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Consultation Hours
Tuesday 17:20-18:20
Wednesday 8:50-9:50
by appointment
Vincent WANG Xian
Vincent Wang, associate professor of translation studies, joined the University of Macau in 2007. His research interests are in corpus-based contrastive language studies, interlanguage pragmatics, and discourse and pragmatics in translation. He published journal articles in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Sage Open, Target, Journal of Language, Literature and Culture and TESOL-related periodicals, book chapters with Springer, Routledge and Brill, conference papers with FICTA, PACLIC and CLSW, and a monograph Making Requests by Chinese EFL Learners (John Benjamins). His recent research draws on big data and corpus linguistics methodologies to investigate language properties, discourse, and the use of conceptual metaphors in social events such as COVID-19.
Vincent is a NAATI-certified translator and teaches courses on translation and contrastive language studies at UM. He practises translation and has performed simultaneous interpreting for conferences in Macao.
PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of Queensland, 2006
Research Interests
My recent research looks at conceptual metaphor, metonym and synaesthesia in the frames of language use. I am interested in drawing on linguistic concepts and method to advance translation studies. I am recruiting PhD student/s with solid undergraduate and postgraduate training in language-related areas as well as in (computer) science and technology who are competent in corpus technologies and natural language processing.
Courses Regularly Taught
Translation-related subjects at the UM, at both undergraduate and graduate levels:
- ENGL2004 Language Studies for Translation
- ENGL2005 Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation
- ENGL3044 Translation for the Media
- ENGL3045 Translation of Business and Legal Writings
- AHGC7000 Comparative Language Studies for Translation
- AHGC7063 Translation for Administration and Commerce
Supervised students of both MA in translation and MA in applied English studies, and began to supervise PhD student from Auguest 2016.
NAATI Certified Professional Translator (English > Chinese, Practitioner ID: CPN4KH66Q)
Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT, no.4336)
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Federação de Tradutores e Intérpretes de Macau (FTIM)
Academic staff award, University of Macau, 2011
Wang, V. X., Chen, X., Quan, S., & Huang, C.-R. (2020). A Parallel Corpus-driven Approach to Bilingual Oenology Term Banks: How Culture Differences Influence Wine Tasting Terms. In Le Minh Nguyen, Chi Mai Luong, & Sanghoun Song (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 318-328). (Scopus)
Chen, X., Wang, V. X., & Huang, C.-R. (2020). Sketching the English Translations of Kumārajīva’s The Diamond Sutra: A Comparison of Individual Translators and Translation Teams. In Le Minh Nguyen, Chi Mai Luong, & Sanghoun Song (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 30-41). (Scopus)
Wang, V.X. (2018). Sketching a Chinese writer’s vocabulary profile in English: the case of Ha Jin. In Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Yu-Yin Hsu, Chu-Ren Huang, & Yao Yao (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 722-728). Hong Kong: Association for Computational Linguistics. (Scopus)
- Wang, V. X., Lim, L., & Li, D. (Eds.). (2021). New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies. Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4918-9. (Scopus)
- Wang, V.X. (2011). Making requests by Chinese EFL learners. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (chapters in WoS)
Journal articles
- Wang, V.X., Chen, X., Lim, L., & Huang, C.-R. (2023). Framing Covid-19 reporting in the Macau Daily News using metaphors and gain/loss prospects: a war for collective gains. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 482. doi:10.1057/s41599-023-01994-3
- Lim, L., Chen, P. & Wang, V.X. (2022). Translating TCM nomenclature into English: A bilingual reference tool needed for clinical practice. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 102155. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eujim.2022.102155
- Li, L.X., Huang, C.-R., & Wang, V.X. (2020). Lexical Competition and Change: A Corpus-Assisted Investigation of GAMBLING and GAMING in the Past Centuries. Sage Open, 10(3). DOI: 10.1177/2158244020951272 (SSCI, Scopus) Full-text
- 李龍興, & 王憲. (2021). 應急語言服務視角下的新冠肺炎醫學英語專題術語表開發 (The Development of COVID-19 Word List from the Perspective of Emergency Language Services). 中國科技術語 (China Terminology), 23(2), 32-41. doi:10.3969 /j.issn.1673-8578.2021.02.005
- 李龍興, & 王憲. (2020). 霍姆斯翻譯研究框架的拓展及對譯學發展“轉向”的反思 (Development of Holmes’ Map of Translation Studies and reflection on “Turns” of translation studies). 外語與翻譯 (Foreign Languages and Translation)(1), 1-8.
