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Consultation Hours
星期二、五 10:00-12:30 (CHLL4010)
星期二 16:00-17:00、星期四 11:00-12:00 (CHLL8013)
CHEN, Zhong
孔子學院副院長 Deputy Director of Confucius Institute
Dr. Chen Zhong, ph.D. supervisor, associate professor of linguistics. He received his ph.D. in linguistics from Fudan University in 2002. He had served Shanghai International Studies University 2002-2006, Beijing Language and Culture University 2007-2018, served as Deputy China Director of Confucius Institute at Georgia State University 2012-2017, and currently serves as Deputy Director of Confucius Institute of University of Macau, at Department of Chinese Language and Literature, FAH.
On the basis of rich cross-cultural experience of teaching Chinese as foreign language in both China and oversea, he focus his academic research on cognitive linguistics, cross-cultural comparison of cognitive styles underling syntax and semantics between Chinese and English.
He has published his research in academic journals such as Chinese Language Studies, Contemporary Linguistics, Language Teaching and Research etc. including seven published books. His representative monograph Sentence Accommodation Mechanism: Interaction Between Structural and Functional Variables, analyzes the cognitive mechanism behind syntactic, semantic mapping condition in terms of syntactic accommodation, from the perspective of interaction between structure and function, combining language, cognitive and culture on the basis of the national psychology. The book Cross-cultural Case Studies of Chinese and English Cognitive Conversion won the Excellent Textbook on Exhibit during the 9th Global Confucius Institute Conference. A number of his academic achievements has been reproduced by The Center of Intelligence of Renmin University of China. The book A Research on Chinese Temporal Structure had been designated as the reference textbook for instructors of Teaching Chinese as Second Language.
So far he has completed two National Social Research Project: Sentence Accommodation Mechanism: Interaction between Structural and Functional Variables; Case Analysis of Cognitive Switch Between Chinese and English Language.
Ph.D. degree, Linguistics, Fudan University (2002) |
Master degree, Linguistics Shandong Normal University (1992) |
Bachelor degree, Chinese Language and Literature,
Liaocheng Normal University (1987) |
Research Interests
Cognitive Linguistics; Cross-cultural Comparison of Cognitive Styles; Syntax; Semantics.
Courses Regularly Taught
Cognitive Linguistics; Case Analysis of Cross-cultural Conversion between Cognitive Styles; Syntax; Semantics; Sentence Studies; Applied Linguistics Research Methods; Advanced Topics in Linguistics; Chinese Language and Culture; Topics in Linguistic Theories. Chinese Language and Culture.
So far he has completed two National Social Research Project: Interaction between Structural and Functional Variables; Case Analysis of Cognitive Switch Between Chinese and English Language.He serves as peer reviewer for Tianjin University Journal, as well as Language Studies and Research. He had served as peer reviewer for Modern Linguistics in 2013.
The 2006 Honor as Outstanding Researcher of Shanaihai International Studies.
The Honor of Chinese Director of Confucius Institute by Confucius Institute Headquarters. 2019.
1. A Comparative Study on Cognition of Spatial and Temporal Direction between Chinese and English, Peking University Press. 2021. 漢英時空方向認知對比研究,北京大學出版社,2021年5月。
2. Sentence Accommodation Mechanism: Interaction between Structural and Functional Variables, Tsinghua Press,2017.
3. Case Analysis of Cognitive Switch Between Chinese and English Language.Xlibris. 2016.
4. Cross-cultural Case Studies of Chinese and English Cognitive Conversion. American Academic Press,2014.
《跨文化認知轉換案例解析》,American Academic Press,2014年。
5. Conference Proceedings on Sentence-type Research and Teaching. Beijing Language and Culture University Press.2012.
6. A Research on Chinese linguistic Temporal Structure. World Book Inc.2009. Appointed by Hanban as online textbook for teaching Chinese as Foreign Language.
7. A Research on Cognitive Linguistics. Shandong Education Press. 2006.
8. Information Pragmatics, Shandong Education Press.1999.
9. Co-author: China and Other Countries: Cultural Comparison and Cross-Cultural Communication. Beijing Language and Culture University.2014.
2023.Deferring Consonant or Competitive Mechanism between Cognitive Style and Other Variables Underlying Chinese and English Nominal Possessive Word Order )《語言教學與研究》4:70-78.(CSSCI)
2022 Cognitive Styles underlying Encoding Order of Chinese and English Diagonal Direction Compounds: Competition between Stability and Identifiability, 《清華語言學》第三輯, 中西書局122-139。
2021 Cognitive Styles Underlying the Contradiction of Temporal Direction Between Chinese Qián/Hòu and Their English Counterparts Forward/Back. Chinese Lexical Semantics, 21st Workshop, CLSW 2020 Hong Kong, China, May 28–30, 2020 Revised Selected Papers. 837-849.
