2020. A New Map for Translator’s Selecting in the Age of MTPE(新图谱:人机互动时代的译者选择). Shanghai Journal of Translators (《上海翻译》), No. 5, 30-35. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui and Jing Yu. 2019. “Sociological formation and reception of translation – The case of Kinkley’s translation of Biancheng”. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 14:3, 333-359. (SSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2019. “Translation of modern Chinese literature in America – Interview with Prof. Jeffrey C. Kinkley”. ARIEL, 50:4, 127-138 (A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2019. Sinologist’s vision and academic translation (汉学家视野与学术型翻译——金介甫的沈从文翻译研究). Chinese Translators Journal, 40 (1): 60-67. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui and Junhui Guan. 2019. Reconstruction of the illusio of a poetic story: a case study of the English translations of “Quiet” (诗话小说的幻像重构——以《静》的英译本为例). Foreign Languages and Cultures 《外国语言与文化》. 3 (1): 81-90. (SCOPUS)
- Xu, Minhui. 2018. “The voice of a scholar translator – Interview with Prof. Jeffrey C. Kinkley”. Translation Review, 2018, 102:1, 1-13. (A&HCI).
- Yu, Jing and Minhui Xu. 2017. “From norm-breaking to norm-making: a sociological study of the genesis of a new norm”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Vol.25, issue 1, 2017,66-81. (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2017. How translation norm is related to translator’s habitus: New development in DTS (从翻译规范到译者惯习——描写翻译研究的新发展). Chinese Translators’ Journal 《中国翻译》, 38 (6): 11-17. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui and Jian Song. 2017. Translators’ capitals in the translation field (翻译场中的译者筹码). East Journal of Translation,issue 3, 12-16.
- Xu, Minhui and Yunxiao Zhao. 2017. Lin Shu’s translation: from the perspective of Late Qing translation field (从晚清翻译场域看林纾的翻译). Translation Forum, issue 2: 80-84.
- Xu, Minhui. 2016. The field of cultural production and the modes of literary translation (文化生产场域与文学译介模式). Chinese Translators Journal,37 (3): 41-45. (CSSCI)
- Wang, Binhua and Minhui Xu. (2016). Interpreting conflicts and conflicts in interpreting: a micro-historical account of the interpreting activity in the Korean Armistice Negotiations. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 15: 186-204. (SSCI)
- Xu, Minhui & Chi Yu Chu. 2015. “Translators’ professional habitus and the adjacent discipline – the case of Edgar Snow”. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 27:2, 173-191, 2015 (SSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2014. The theory and practice of thick translation. (“厚译”: 理论渊源与实践意义). Translation Quarterly (Hong Kong). No.73: 58-72.(EBSCO)
- Xu, Minhui. 2013. On the change of the ending of the English translation of “Baizi” – A sociological perspective (从《柏子》英译本结尾的改变谈起——翻译社会学视角). Chinese Translators Journal, 34(4): 74-78. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2012. On scholar translators in literary translation – A case study of Kinkley’s translation of ‘Biancheng’. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Vol. 20, issue 3, 151-163. (A&HCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2010. A review of the English translations of Shen Congwen’s stories (沈从文小说英译述评) Foreign Language Teaching and Research《外语教学与研究》, 42 (3): 220-225. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2008. Toward an in-depth understanding of key Derridean concepts in translation studies (浅说意义——翻译与解构关键概念解读). Chinese Translators’ Journal《中国翻译》, 29 (5): 19-24. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui and Hua Dong. 2007. Chinese-English translation of publicity materials – a functional perspective (从功能翻译理论视角看外宣材料汉译英) Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences Edition) 《中国海洋大学学报》, issue 3: 86-89. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2006. The role of translation in second language acquisition – from the perspective of Vygotskyan theory (从Vygotsky理论视角看翻译在二语习得中的作用). Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Sciences Edition), issue 3: 83-87. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2005. One hundred years of Chinese translation theory – a review on Twentieth Century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, Issues, and Debates by Leo Tak-hung Chan (中国翻译理论100年——评陈德鸿《二十世纪中国翻译理论》). Chinese Translators’ Journal, 26 (6): 47-49. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2004. The role of the translator: research after the “Cultural Turn” (‘文化转向’后的译者取向). Translation Quarterly, issue 4: 96-110. (EBSCO)
- Xu, Minhui. 2003. Pragmatic issues in vague language (模糊语言中的语用问题) Shandong Foreign Language Teaching 《山东外语教学》, issue 4: 36-38, 44. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2003. Features of vague language and its pragmatic translation (模糊语言的构成特点及其语用翻译). Journal of Xi’an International Studies University 《西安外国语学院学报》, issue 2: 70-72. (CSSCI)
- Xu, Minhui. 2003. Affective elements in children’s foreign language acquisition (情感因素与儿童外语学习). Foreign Language Teaching and Research in Basic Education《基础教育外语教学研究》, issue 10.
- Xu, Minhui and Weining Zou. 2000. Introducing culture into language learning – how to train cross-cultural awareness in college English reading classes (学习语言,导入文化——浅谈大学英语阅读课中跨文化意识的培养). Shandong Foreign Language Teaching《山东外语教学》,issue 3.
Book chapters:
- Xu, Minhui. 2023. Intensified foreignness in translated Chinese literary names – A case of Shen Congwen’s stories in English. In Roberto A. Valdeon and Youbin Zhao (eds.). Literary Translation Research in China. London: Routledge.
- Xu, Minhui. 2019. Field of cultural production and mode of literary translation. In Luo Xuanmin (ed.). English-Chinese Comparative Study and Translation (12). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 381-393.
- Xu, Minhui. 2010. Translation ethics and preservation of foreignness – From Schleiermache to Berman to Venuti (翻译伦理与异域特质——从施莱尔马赫到贝尔曼到韦努蒂). In Ren Dongsheng (ed.). Constructing conceptual framework of Translation Studies 《翻译学理论的系统建构》, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 368-379.
- Xu, Minhui. 2010. Rethinking the polysystem theory – a case study of the English translation of “The Husband” (多元系统论再探——以《丈夫》的英译文本为例). In Yang Zijian (ed.). English-Chinese Comparative Study and Translation 7《英汉语比较与翻译》7,Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 616-623.
- Xu, Minhui. 2010. Translator’s style in the making of the motif – a case study of the English translation of “Quiet” (从主题意境的营造看译者的风格——以《静》的英译文本为例). In Hu Gengsheng (ed.). Translation and Cross-cultural Communication: Transformation and Interpretation《翻译与跨文化交流:嬗变与解读》, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.
- Xu, Minhui (tr.). 2003. Translation in the 21st Century: The role of Hong Kong (二十一世纪的翻译:香港的角色与作用). In C. C. Liu (ed.). New Focus of Translation《翻译新焦点》, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press (Hong Kong).
- Xu, Minhui and Weining Zou (tr.). 2000. How the tertiary education meets the challenges in the twenty first century (高等院校如何迎接21世纪的挑战). In Issues and Strategies for Tertiary Engineering Education 《高等工程教育发展问题对策》. Dongying: The University of Petroleum Press.