(853) 8822 8097
Consultation Hours
XIE, Jingzhen Jacqueline
- Ph.D. in French, Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Master of Arts in French, Peking University, China
- Bachelor of Arts in French, Peking University, China
Research Interests
- History of East-West Interaction
- History of Christianity in China
- History of Macao
- French Colonial History
- Late Imperial China
Courses Regularly Taught
- Chinese History III
- History of Catholicism in China
- Macao Memory and Archives
- Macao and Chinese Civilization
- Perspectives in Macao History
- Advanced History Writing I
- Advanced History Writing II
- The French in Macao in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries – Literary, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Journal Articles:
- “An MEP Missionary-Sinologue in Nineteenth-Century Macao and his Singular Contribution to Sino-French Exchange,” French Colonial History (forthcoming).
- “Portuguese Macao Border Delimitation in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: Territoriality, Sovereignty and Negotiability.” The International History Review (2024): 1-20.
- “The Alleged Jesuit-Led Rebellion in 1606: Missionary Conditions in Early Seventeenth-Century China.” Mission Studies 41, no. 1 (2024): 53-76.
- “The China Mission in the Early 17th Century: The Link between Higher Administration and On-the-Ground Missions.” International Bulletin of Mission Research 48, no. 1 (2024): 64-75.
- “Overview of Macau’s Legislation on Gambiling: 1961–2023.” Gaming Law Review 27, no. 10 (2023): 506-16. With C. B. Wang.
- “Ding Dunling: Yige “xiaorenwu” dui zhongfa wenhua jiaoliu de gongxian” 丁敦齡: 一個“小人物”對中法文化交流的貢獻 [Reconsidering Ding Dunling’s Role in Sino-French Cultural Exchange]. Indexed in Fuyin baokan ziliao, Zhongguo Jindaishi 複印報刊資料-中國近代史, no. 3 (2023).
- “French Perceptions of Macau as Place and Space in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 49, no. 1 (2023): 59-78.
- “Ding Dunling: Yige “xiaorenwu” dui zhongfa wenhua jiaoliu de gongxian” 丁敦齡: 一個“小人物”對中法文化交流的貢獻 [Reconsidering Ding Dunling’s Role in Sino-French Cultural Exchange]. Aomen Ligong xuebao 澳門理工學報, no. 4 (2022): 76-85.
- “A Partial Picture: Nineteenth-Century China in the Eyes of a Fan-Koueï.” MLN 136, no. 6 (September 2021): S-31-S-53.
- “Information Literacy Instruction at the University of Macau – Challenges, Outcomes and Lessons Learned.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 20, no. 2 (April 2020): 255-68.
- “Collection Development for Macao Studies – A User Perspective.” Collection Development 44, no.1 (2019): 69-83. With Sun and Wang.
- “The Octagonal Pavilion Library of Macao: A Study in Uniqueness.” Information & Culture: A Journal of History 52, no. 1 (2017): 114-137. With Reilly.
Book Chapters:
- Jingzhen Xie. Aomen caipiao de lishi yu xianzhuang 澳門彩票的歷史與現狀 [The history and present status of the Macao lottery]. In Fuli caipiao lanpishu: Zhongguo fuli caipiao fazhan baogao 福利彩票藍皮書: 中國福利彩票發展報告 [The blue book of welfare lottery: A report on the development of China’s welfare lottery], edited by He Hui, 338-54. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2022. With Wang.
Edited Volumes:
- East Meets West: An Illustrated Catalogue of Some Rare Books in Western Languages in the University of Macau Library 東西方交流: 澳門大學圖書館外文古籍圖錄. Macao: University of Macau Library, 2016.
- Dictionnaire Français-Chinois 拉魯斯法漢詞典(法法法漢雙解). Beijing: Commercial Press, 2014.
Translations :
- “十九至二十世紀之交一位法國作家視野中的澳門——阿爾法雷若該(Alfred Raquez)與《在寶塔的國度》.”文化雜誌, no. 4 (2019) : 20-30.
- “ 福柯-德律茲的對話 : 知識分子與權力 Un dialogue entre Foucault et Deleuze: les intellectuels et le pouvoir.” In福柯集, edited by 杜小真. Shanghai: Shanghai Far East Publishing House, 2007.
- “ [H.梵高普] 對話理論,文學類型和跨文化解(誤)讀 ([Hendrik van Gorp] Théories du dialogue, types littéraires et interprétations (malentendus) interculturelles).” In文化傳遞與文化形象, edited by 乐黛雲. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1999.
- “ [盧梭] 孤獨漫步者的遐想 ([Rousseau] Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire).” In靈魂的邊界:外國思想隨筆經典, edited by 王家新. Kunming: Yunnan People’s Publishing House, 1996.
“Macao and the Spread of Catholicism in 18th-Century China.” Temple, Trade and Urban Life in the Greater Bay Area, China, June 26-27, 2024, Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
“French scientific encounters with China through its Jesuit Efforts under the Reign of Emperor Kangxi.” International Conference on New Frontiers in Techno-Humanities, January 4, 2024, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong.
“JM Callery: A Former Missionary in Macao.” Journeys from Macau 從澳門出發的歷史, May 6, 2023, Department of History, University of Macau and Center for Macaology, Jinan University.
“丁敦齡:中法文化交流史上的小人物.” November 7, 2022, Association Seminars, University of Macau History Association (UMHA).
“The French in Macao in the Nineteenth Century: Literary, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives.” History Forum no. 10, October 28, 2022, Department of History, University of Macau.
- Publication Award, Institute of European Studies of Macau, 2022
- Individual Research Grant, Institute of European Studies of Macau, 2018
- “第四屆澳門人文社會科學研究優秀成果評獎”論文類優異獎, Macao Foundation, 2015
- Gilman Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University, 2000-2006
- Brien Key Award, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
- Louis Marin Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University, 2004