2021 Variables underlying Chinese-English Contradictory Conceptualization of Temporal Direction: from Cognitive Style to Culture-specific Philosophic Notion. Contemporary Linguistics, (2) .
2021 On the Inductive Mechanism in Chinese and English Spatial Orientation on the Basis of Cognitive Styles —— Page Flipping as a Case in Point, Journal of Wenzhou University (Social Science Edition)(2).
認知定勢對漢英空間方向表徵的誘導機制研究——以翻頁活動為例, 《溫州大學學報》社會科學版,第2期。
2021The Accommodation and Interface of Cognitive Patterns in Cross-cultural Communication, Journal of Shandong Normal University,(1),146-156.
2020 Competition and Accommodation Mechanism Among Variables Underlying Chinese and English Word Order Arrangement
2020 The Cultural Representation of Chinese Cognitive Style
Underlying Cross-cultural Culture Teaching
2019The realization of the Sentence Variable Accommodation and Integrated Meaning
句式變數配置機制與整體意義的實現,載 劉順《漢語句式研究》,南京大學出版社。2019,5.
2019 Referential hierarchy and the collocation of Mei/Ge with nouns and measure words
2019 指别等级制约下名量成分跟“每”、“各”的匹配,《語言教學與研究》2019年第3期。
2015 The Adjustment Mechanism of Chinese Typological Syntactic Morphology in Syntactic Accommodation. Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies. Volume 5, 2015.
2014 The Syntactic Accommodation of “Fading-in and Fading-out” Semantic Pattern Based on Their Cognitive Opposition. Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, Volume (4):49–60.
“淡入-淡出”認知對立及其句法配置,《語言教學與研究》第4期。 4:49-60頁。
2015 Cross-cultural Mindset Switch between Chinese and English, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, February, Volume 50:1, pp. 117-121.
2012 A Functional Explanation of Parameters of the Verb-copying Construction through the Mechanism of Co-reference and Structure-function Interaction. Studies of the Chinese Language, (3):225–237.
2009 The Restraint of Cultural Values on Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Condition Based on Chinese Cognitive Styles. Proceedings on Sino-Europe Language Cooperation. Beijing Foreign Studies University Press.
文化價值觀對漢語認知方式及組合、聚合替換的制約——兼談漢語隱 性規 則,《中國-歐盟語言合作研討會論文集》。北京外國語大學出版社。
2009 On Scaffolding Instruction Approach in Teaching Chinese as a second language. Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue, Vol. 23 (2): 244–250.
漢語作為第二語言“腳手架”教學法初探,《世界漢語教學》,第2 期。 2:244–250
2009 The Substitution Condition of “Zhe” for “Zheng”, “Zai” and Its Motivation. Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 3: 81–88.
“著”與“正” “在” 的替換條件及其理據, 《語言教學與研究》第3期:81-88
2008 Substitution condition and its theoretical basis of “V hǎo le (V has completed)” and “V wán le (V has finished (off))”, Studies of the Chinese Language, Volume 2:120–128.
2007 The Distributional Sequence and Motivation of lai and qu as complex directional complement. Modern Linguistics. Vol. 9(1): 39–43.
A Comparison of function between guo and le on the basis of Schema Structure. Dongyue Forum, Vol. 5, 2007.
2006 The Condition and Motivation of Syntactic Transformation of Qilai. Shandong Social Science. Vol. 2. 2:136-141. Reproduced by Chinese Philology, Intelligence Center of Renmin University. Vol. 5, 2006.
2006 A Study on the Conversion Condition of Figure/Ground Based on the Cognitive Pattern. Forum on Chinese as a Second Language.
2006 The features of Website Language and the Strategies: Taking taikonaut as example. Rhetoric,2006.
2006 Why the book is on the desk is more acceptable than the desk is under the book? Forum on Chinese as a Second Language. Vol. 5.
2005 The Complemental Mechanism between Constituents of ba-Sentence. Studies on Tree-diamension Grammar, Xuelin Press.
2005 “把”字句成分之間的補償機制 《現代漢語三維語法論》學林出版社。
2003 The Semantic restraint of zhe on the Rule of Syntactic Distribution. Forum on Chinese as a Second Language. Vol. 4.
2002 A Study of the Rule Underlying the Covert/overt Forms of le. Chinese Language Learning. Vol. 1. 2002.
2002 “了”的隱現規律及其成因考察,《漢語學習》第1期
2001 The Interaction Between Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, Journal of Shandong Normal University. Vol.3. Reproduced by Chinese Philology, Intelligence Center of Renmin University. Vol. 9, 2001.
2000 The Covert/overt Correspondence Between Chinese and English: Translation and Teaching Strategies. Journal of Sahndong Normal University. Vol. 1. 2000.
The Analysis of Grey Expression. Rhetoric, Vol. 4. 1998.