(853) 8822 8285
Consultation Hours
星期二、三 16:00-17:00
WANG, Shan
Research Interests
Linguistics (Lexical Semantics, Lexicology and Lexicography, Grammar)
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Corpus Linguistics
(1) 澳大研究生院:
(2) 課題組不定期招聘全職語言學和計算語言學方向的研究助理,歡迎碩士、博士及未來有意繼續深造的研究人員申請(我們會與通過初選者聯繫)。
Journal Papers:
The Transitional Sentences in Legislative Language in the Cases of the dan and danshi Sentences. Contemporary Rhetoric (CSSCI) (人大複印報刊資料全文轉載 2019年第02期)
Explorations of Dictionary Users Guides. Lexicographical Studies. (CSSCI)
The Construction and Analysis of a Chinese Talk Shows Corpus. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. (CSCD)
Word Sketch Lexicography: New Perspectives on Lexicographic Studies of Chinese Near Synonyms. Lingua Sinica.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Event Detection in Social Media. Online Information Review. (SCI)
The Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis in International Chinese Vocabulary Teaching. Chinese Language Learning. (CSSCI)
The Form, Function and Distribution of Reporting Markers in Chinese Academic Papers. Contemporary Rhetoric. (CSSCI)
Using Authentic Materials for Developing TCSL textbooks: Theory and Practice. Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies. (CSSCI)
Exploring the Meanings and Grammatical Functions of Idioms in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (SSCI)
A Study of Chinese Vocabulary Growth. Journal of Chinese Information Processing, 35(1), 17-24. (CSCD)
A Study of Characteristic Vocabulary of Macau Chinese. Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning. (CSSCI)
Social Changes through the Lens of Language: A Big Data Study of Chinese Modal Verbs. PloS One. (SCI)
Who Predicted What? A Comparative Study of Two Newspapers in the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan. Chinese Language and Discourse. (ESCI)
Readability is Decreasing in Language and Linguistics. Scientometrics. (SSCI)
A Study of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Based on Chinese Popular Songs. Chinese as a Second Language — The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA
(1) The First Level Award of The Young Talent Award at the Third International Conference on Language Teaching and Research, appraised by the CSSCI core journal “Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies”
(2) The Excellent Paper Award at the 12th Annual Conference of the Educational Linguistics Professional Committee of the English-Chinese Comparative Research Association of China
(3) The Outstanding Youth Paper Award at the 17th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language
(4) The Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 9th National Conference on Cognitive Neurolinguistics
(5) Best Paper Award at the 6th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum
(6) The First Level Best Paper Award at Language Research and Chinese Language Education in a Multicultural Environment Online Academic Conference
(7) Nominated for The Sun Dejin Award for Outstanding Papers of Youth at the 5th International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education, Columbia University, USA (this conference only has nomination for the Award)