(853) 8822 4068
Consultation Hours
Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30
Fridays, 11:30-12:30
CHAN, I Lei (Vicky)
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Boston University, USA
B.A. in English Studies, University of Macau, China
Professional Qualification/Training
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Boston University
Research Interests
- First, second and third language acquisition
- Bilingualism & Multilingualism
- Language phonetic perception (tonal languages)
- Language teaching
Courses Regularly Taught
EELC1011 – University English I
- Chan, I. L., & Chang, C. B. (2019). Perception of nonnative tonal contrasts by Mandarin-English and English-Mandarin sequential bilinguals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(2), 956-972.
Conferences proceedings
- Chan, I. L., & Philips, J. (2021). Feedback and feedforward: Student perceptions of teacher responses to writing. In D. Shaffer & J. Kimball (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th International Korea TESOL Conference (pp. 3-24).
- Chan, I. L., & Chang, C. B. (2018). LEXTALE_CH: A quick, character-based proficiency test for Mandarin Chinese. In A. B. Bertolini & M. J. Kaplan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 114-130). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press
- Chan, I. L. (2021). Feedback for the future: Using technology and learner understanding to give effective writing feedback. The English Connection, A Korea TESOL Publication, 25(2), 20-21
- Chan, I. L. (2023). The Benefits and Limits of Highly Specialised ESP Courses in a Global Context. Future of English Language Teaching conference (FOELT), Trinity College London and Regent’s University London, May 7-8.
- Philips, J. & Chan, I. L. (2022). Feedback on Learner Writing and Learner Development. Qatar University 7th Annual International (Virtual) Conference on English Language Teaching, October 8-9.
- Chan, I. L. & Philips, J. (2020). Student perceptions of close, corrective feedback on academic writing. HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference, January 8-10.
- Chan, I. L., Chang, C. B. (2017). Perception of non-native tonal contrasts by Mandarin-English and English-Mandarin sequential bilinguals. 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, November 4.
- 2022 – present | Board Member, Macau Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL), Macau
- 2020-2021 | Board Member, Macau Education Development Research Association, Macau