- Wang, V.X. (2015). Tapping into the Worlds of the Target Language: A Reexamination of L2 Learning. Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, 62(3), 191-196. (A&HCI, Scopus)
- Wang, V.X. (2012). Negotiating identity in situ: Chinese EFL learners’ responses to native-speaker norms. In R. Jackson (ed.) TESOL in Context, Special Edition S3, Australian Council of TESOL Associations. Retrieved from http://www.tesol.org.au/Publications/Special-Editions.
- Wang, V.X. (2009). Pragmatic shifts in two translations of Fusheng Liuji: A descriptive study of request behaviour. Target,21 (2): 209-234. (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Wang, V.X. (2007). A pragmatic examination of translation of implied meaning. Translation Watch Quarterly, 3(3): 34-45.
Book chapters
- Li, Longxing, Wang, Vincent X., & Huang, Chu-ren. (forthcoming). Social Changes Manifested in the Diachronic Changes of Reform-related Chinese near Synonyms. The 22nd Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop 2021. Springer. (Scopus)
- Chen, Xi, Wang, Vincent X., & Huang, Chu-ren. (forthcoming). Themes and Sentiments of Online Comments under COVID-19: A Case Study of Macau. The 22nd Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop 2021. Springer. (Scopus)
- Wang, V. X. (2021). Making Sense of the Prefix de- Using an English-Chinese Parallel Corpus. In V. X. Wang, L. Lim, & D. Li (Eds.), New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies (pp. 299-318). Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-4918-9_12 (Scopus)
- Wang, Vincent X., Lim, Lily, & Defeng, Li. (2021). Introduction. In Vincent X. Wang, Lily Lim, & Defeng Li (Eds.), New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies (pp. vii-x). Singapore: Springer Singapore. (Scopus)
- Wang, V. X. (2020). Pragmatics and Chinese Translation. In Lily Lim & Defeng Li (Eds.), Key Issues in Translation Studies in China: Reflections and New Insights (pp. 77-90). Singapore: Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5865-8_4 [Scopus, link]
- Li, L. X., Dong, S.C. and Wang, V.X. (2020) Gaige and Reform: A Chinese-English Comparative Keywords Study. In Qi Su and Weidong Zhan (eds.) From Minimal Contrast to Meaning Construct: Corpus-based, Near Synonym Driven Approaches to Chinese Lexical Semantics (pp. 321-332). Beijing: Springer/Peking University Press. (Scopus)
- Wang, V. X. (2019) Chinese workplace discourse: politeness strategies and power dynamics In Chris Shei (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook for Chinese Discourse Analysis (pp. 339-351). Boca Raton, FL, USA: Taylor & Francis Group. (WoS)
- Wang, V. X. (2017) Chinese discourse and pragmatics in translation. In Chris Shei and Zhaoming Gao (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation (pp. 147-163). London: Routledge.
- Wang, V. X. and Lim, L. (2017) How do translators use web resources? Evidence from the performance of English-Chinese translators. In Dorothy Kelly (Ed.) Human Issues in Translation Technology (pp. 63-79). London: Routledge. (Scopus, WoS)
- Wang, V.X. (2015). Translating motion events from English into Chinese: An examination of literary works. In L. Ko & P. Chen (Eds.), Translation and Cross-cultural Communication Studies in the Asia Pacific (pp. 115-132). Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. (Scopus, WoS)
- Wang, V.X. (2014). Empowerment and Challenges: Using Parallel Corpora in Translation Practice. In W. Baur, B. Eichner, S. Kalina, N. Keßler, F. Mayer & J. Ørsted (Eds.), Man vs. Machine? The Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists, Vol. 1 (pp. 256-262). Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag.
- 王憲. (2013). 香港法例翻譯的語域分析 (A register analysis of legislative translation in Hong Kong). In 高亮 and 陳平 (Eds.), 翻译研究與跨文化交流 (Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication) (pp. 97-109). 臺北: 書林出版有限公司 (Bookman Books, Ltd.).
