UM launches a new book on a cultural study of Chinese dragon

The University of Macau (UM) today (15 January) held a book launch for a new book titled ‘A Cultural Study of Chinese Dragon’. The book was written by Zheng Dehua, an emeritus professor of UM’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature and a guest editor of Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. The book launch was followed by a seminar titled ‘How to tell Chinese Stories in Overseas Cultural Exchange’.

Zheng Dehua

A Cultural Study of Chinese Dragon

Media Coverage

  1. 澳大中國語言文學系師生完成《中國龍文化研究》新書首發 [澳門日報] 2020-01-16 B01 澳聞
  2. 澳大師生龍文化新書出版 [華僑報] 2020-01-16 23 澳聞
  3. 澳大師生新著作 探討中國龍文化 [現代澳門日報] 2020-01-16 (02:06) 要聞