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link to ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0203-1973
Web of Science Researcher ID: E-7600-2010
Conference Papers
- Wang, V. X., Chen, X., Quan, S., & Huang, C.-R. (accepted). A Parallel Corpus-driven Approach to Bilingual Oenology Term Banks: How Culture Differences Influence Wine Tasting Terms. In Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. (Scopus)
- Chen, X., Wang, V. X., & Huang, C.-R. (accepted). Sketching the English Translations of Kumārajīva’s The Diamond Sutra: A Comparison of Individual Translators and Translation Teams. Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. (Scopus)
- 王憲. (2019). 求職面試的話語分析:框架、立場和語言態度 (Discourse analysis for job interviews: frame, stance, and language attitude). In 周荐, 張寶鈞, & 郭龍生 (Eds.), 澳門語言文化研究 2018:“國家意識與語言態度” 學術研討會論文集 (Symposium on National Identity and Language Attitude) (pp. 60-67). 澳門 (Macau): 澳門理工學院 (The Macao Polytechnic Institute).
- Wang, V.X. (2018). Sketching a Chinese writer’s vocabulary profile in English: the case of Ha Jin. In Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Yu-Yin Hsu, Chu-Ren Huang, & Yao Yao (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (pp. 722-728). Hong Kong: Association for Computational Linguistics. (Scopus)
- Wang, V.X. (2018). 用語料庫考察‘demonize’和‘妖魔化’的使用 (‘Demonize’ and the rise and use of yaomohua in Modern Chinese). In 李向玉 (Lei Heong Iok) (Ed.), “語言和現代化”學術研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the Symposium on Language and Modernisation) 2017 (pp. 114-122). 澳門 (Macao): 澳門理工學院 (Macao Polytechnic Institute).
- Wang, V.X. (2018). 鏡頭內外的學習:小議“真人秀”在漢語教學的應用 (Learning Chinese both inside and outside the camera: A case study of Reality TV). In 侍建國, 周荐, & 董崐 (Eds.), 第十屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題”學術研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the Tenth Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Issues) (pp. 266-271). 澳門大學 (University of Macau).
- Wang, V.X. (2017). 澳門多語服務管窺 (An outlook of multilingual services in Macao). In 李向玉 (Ed.), 澳門語言文化研究 (Studies of Languages and Culture in Macao)(2016) (pp. 207-217). 澳門 (Macao): 澳門理工學院(Macao Polytechnic Institute).
- Wang, V. X. (2013). Using parallel corpora to retrieve Chinese translations of identity. In G. A. d. Cea & N. Aussenac-Gilles (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence TIA 2013 (pp. 91-94). Paris: IRIT.
- Wang, V. X. (2013). Creative writing in English: Macau college students’ discourse features. Paper presented at the Eighth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), Macao.
- Wang, V. X. (2012). Computer-assisted discourse analysis: Cohesion in Obama’s speech and two translations. Paper presented at the International Roundtable Seminar on Discourse and Translation, The University of Macau.
- Wang, V. X.(2012). Codifying pragmatic features in Macau English. Paper presented at the TESOL as a Global Trade – Ethics, Equity and Ecology, Cairns, Australia.
- Wang, V.X. (2011). A register analysis of legislative translation in Hong Kong and some implications for translator training, The 10th International Forum on Ethics and Good Practices. Paris.
- Wang, V.X. (2010). Can task-based approach endear translation trainees to theoretical training? A sociocultural examination. FIT 6th Asian Translators’ Forum: Translation and Intercultural Communication: Past, Present and Future. Macau.
- Wang, V.X. (2008). What makes an intercultural speaker? An ethnographic investigation of Chinese EFL learners’ perceptions of language use in socially-situated context. Anthropology, Interculturality and Language Learning and Teaching. Paris.
- Wang, V.X. (2008). Investigating translation shifts in speech-act realisation patterns with a parallel corpus of Chinese-English business correspondence. International Conference on Translation Studies, Intercultural Communication, and Chinese Pedagogy. Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Wang, V.X. (2006). Chinese EFL learners’ pragmatic competence in requests. Language and languages: Global and Local Tensions. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) Congress. Brisbane.
- Wang, V.X. (2004). Using online discussion board in EFL classroom. In e-Education Conference Organising Committee(Eds.), Review of New Perspectives: Selected Papers from the International Conference on e-Education 2004 (pp.363-368). Macao: Macao Polytechnic Institute.